#597: 2017.05.07 [julian weaver]

this is the second of two editions produced in the uk and france by julian weaver (the first, two weeks ago, produced in collaboration with jean martin). for more information on his work, see http://www.finetuned.org.

a few words from the producer:

I even felt uneasy / Je me sentais même un malaise
Julian Weaver

Narration by Jacques Sirot @Mirlitant

The falling tide reveals an acoustic space in the ecotone which is obliterated on its return. The ecotone is a border zone where ecological systems meet and mingle; a place of tension that is often a site of political conflict.

In the UK where I live, there has been, since the vote to leave the EU, a queasiness about travel across the English Channel (La Manche). Expats are unsettled by precarity over their rights to remain. Retrograde waves of xenophobia, spurred by ideological policy (‘State multiculturalism has failed’ – David Cameron, 2011), campaign rhetoric (‘Breaking Point: Britain has failed us all’, UKIP 2016), are unfettered in the press (‘Migrants setting up SECRET Calais camps’, Daily Express, 2017) and increasingly apparent in public by those intent on ‘taking our country back.’ […]

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#595: 2017.04.23 [julian weaver & jean martin]

this edition, entitled sound little island, has been produced in the uk and france by julian weaver and jean martin. for more information see their respective websites at http://www.finetuned.org and http://www.soundbasis.eu.

notes from the producers:

With the Brexit process in full flow and increasingly protectionist tendencies in the USA, Italy, Poland, Hungary and France, we are reminded of the UK’s former diplomatic policy of so-called ‘splendid isolation.’ Around the same time in France, Joris-Karl Huysmans published the classic À Rebours (1884) in which Des Esseintes ‘travels’ to England, by literary, culinary and other sensorial means, without leaving Paris’; a masterful combination of English mores and excruciating cliché strangely echoed by the rhetoric of the leave campaign. […]

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