#869: 2023.12.03

this is a special edition dedicated to a close listen to our latest issue of framework:seasonal, issue #15, autumn 2023. we are very excited about this issue, featuring new amazing works by four great artists, all of whom have been consistent contributors to the program, but are appearing on a framework editions release for the first time: leslie keffer (usa), standard grey (canada/japan), alexandra spence (australia), and post doom romance (usa). this wraps up a year in which we managed to release four new issues, each featuring great new works by new artists to the imprint. we love every single issue we’ve released, and this latest one is a perfect way to wrap up the year. you can hear all four tracks (mixed with one another and with recent contributions to the aporee soundmaps – including one by yours truly) in this edition of the show, or in our voiceover-free mix on patreon (for patrons only), or streamed individually from the release’s bandcamp page. and if you like it, maybe you’d consider helping to keep us on the air by purchasing a copy! or if you sign up as a patron at the sponsor level or higher, you’ll get this, and every subsequent issue we release, automatically! so many ways to support the program!

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#857: 2023.09.10

this show, edition #857, our first show back after our summer break, showcases the tracks from our latest edition of framework:seasonal, issue #14, summer 2023. new exclusive works by yen-ting hsu, steve peters, pablo diserens, and nula.cc were accompanied by recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps and a framework introduction recorded in mexico by barry cullen. if you like what you hear, please check out the release on our bandcamp page:


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#846: 2023.05.21

this week we are finally taking a listen to the tracks from our latest edition of framework:seasonal, #13, spring 2023. we love the swirling resonance presented by doug haire, the gritty textures captured by jo montgomerie, the pounding ambiance found by ben link collins, and the rhythmic throb noticed by xiang. and if you like them too, we hope you will consider buying a copy to help support framework radio. the show has been running ad- and sponsor-free for over 20 years, and these compilations are one of our strategies for keeping afloat. we hope our fund-raising efforts don’t grate on listeners’ nerves, but we also hope you understand that it is necessary – we can’t do this without funds, and the funds only come from you. so support your favorite radio show now!

the four tracks from issue #13 where mixed with a selection of recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and we owe one apology, because we forgot to mention jean-françois cavro on the air, whose wonderful recording of a peanut vendor at the end of a hot day in kerala, india finishes off this show. meanwhile, at the other end, we begin the show with a framework introduction recorded for us on the bainbridge island ferry in seattle by paul dickinson, who was very rudely interrupted in the midst of his text by an overly-assertive bellow. he held his composure, though, and we are the beneficiaries.

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#838: 2023.03.26

after a few weeks’ break, we continue listening to the works from our latest edition of framework:seasonal in this edition – issue #12, winter 2023 was released on the 8th of february, and features new works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. we listened to the first two projects in edition #834, and are checking out the second two in this edition. these works were contributed by the artists to support framework, so if you like what you hear, please consider visiting our bandcamp page and purchasing this new issue – or any of our past issues – to help keep the program on the air. we can’t continue making the program without listener support, so we greatly appreciate any support you can give!

we began this program with a framework introduction by regular contributor barry cullen, and we rounded if off with a larger-than-usual selection of recording from the aporee soundmaps – italian beech woods, ukranian shepherds, french church bells, portuguese fences and sheep, slovakian trains, lithuanian swans, and english wind turbines. if you’re not familiar with the aporee maps, we highly recommend you go check it out, browse the maps, maybe contribute a recording of your own!

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#834: 2023.02.26

we begin listening to the works from our latest edition of framework:seasonal in this edition – issue #12, winter 2023 was released on the 8th of february, and featured new works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. we’re listening to the first two projects in this edition, and will check out the other two in our next regular edition in two weeks’ time. these works were contributed by the artists to support framework, so if you like what you hear, please consider visiting our bandcamp page and purchasing this new issue – or any of our past issues – to help keep the program on the air. we can’t continue making the program without listener support, so we greatly appreciate any support you can give!

we rounded off the program with a larger-than-usual selection of recording from the aporee soundmaps – slovenian pine forests, german ice floes, greek sheep bells, new zealand sea caves, english birdsong, and french trees and construction. if you’re not familiar with the aporee maps, we highly recommend you go check it out, browse the maps, maybe contribute a recording of your own!

