#871: 2023.12.17

well folks, we’ve made it to the end of another year – this is framework’s last edition for 2023; we’ll be back with edition #872 in the second week of january. in the meantime there are 43 other shows from this year (perhaps you missed one?) up on the framework website, and 4 editions of framework:seasonal published this year on our bandcamp page – plenty of listening to tide you over during our winter break. and as it’s the season of giving – perhaps this is a good time to pick up a copy of one of those releases, for yourself or maybe as a present for a friend, or maybe this seems like a good time to finally become a framework patron? it would certainly be much appreciated, as we will be relying on listener contributions to get us through another year (our 23rd!) of broadcasting. go on! we know you care!

so we are closing out our year with a dense show of great sounds by new (to us) artists and old favorites: we took our first (of many, we’re sure) listen to uk artist fletina, along with a first appearance by the alien kin collective, a project curated by diane barbé. we heard a second album by christina giannone, and new(ish) releases from framework regulars ben link collins and kate carr. also self-released work by belgian artist raphael malfliet, sounds from the aporee maps, and an intro recorded near crosby, tennessee, in the great smoky mountains (and not in canada, as i mistakenly announce in the show) by james bailey.

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#869: 2023.12.03

this is a special edition dedicated to a close listen to our latest issue of framework:seasonal, issue #15, autumn 2023. we are very excited about this issue, featuring new amazing works by four great artists, all of whom have been consistent contributors to the program, but are appearing on a framework editions release for the first time: leslie keffer (usa), standard grey (canada/japan), alexandra spence (australia), and post doom romance (usa). this wraps up a year in which we managed to release four new issues, each featuring great new works by new artists to the imprint. we love every single issue we’ve released, and this latest one is a perfect way to wrap up the year. you can hear all four tracks (mixed with one another and with recent contributions to the aporee soundmaps – including one by yours truly) in this edition of the show, or in our voiceover-free mix on patreon (for patrons only), or streamed individually from the release’s bandcamp page. and if you like it, maybe you’d consider helping to keep us on the air by purchasing a copy! or if you sign up as a patron at the sponsor level or higher, you’ll get this, and every subsequent issue we release, automatically! so many ways to support the program!

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#867: 2023.11.19

first, an announcement: framework:seasonal issue #15, autumn 2023 has been released! featuring new unpublished works by leslie keffer, standard grey, alexandra spence, and post doom romance, now available for streaming and purchase from our bandcamp page:


we think this one sounds really good, and we’re very excited to present it to you, as we achieve our goal of releasing 4 issues this year. we are very proud of the sounds we were able to put out there in 2023, by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol, annette krebs & peter cusack, samuel kudjodzi, doug haire, jo montgomerie, ben link collins, xiang, yen-ting hsu, steve peters, pablo diserens, nula.cc, and now these 4 new names to our series – all artists who have appeared in the program, all making their first appearance on our framework editions imprint, and all contributing new works in support of the program. if you haven’t heard them, go and check them out! you don’t have to spend a penny to hear all these amazing works, but we do appreciate any support you can offer to help keep framework on the air.

meanwhile, a long, dense playlist this week featuring some new and one older release, some self- and unreleased works, some physical and digital releases, with sounds from the u.s., ireland, cambodia, portugal, belgium, namibia, finland, france, uzbekistan, the uk, and probably more… i even permitted myself to play for you some sounds from my own new release (under my moniker murmer); a digitally self-released collection of site-specific works created on the island of vartiosaari in helsinki for an environmental land-art exhibition there in 2017. go and check it out! there are links streaming opportunities for all the releases featured in the show in the playlist below.

