TOMORROW: a Patreon exclusive from framework radio! all of our patrons at the fan level or higher will receive a sneak preview of a new 11 HOUR work by the great francisco lópez. it’s our way of saying thank you for continuing to support the program. visit for more information.

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due to a DDOS attack, is temporarily down, and with it, framework radio’s archive of past and recent shows. we will remove this message when it is back online; in the meantime, please visit our patreon page to listen to the show. open this post for links.

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#850! 2023.06.18

yet another landmark (earmark? soundmark?): edition #850! in the old days every jubilee show came with it’s own celebrations, releases, special editions, etc, but they come around so quickly now, and without warning, that we just can’t keep up. so no big fanfare for this one, just a few extra exclamation marks, and the vague hope that you appreciate 850 hours of framework radio and hope, as we do, for 850 more.

so on to the show! lo-fi phone-recorded sounds this week from the duo of russ waterhouse and mary staubitz; the latest release from perennial framework favorite manja ristić; the discovery of one-we-missed from 2020 by jack patterson (more coming soon from the big pile of ferns releases we recently picked up); the first sirr-ecords release on the show since 2007?? (is that possible??) featuring plant-themed new works by steve peters, marco scarassatti ans slavek kwi; an unreleased well full of frogs sent to us by madga lampropoulou; and an intro recorded in west virginia by northern irish artist and regular contributor barry cullen.

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#824: 2022.11.27 [CENSE]

You are listening to the fourth episode of CENSE bimonthly mixtapes series. CENSE – Central European Network for Sonic Ecologies – is a decentralised organisation, gathering artists, educators, writers and researchers, whose aim is to gather and interconnect the community behind the field of acoustic ecology. Members are united by the determination to develop a strategy allowing an impact on the current situation dealing with sound and environment. This is the second episode focusing on one of the four basic elements. This episode: Earth.

Symptoms of Evidence mixtape series is focused on bringing the field of acoustic ecology closer to the local listeners and interested individuals, introducing field-recordings as a sonic tool for examining our sound environment and enabling us to gain a deeper knowledge on the consequences of environmental processes, together with possible solutions retrieval. further info on the network can be found on the webpage

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#818: 2022.10.16 [david clarke]

This edition of framework:afield, entitled moons of the solar system, has been produced in the uk by david clarke, aka @IAmTheHow. for more information see producer’s notes:

Moons of the Solar System

An acoustic journey through our solar system as we visit ‘other moons’. The sounds of distant chains saws, wind turbines, elastic bands and springs are mixed and treated to convey a sense of wonder as we journey to Enceladus and Io.

Each piece accompanies a handmade print which can be viewed via the link while listening, to provide an experience in both sound and vision: As the compositions are ‘slow’, with periods of silence, the use of headphones is highly recommended.

Not long ago the planets and their moons within our Solar System were thought to be void of activity, but now we know there is active geology and climate throughout. The ice bright Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, would sit in the North Sea; a small moon with a big story waiting to be told: thick ice with massive crevasses ‘The Tiger Stripes’ through which the waters of the hidden ocean erupt into the geysers that reach into space. And then there’s Io, one of the four Galilean satellites that orbits the gas giant Jupiter; it is about the same size as the Earth’s Moon, but it’s subject to intense gravitational warping, which most likely explains the high level of volcanic activity.

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#817: 2022.10.09

several new names to framework this week: the collaboration between sarah ruth and monte espina comprises a series of site-specific open-air environmental improvisations; richard scott’s compositions for field recordings and synthesizers are coincidentally released on arbirary records framework series; marc arsenault’s self-proclaimed “field recordings pop record” features a heavy presence of electro-magnetic interference and inexplicable sounds. meanwhile ingrid plum returns to our airwaves with her vocal experiments intertwined with field recordings, electronics, and a piano interior, drawing on the archive of sound poet lily greenham. andy park starts us off with a framework introduction recorded in cuckmere haven, sussex in the uk, with our introductory text spoken by his daughter wren. and we return as is our wont to the aporee maps for a selection of recent listener chosen favorites, this week from turkey, canada, denmark and the united states.