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#659: 2018.10.28

this week we listened to the last of the 3 tracks on our latest framework:seasonal release, this one, by alan courtis, a longform unedited field recording from the peruvian amazon rainforest. if you like to sound of it, you can listen to it on it’s own, or along with the rest of the release, here: https://frameworkeditions.bandcamp.com/album/framework-seasonal-issue-10-autumn-2018 […]

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#657: 2018.10.14

this is the second of 3 regular editions featuring our new framework:seasonal release, issue #10, autumn 2018. this week we take a listen to julie rousse‘s contribution, nag mapu (esperando la lluvia suite).
along with this long work we listened to recent releases by kajsa lindgren (lp and dl), chris whitehead & mark browne (dl), nigel baldacchino (unreleased), sounds from the aporee maps, and a framework introduction by dillon vessels. […]

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#655: 2018.10.02

with this edition we begin our exploration of our latest edition of framework:seasonal issue #10: winter 2018. this is the second issue of our new format, featuring longer works from fewer artists, and this time around we’ve given around 20 minutes each to manja ristič, julie rousse, and alan courtis. we’ll listen to one of the tracks in each show over the next few regular edition slots, and this week we began with manja ristič‘s crni otok / the black isle. […]

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#622: 2017.12.10

this is our last regular edition for 2017; we’ve got one more :afield edition, produced by john barber, coming up next week, and then we’ll be on winter break until edition #624 premieres on january 14th.

with this edition we got right to the heart of our latest issue of framework:seasonal, #9, winter 2017. framework:seasonal is our ongoing series of fund-raising releases, featuring new and exclusive works by members of the field-recording community. […]
issue #9 features 3 long works by artists active in our community and active in contributing material to framework radio: jonáš gruška, dinahbird & jean-philippe renoult, and fintan o’brien. their contributions can be heard in full in this edition of the program, dissected slightly, extracted into movements, and mixed together with one another and with recent favorite sounds from the aporee soundmaps. we hope you enjoy this program, and when it’s over we hope you’ll want to hear jonáš, dinah, jean-philippe, and fintan’s sounds again by ordering your copy of the release and supporting another year of framework radio today. […]

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#549: 2016.04.24

this is our second of two shows featuring the works from the latest edition of framework:seasonal, our fund-raising compilation series. issue #8, spring 2016 is now available and features new works by blanca rego, christopher delaurenti, christina kubisch, stephanie spray, darius ciuta, cathy lane, julia hanadi al abed, martin kay, magali babin, and rodolphe alexis. we make these releases to thank our wonderful supporters for donating and helping to make the show possible; they are automatically sent out to all supporters who subscribe to donate 5€ per month or more, or they are available in as a thank-you for one-time donations of 20€ or more. so please, show framework you care, and sign up on the right for a monthly subscription, or make a one-time donation, and pick up a set of these awesome sounds!

along with these sounds we heard another selection of recent uploads to the aporee soundmaps. if you are the author of any of the recordings marking ‘anonymous’ and would like to be fully credited, just let me know! and the whole show began with a framework introduction recorded for us by long, long-time regular contributor keith de mendonca. […]

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#547: 2016.04.10

we’re back folks! if you hadn’t heard, we departed for the month of march for the very best of reasons – on self-imposed paternity leave, to welcome a new pair of ears into our house. it’s been quite a month, but we’re happy to be back in the studio, which is only upstairs, so we can still be on call whenever paternal duty calls. we welcome our beautiful new daughter to the framework fold!

meanwhile, there was another arrival during our break: the newest issue in our fund-raising framework:seasonal series, issue #8, spring 2016, was officially released on the spring equinox, and we’re very excited about. once again it features an all new cast of characters, ten artists who have never before appeared on one of our releases, several new names, and several that we’re sure you’ll recognise. never-before-heard works by blanca rego, christopher delaurenti, christina kubisch, stephanie spray, darius ciuta, cathy lane, julia hanadi al abed, martin kay, magali babin, and rodolphe alexis. we make these releases to thank our wonderful supporters for donating and helping to make the show possible; they are automatically sent out to all supporters who subscribe to donate 5€ per month or more, or they are available in as a thank-you for one-time donations of 20€ of more. so please, show framework you care, and sign up on the right for a monthly subscription, or make a one-time donation, and pick up a set of these awesome sounds! we know you care – help us celebrate (and support) our new set of ears!

in this show we took a listen to the first five tracks from the release, along with a palate of recent favorite recordings culled from our favorite place, the aporee soundmaps. we began with a domestic intro recorded for us by regular contributor (and contributor to framework:seasonal #6) slavek kwi (aka artificial memory trace). […]

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#493: 2014.12.21

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.12.21FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.12.21.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (133.4MB)Subscribe: RSSthis is it folks! the end of our 2014 programming brings us the release of our latest issue of framework:seasonal, #7, winter 2014, dedicated to the memory of our good friend joe stevens, who passed away earlier this year. #7 is another superb compilation of previously unreleased sounds…

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#491: 2014.12.07

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.12.07FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.12.07.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:00 — 131.2MB)Subscribe: RSSwell folks, it’s been a while, but framework fund-raising time is finally here again. and with it comes our newest edition of framework:seasonal! it’s been over a year’s wait – after a flurry of 2013 action we burnt ourselves out slightly and had to…

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