#706: 2020.03.22

our first regular edition from inside the quarantine – this week we featured a handful of recordings from the aporee soundmaps documenting the unusual reality we are all now living in, from a sonic perspective. giuseppe gavazza has been documenting the soundscapes during the lockdown in a series of recordings made in turin in northern italy. here we listen to recordings from his terrace, in this usually busy city, at sunrise (at the top of the show) and sunset (at the bottom). also, the calm of one of brussels’ usually busy tourist destinations by flavien gillié. we’ll keep our eyes on the maps for more recordings of interest to our current situation, and continue featuring them in the show. […]

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#705: 2020.03.15 [luís antero]

these are strange times, and none of us around the world really knows what the next few weeks/months will bring. but this is a time when these digital communities we have built over these last couple of decades really become valuable. and as many of us will all have lots of time at home in the near term, hopefully framework’s archives of over 700 hours of sounds from around the world can be of some comfort to our ears. this week, for example, while none of us can travel there, we can explore the beira serra region of portugal nonetheless. so now more than ever, open your ears and listen! […]

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#704: 2020.03.08 [IWD]

this is a celebratory, all-woman international women’s day takeover of framework radio. the concept, mixing and mastering of this show were shared by long-term framework radio contributors, jilliene sellner, and felicity (felix) ford. the show mixes field recordings, soundart and phonography from women around the world, mostly collected through an open call shared online. […]

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#703: 2020.03.01 [iris garrelfs]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk, and features extracts from field recording based compositions created by phonography students at goldsmiths, university of london. each extract encapsulates the student’s individual approach to exploring some of issues encountered within field recording and soundscape composition practices. the original works are between 13min and 20min in length, and the show has been curated by iris garrelfs. […]

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#702: 2020.02.23

sometimes i don’t know what to say – this week’s sounds are intense, an active, springy mix, maybe a reaction to the fact that winter never came this year (for us, here in estonia), or the fact that our house is currently full of family visitors and children’s birthday’s, or just because that’s how the cards fell. anyway, have a listen. we suspect (and hope) you won’t regret it. […]

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#701: 2020.02.16 [d.l. lutz]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in germany by architect, writer, sound artist and regular contributor d.l. lutz: “This is heavy weather! You better wear your best outdoor gear – warm and windproof… All these recordings are about storms – and to capture the energy of air proves to be a difficult task, but there are great recordings, some of which I want to present to you. So I invite you to listen to window joints under air pressure, to staircases, creaking trees in forests, creaking sailing ships, to the howling songs in building scaffoldings, to flagpoles, lonely animals on unprotected meadows, slamming doors and the rude open sea… And I invite you to get lost in bad weather, while you comfortably sit in your armchair with a pot of hot tea.”

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#700! 2020.02.09

well folks, here we are: 17 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days after our very first broadcast, we are airing our 700th radio show featuring the finest new and archival works from within the field recording community. 700 shows! that a lot. […]

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#698: 2020.01.26

our last regular edition before the big 700 features more sounds from the sono space label in the form of georgina canifrú’s recordings from pubic spaces inside a music school, a great slab of cassette-weaned sound from howard stelzer, new sounds from south africa by the franco-aussie team of la casa and samartzis, weathered concrete constructions by chantal dumas, borrowed and found sounds by sari carel, and more sounds from the aporee soundmaps. […]

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#697: 2020.01.19 [jilliene sellner]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled women in the field, has been produced in the uk by jilliene sellner. producer’s notes: “Women in the Field is a brief exploration of the experience of females who practice field recording. I’m certain there is much more to be said on the subject particularly from those outside of Europe and North America, who do not identify as cis and/or identify as a person of colour and so on than the contents of this episode. This is just a starting point. I am extremely grateful for the contributions from the artists.” […]

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#696: 2020.01.12 [daniel mcginley]

we’re back folks! thank you for bearing with me while i dealt with the passing of my father – it was a difficult and chaotic holiday season, but it’s time to get things moving again. this edition is dedicated to his memory, and features an introduction i recorded with him back in 2003, and also a recording of frogs he proudly made himself and set to me about a decade later. he will be greatly, greatly missed. […]

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