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#802: 2022.05.22 [aki onda]

Aki Onda has channeled the spirit of the late Korean artist Nam June Paik via radio transmission in Nam June’s Spirit Was Speaking to Me (2017/2021). Paik is known for his association with shamanism, a practice that consistently surfaces in his works. With a portable radio in hand, Onda communicates with his spirit from a distance—collecting field recordings of cryptic broadcasts and messages on anonymous radio stations. The series of séances has been conducted in different cities across the globe, beginning in Seoul, Korea in 2010 and continuing in Cologne, Germany in 2012, Wrocław, Poland in 2013, and Lewisburg, United States in 2014. This work was originally commissioned by documenta 14’s radio program “Every Time A Ear di Soun” in 2017.
From March 26 to June 5, 2022, Aki Onda will present Nam June’s Spirit Was Speaking to Me, through microbroadcasting and printed matter at the Toronto Biennial of Art. Broadcasting over two frequencies (88.5 FM and 106.5 FM) that cover the exhibition site of 72 Perth Ave in Toronto, radios are placed as part of the exhibition to symbolize sound waves in the air. The audio work exists as invisible yet discrete and perceptible through the proper medium, recalling the ritual of channeling spirits. Bring your own radio to catch the frequencies.
Onda is also bringing Nam June’s Spirit Was Speaking to Me to the international radio waves in a series of international public programs. The program will play, uninterrupted and in its entirety of 50 minutes. For Onda, those broadcasts are a response to how Nam June Paik spread his ideas through TV cable networks and connected to a large number of people at a global scale.

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#739: 2020.12.20

we finish off the year with sounds from the greek/vietnamese collaboration of dalot and sound awakener, along with found wire sounds recorded in sweden by british artist jez riley french, resonated metal from france-based greek artist eleni-ira panourgia, explorations of intimacy by australia-based bangladeshi artist shoeb ahmad, sounds from penghu island by taiwan-based french artist yannick dauby, soon-to-be-released ghost sounds from a now-demolished house by estonia-based american murmer (that’s me!), sounds from the aporee maps from finland, sweden, slovenia, germany, and japan, and a framework introduction recorded for us by cain blanchard by an american campfire. that’s a lot of traveling for a world essentially in lockdown. […]

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#738: 2020.12.13 [john f. barber]

COVID Dreamscapes is a sonic narrative of dreams prompted by the COVID-19 (COrona, VIrus, Disease) pandemic (pan = all, demic = people). COVID dreams are widely reported as strange, intense, colorful, and vivid reflections of concerns and fears over contagion, loneliness, loss of control, stress over work and/or life. Medical researchers offer interpretations about meanings. Websites provide opportunities to share and even visualize COVID dreams.

COVID Dreamscapes uses field recordings and found sounds to portray spiraling sonic mashups both real and imagined associated with my personal COVID dreams. While different from what other people are hearing in their COVID dreams these dreamscapes may prompt thoughts about this unique overlay of sound in our lives. […]

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#737: 2020.12.06

two different sets of protest recordings made up the heart of this week’s show: fiona lee documented democracy protests in hong kong from june to september last year, while tomasz pizio recorded women’s rights protests in poland this past october. we hear these spaces transposed, as they are joined by glass and water sounds by tomoko sauvage, abstracted fragments from the free smartphone app developed by the langham research centre, sounds of a total solar eclipse from a pre-pandemic world by tim pilcher, and recent contributions to the aporee maps from south korea, germany and taiwan. […]

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#736: 2020.11.29 [mark vernon]

The Dominion of Din is a radio play made out of recordings from a single fixed perspective over an eighteen-year period. It is created entirely from field recordings made out of the rear window of my flat in the West End of Glasgow. In essence, it is a catalogue of exterior sounds that have annoyed, disturbed or angered me over the years living at this residence – and sounds that have largely disappeared during lockdown. […]

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#735: 2020.11.22

some sounds we’re really excited about this week, by our old friend emmanuel holterbach (as yet unreleased work for field recordings, objects and finnish poetry – labels take note!), as well as by three new names to the program, xiang, daniel kordík, and claudia ferretti. also aporee map sounds from croatia (the amazing sea organ that can be found there), lithuania, the u.s. and greece. and we began with a framework introduction recorded for us in the uk by richard bentley.

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#734: 2020.11.15 [kent macpherson]

As Covid-19 gripped New Zealand in March 2020, field recordist Kent Macpherson began documenting his surroundings. Making field recordings in his back yard for 65 consecutive days. From Lockdown level 3 through 4 then back again to level one, these recordings document the sounds of a rural village in the Waikato region of the north island. It is interesting to note the slow fade of the cicadas as the days become colder in May. Then the native New Zealand bird, the Tui begins its courtship song. The absence of human din means the fauna are allowed a certain freedom. The native wildlife begins to communicate with a clarity not known in its generation. Then as the quarantine lifts, the modulating white noise of motor vehicles once again cuts through that freedom.

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