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#865: 2023.11.05

we are very excited to announce that we are making the final preparations for our last issue of framework:seasonal or the year, issue #15, autumn 2023. we set out to actually release 4 issues this year, one for each season, which seemed to make sense, given the series’ name, but we’ve never managed it before, and frankly, we may never manage it again. but once, at the very least! and what a strong finish it is – we are extremely excited about issue #15, which features 4 absolutely stunning new works, by leslie keffer, post doom romance, standard grey, and alexandra spence. we hope to have this issue ready for you in the next week or so, and we hope, nay, we are certain, that you will be as excited about it as we are. stay tuned for more info soon, or keep an eye on https://frameworkeditions.bandcamp.com/!

meanwhile, in our shows the sounds themselves are definitely becoming more autumn-y; with 4 new releases, all available in both physical and virtual form, and all streamable (for the time being) from the bandcamp links below. we’re hearing artists from the uk, france, croatia, and italy, on labels from greece, the uk, germany, and france, along with aporee map selections from austria, ghana, belgium, and taiwan. we began with an intro from the uk, and finished with the sounds of greek cicadas recorded by a belgian. curated and mixed for you in estonia by an american with an irish passport. aren’t we just the picture of internationality??

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#863: 2023.10.22

two new discoveries this week, along with two old favorites – we finally got to michael allen z prime’s bioelectrical music, his 3 disc (plus one bluray) retrospective of 30 years of work with the bioelectric signals of plants and mushrooms, plus the latest work from longtime contributor s. grey/standard grey/christopher olson, a series of geofon recordings at home in nara, japan. these sounds accompanied the wonderful works of lucie vitková, who documented material interactions and improvisations inside several caves in the czech republic, and kris kuldkepp, a new-to-our-ears estonian artist (based in germany) working with sound and technology. our aporee soundmaps selections this week too us to the u.s., slovenia, spain and mexico. and all this began with a framework introduction recorded for us in nottingham, uk by lee thompson (aka dogs versus shadows).

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#861: 2023.10.08

lots of mixed works in this edition – bipolar explorer’s guitars, thollem & jacek chmiel’s improvisational instruments, daina dieva’s electronic drones – but all use field recordings somewhere in the mix, so here they are, along with jana winderen’s underwater sounds and listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, from slovakia, spain, south korea and greece. this all began with a framework introduction recorded for us in zenikow, germany by jo.

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#859: 2023.09.24 [steve roden]

this special edition is our second week in tribute to steve roden, who passed away on september 6th at the age of 59. we are listening to a selection of his works spanning a period between 1993 and 2020, both under his own name and as in be tween noise, including the track he contributed to our very first release on framework editions in 2009, the 4-disc compilation framework250. we began the show with a special framework introduction recorded in his memory by steve peters. links to the releases online, wherever possible, are included in the tracklist below. the image we are using was gleaned from steve’s website. we highly recommend, if you are unfamiliar with steve’s work, that you explore it – here are a few links you could a start with, including one to the piece written by lawrence english from which we read in the show:


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#856: 2023.07.30

here we are, folks – our last edition before our annual summer break; and with this one comes an announcement, as we release our third issue of framework:seasonal for 2023! we vowed to release 4 issues this year, a goal we have never before achieved, and so far we’re on target. issue #14, summer 2023 includes new and exclusive works from yen-ting hsu, steve peters, pablo diserens, & nula.cc. we will listen to all of the contributions in the first few shows after the break, but in the meantime you can hear them all on our bandcamp page, and if you like them (and you will) you can buy a copy and show your support for framework radio:


meanwhile, we finish off the summer season with a great collection of sounds, including several one-off unreleased works (the likes of which often fall through the cracks, as our playlists tend to be a bit album-centric). we love all the releases in this busy mix, a nice way to round off the summer, so go check out these releases, in and out of this framework mix.

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#852: 2023.07.02

the summer is busying up – back at framework HQ now for a two week window between travels, unsure if i’m going to find the time to get a summer issue of framework:seasonal out into the world, but there’s still a chance. meanwhile, some releases i’ve really been looking forward to getting into the show, loren chasse, standard grey, bethan kellough, kate carr, old friends ben owen and alan courtis working together, it’s a smorgasbord of great sounds! we’re taking a few weeks off from our usual aporee maps segment, just to try to squeeze in a new more things from the waiting list before our summer break, but it will be back in the autumn, fear not. meanwhile, we’ve got two more regular editions (and two more afields) before our august hiatus, so plenty more sounds to come.

