#548: 2016.04.17 [jeph jerman]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the united states by jeph jerman. it is titled tour ephemera, and features field recordings made while touring between the years 2004 and 2015. all recordings made using minidisc recorders, cassette and microcassette recorders, condenser and contact microphones.

for more information on jeph’s work, see http://ribexibalba.com/jj/.

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#547: 2016.04.10

we’re back folks! if you hadn’t heard, we departed for the month of march for the very best of reasons – on self-imposed paternity leave, to welcome a new pair of ears into our house. it’s been quite a month, but we’re happy to be back in the studio, which is only upstairs, so we can still be on call whenever paternal duty calls. we welcome our beautiful new daughter to the framework fold!

meanwhile, there was another arrival during our break: the newest issue in our fund-raising framework:seasonal series, issue #8, spring 2016, was officially released on the spring equinox, and we’re very excited about. once again it features an all new cast of characters, ten artists who have never before appeared on one of our releases, several new names, and several that we’re sure you’ll recognise. never-before-heard works by blanca rego, christopher delaurenti, christina kubisch, stephanie spray, darius ciuta, cathy lane, julia hanadi al abed, martin kay, magali babin, and rodolphe alexis. we make these releases to thank our wonderful supporters for donating and helping to make the show possible; they are automatically sent out to all supporters who subscribe to donate 5€ per month or more, or they are available in as a thank-you for one-time donations of 20€ of more. so please, show framework you care, and sign up on the right for a monthly subscription, or make a one-time donation, and pick up a set of these awesome sounds! we know you care – help us celebrate (and support) our new set of ears!

in this show we took a listen to the first five tracks from the release, along with a palate of recent favorite recordings culled from our favorite place, the aporee soundmaps. we began with a domestic intro recorded for us by regular contributor (and contributor to framework:seasonal #6) slavek kwi (aka artificial memory trace). […]

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#546: 2016.02.28 [goh lee kwang]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in malaysia by goh lee kwang, and features recent field recording focused releases on his record label, herbal international. for more information see http://herbalinternational.blogspot.com.

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#545: 2016.02.21

several physical releases this week along with some online released (or unreleased) work. another lovely project by gruenrekorder, following the river rhine (a few more releases from them coming soon) and two new releases released by daniel crokaert, one on his unfathomless label, and the other on his mystery sea imprint. plus virtual offerings by tom white, proxemia, and david velez, all begun with a framework intro by regular contributor martin clarke. […]

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#544: 2016.02.14 [luí­s antero]

portugal is our theme this week, as this edition of framework:afield was produced there by regular contributor luí­s antero, and we welcome a new station to the fold, from one of our favorite european cities, porto: radio manobras! check out their broadcast schedule and live stream here: http://www.radiomanobras.pt

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#543: 2016.02.07

we’ve got a big pile of releases on our desk, some of which have been waiting for a very long time to get on the framework airwaves. it’s always a tricky balance keeping up with new and current submissions without forgetting about the ones that are waiting. the truth is, we simply can’t get to it all, but that’s not for wont of trying. so, a few very patient submissions make it into our playlist this week – two works by terje paulsen from a handmade cdr labeled ‘unreleased’ that have since both appeared on labels, and ottoanna’s debut cd release from 2014. maybe not so old, but soon we’ll start digging deeper into the pile.

these were accompanied by some more recent arrivals – ánde somby’s amazing yoiks, recorded on location in norway by chris watson. toy bizarre’s latest effort as part of drone records’ substantia innominata 10″ vinyl series. some unreleased works by a few new names to our playlists. and another selection of sounds from the aporee soundmaps. […]

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#542: 2016.01.31 [john f. barber]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the united states by john f. barber. for more information on his radio work see http://radionouspace.net, or visit his page for this show here. some notes from the producer:

Water, Waves, Dreams

This work explores sounds of water, waves, and dreams through soundscapes, field recordings, and phonography produced by John Barber and students in his radio art class.

The included works are broad ranging. Bryan Ruhe, Kathryn Christopher, Jacob Hansen, and Travis Petersen explore sonic manifestations of water in various states in their work “Ice, Waves, Steam, Streams.” […]

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#541: 2016.01.24

lots of soundcloud links this week, as many of our contributions are very interesting unreleased works from new contributors. which isn’t to say we’re short on long-time favorites either: artificial memory trace, yiorgis sakellariou, john levack drever. and another batch of great sounds from the aporee soundmaps, including one from a town i once lived in, concord, massachusetts. […]

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#540: 2016.01.17 [john hopkins]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced by john hopkins, aka neoscenes, and is entitled water fills the hall. notes from the producer:

water fills the hall is a sustained drift through the hopkins/neoscenes personal archive of field recordings relating to water. There is no detailed playlist as the work is a multi-track layering of sources and includes essences of several hundred field recordings from four continents. Many of the individual field recordings are available on the aporee::maps field recording project under the neoscenes moniker. […]

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#539: 2016.01.10

a small pile of physical media this week, cds from éric la casa, rodolphe alexis, and nicholas perret & silvia ploner. also the latest great podcast from nula and recent sounds from the aporee soundmaps, including a new year’s eve opener. […]

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#538: 2015.12.20 [aural tectonics]

This edition of framework:afield has been produced by students of the University of the Arts, The Hage, in conjunction with Raviv Ganchrow’s Aural Tectonics seminar at the Institute of Sonology.

Tramway, 00:55:00, Two channel audio

The following piece is the outcome of an intensive exploration of Den Haag’s tramway. This expansive public transport network, crisscrossing the Dutch administrative capital, constitutes a site where distinctive trolley acoustics cross-fade with every-day rituals, subjective experiences and abstract temporalities. Taking the tram as a ‘site’ rather than merely a sounding object, permits an exploration of the various realms in which this specific form of transport is invested. Each of the eleven contributions, in this fifty-five minute sequence, explore a dedicated context of tramway audibility by developing diverse strategies of recording, editing, audio tweaking as well as sonic intervention. The result is a journey through various manifestations of the Den Haag tramway. From textural and rhythmic studies; to spatiotemporal and psychogeographic mappings; to social contexts and imaginary narratives; the tram is guided along diverse realities that are none the less firmly set in audible tracks. […]

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#537: 2015.12.13

this was a fun show to make – revisiting the great and/oar compilation another kind of language (originally from 2003, now re-released with an extra disc), explored two great new lps from invisible birds, swimming in the buzzing of one of framework’s newest contributors, and my always-favorite segment of the most recent uploads to the aporee soundmaps.

someone asked recently if there was, somewhere online, a 24/7 stream of field recording radio, and it dawned on me that maybe some of you don’t know about aporee’s radio project (hopefully you all know about the maps by now). radio aporee is a 24/7 interactive radio stream, playing a constant mix of sounds from the maps, with occasional interjections from live streaming boxes from around the world, live phone connections, and realtime reactions to where listeners are connecting from. it’s amazing, and when you’re not listening to framework, you should be listening to it. it’s here, and it’s what’s on in our house all the time:


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#536: 2015.12.06 [kate carr]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in belfast by kate carr, using recordings from northern ireland, mexico and spain. for more information visit her website at http://www.gleamingsilverribbon.com.

kate’s piece, entitled solve et coagula, is made up of three sonic transects, titled as follows:

– The trip from my old house in the Belfast countryside to the city centre
– I didn’t get a lot of sleep in Mexico
– From a wind turbine to vultures (a sonic transect of a mountain pass in Velez Blanco, Spain)

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