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#850! 2023.06.18

yet another landmark (earmark? soundmark?): edition #850! in the old days every jubilee show came with it’s own celebrations, releases, special editions, etc, but they come around so quickly now, and without warning, that we just can’t keep up. so no big fanfare for this one, just a few extra exclamation marks, and the vague hope that you appreciate 850 hours of framework radio and hope, as we do, for 850 more.

so on to the show! lo-fi phone-recorded sounds this week from the duo of russ waterhouse and mary staubitz; the latest release from perennial framework favorite manja ristić; the discovery of one-we-missed from 2020 by jack patterson (more coming soon from the big pile of ferns releases we recently picked up); the first sirr-ecords release on the show since 2007?? (is that possible??) featuring plant-themed new works by steve peters, marco scarassatti ans slavek kwi; an unreleased well full of frogs sent to us by madga lampropoulou; and an intro recorded in west virginia by northern irish artist and regular contributor barry cullen.

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#848: 2023.06.04

four great new releases this week (one a re-release) from some longtime favorites, one of whom is appearing in the show for the first time. before i relocated to france as a young man, way back in 1996, long before the internet (well, other than album-trading usenet groups), i wrote a letter, yes, on paper, to eric la casa, half of one of my favorite projects at the time, syllyk, asking for advice on finding underground experimental music upon my arrival in paris. this was of course long before framework, long before murmer even, and who’d’ve thunk that here, 28 years later, i’d be playing his new solo release on my radio show to thousands of listeners from framework HQ in estonia. and it is, if i may say so, stunning. constructed entirely from contact mic recordings of movable barriers in public space (heras fencing, contruction barriers, safety gates, etc), it sings with wind and human activated voices from the parc de la villette in paris.

meanwhile, angélica castelló has somehow (we’re not sure how that happened) never been on the show before, but her new release on one of our favorite labels, gruenrekorder (and that’s not just because they released a murmer lp in 2016, ahem), corrects that. the tracks are short, so we selected 8 of them, dense collages of fragments from multiple sources, gathered together as a study of the finite. france jobin leans the other way, with a meditation on string theory in sound, in a re-release of her 2008 work of the same name, remastered and including some new tracks. and drøne (is it pronounced ‘dreun’? we’re not sure.) return for a second time to the show with a shimmering chorus of almost orchestral collage of sounds and fragments of dialogue.

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#846: 2023.05.21

this week we are finally taking a listen to the tracks from our latest edition of framework:seasonal, #13, spring 2023. we love the swirling resonance presented by doug haire, the gritty textures captured by jo montgomerie, the pounding ambiance found by ben link collins, and the rhythmic throb noticed by xiang. and if you like them too, we hope you will consider buying a copy to help support framework radio. the show has been running ad- and sponsor-free for over 20 years, and these compilations are one of our strategies for keeping afloat. we hope our fund-raising efforts don’t grate on listeners’ nerves, but we also hope you understand that it is necessary – we can’t do this without funds, and the funds only come from you. so support your favorite radio show now!

the four tracks from issue #13 where mixed with a selection of recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and we owe one apology, because we forgot to mention jean-françois cavro on the air, whose wonderful recording of a peanut vendor at the end of a hot day in kerala, india finishes off this show. meanwhile, at the other end, we begin the show with a framework introduction recorded for us on the bainbridge island ferry in seattle by paul dickinson, who was very rudely interrupted in the midst of his text by an overly-assertive bellow. he held his composure, though, and we are the beneficiaries.

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#844: 2023.05.07

not one, but two new releases to draw your attention to this week (amongst the other great sounds in this edition) – firstly, and most importantly, the latest edition of our framework:seasonal series of fund-raising compilations has now been released!

go and check this one out, you will not be disappointed – and if you like it, and you like us, BUY IT, and show us you care. all patreon patrons at the sponsor level or higher receive this, and every new edition, for free, so if you’d prefer to do it that way, visit our patreon page and sign up there.

we’ll listen to works from the above-mentioned issue of framework:seasonal is the next regular edition, but this week tether has been mixed with textural sounds and spoken work by nichola scrutton, forgotten sounds of video home systems by andrea borghi, polish postcards from joanna szumacher, aporee map sounds from france and usa, and a framework introduction recorded in canada by regular contributor james bailey.

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