#800! 2022.05.08 [CENSE]

You are listening to the second episode of CENSE bimonthly mixtapes series. CENSE – Central European Network for Sonic Ecologies – is a decentralised organisation, gathering artists, educators, writers and researchers, whose aim is to gather and interconnect the community behind the field of acoustic ecology. Members are united by the determination to develop a strategy allowing an impact on the current situation dealing with sound and environment. This episode focuses on one of the four basic elements – Water.
Symptoms of Evidence mixtape series is focused on bringing the field of acoustic ecology closer to the local listeners and interested individuals, introducing field-recordings as a sonic tool for examining our sound environment and enabling us to gain a deeper knowledge on the consequences of environmental processes, together with possible solutions retrieval. further info on the network can be found on the webpage https://cense.earth/.

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#799: 2022.05.01

the spring lurgy (not that one) has got us here at framework HQ – 3 down and 1 hovering on the edge, so i’m going to keep this short and let you get to the listening. sounds from here in estonia this week, as well as lithuania, spain, the u.s., france – and that’s before we even get to the aporee soundmap contributions, from germany, portugal, and the uk. next week – framework #800! and in just another few weeks, our 20th birthday! hopefully we’ll all be over the lurgy by then.

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#798: 2022.04.24 [france jobin]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in canada by france jobin, and is the latest installment in her ongoing series for framework, these are a few of my favorite things. producer’s notes:

Bonjour, I am France Jobin, Welcome to these are a few of my favorite things.

As mentioned in earlier installments, my interpretation of field recording based works is very broad. however, the thread I like to follow is to find artists who have mastered their unique identity through the music of sound.

This is the second edition of my favorite things showcasing sound artists from Medellin, Colombia.

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#797: 2022.04.17

https://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2022.04.17FrameworkRadio/framework797-2022.04.17.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:00 — 151.6MB)Subscribe: RSSpatreon campaign progress report:111 patrons (up from 110)55% towards our goal (up from 53%)want to help? http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio [listen to the voiceover-free edition (patrons only)] spring is springing here – the birch sap is flowing, the snow is almost entirely gone, and birds are returning….

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#796: 2022.04.10 [claude schryer]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in canada by claude schryer. for more of his work see https://www.claudeschryer.ca. producer’s notes:

Winter Diary Revisited is a new work by Canadian soundscape composer Claude Schryer which was the first presentation of the 2022 Deep Wireless Festival of Radio and Transmission Art which took place on Sunday February 6th at the NAISA North Media Arts Centre in South River, Ontario. This radio documentary is a tribute to Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer who passed away in August 2021. Schafer’s writing and the research undertaken with the World Soundscape Project were foundational to the development of the field of acoustic ecology.

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#795: 2022.04.03

we’ve had colin frank’s 2020 impulsive habitat release waiting to get into a show almost since it was released – not sure why it had to wait so long. the alchemy of playlist construction is sometimes a mysterious thing. but it’s finally here, mingling well, if we do say so ourselves, with natasha barrett, matilde meireles and leo okagawa’s (told you, daniel!) more recent releases. there’s a slow springtime melancholy to this show that somehow seems an accurate representation of our current mood, and perhaps the global mood, in these strange times.  but we’re happy the snow is melting (it’s probably long gone where you are, if it was ever there to begin with) and ready for april showers.

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#794: 2022.03.27 [jimi wilson]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in new zealand by jimi wilson. for more of his work see http://glennaudio.org. producer’s notes:

Kia Ora – Here are some of my favorite recordings I have quietly accumulated over the years, through some less accessible parts of New Zealand. When it comes to ecological recording, I don’t like to ear brush audio environments, so each sound you hear will be largely unedited, with occasional light high pass filtering for those low frequency wind noises. To close the work is a short piece recorded in the Waipoua Kauri forests, played on Kōauau by the talented Conrad Marsh, reconnecting human and environment through our strong Māori heritage. So let’s take a train out of Wellington city to experience nature reserves, wetlands, Te Awa Kairangi, and the dense Waipoua forest. Tēnā koe, Jimi

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#793: 2022.03.20

a late winter show of somewhat melancholy sounds – maybe it’s the dripping outside, maybe it’s the state of world affairs, maybe i just didn’t get enough sleep, or maybe it’s just the sounds that happened to find their way into the mix. whatever the reason, it’s seems appropriate for a late march morning. dragon’s eye’s touch compilation is curated by tomoko hojo, and asks each artist to address the issues of isolation and subsistence. richard bentley sifts through his archives and puts together a meditative release of water, weather and electrical charge. hessel veldman constructs a hypnotic ode to his hometown in the netherlands. leonie roessler (also in the netherlands) weaves a sonic tapestry of sounds from travels through iran and india. the aporee soundmaps, meanwhile, take us to the the u.s., brazil, lithuania, and back to the netherlands (again!). and willem sannen’s intro was recorded there as well! i’m just now noticing the distinctly dutch lean in this edition. alsjeblieft!

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#792: 2022.03.13 [kevin winser]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by kevin winser. for more of his work, see https://infectedsenses.bandcamp.com/. producer’s notes:

This is a collection of field recordings all gathered on the same day, Saturday, January the 9th, 2021 during a social lockdown in Exeter, UK, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It was also my birthday, so there was both personal and wider social context. […]

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#791: 2022.03.06 [ukraine]

of course we are all horrified by the recent events in ukraine, and there’s not a lot i can say to address this. but being a radio program centered around listening to sounds and spaces, this felt like the only reasonable response. in this edition we are listening to ukraine – works by ukrainian artists, or sounds recorded within ukrainian borders. the releases we are featuring are available for sale on bandcamp, and the proceeds from their sales are being donated to various organisations and charities committed to providing aid and assistance to ukrainians suffering due to this war. please follow these links and buy these works to show your support:


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#790: 2022.02.27 [manja ristić]

we can’t start this playlist off without publicly acknowledging the horrors happening in ukraine right now and expressing our solidarity with the ukrainian people and their undeserved struggle. we know most of you have already seen calls for donations and there are many opportunities local to where you may be to volunteer your time and effort, but here we’ll just pass on one more effort of possible interest to framework listeners, a way to financially support ukrainians on the ground and simultaneously devote your ears to some ukrainian listening: kate carr’s flaming pines imprint released this compilation of ukrainian experimental music back in 2019, and at present all proceeds from it’s sale are being donated to the ukrainian army and its support funds:


so please, if you were considering donating to framework this week, go and buy this album instead.

this edition of framework:afield was produced in croatia earlier this year by manja ristić. for more of her work see https://manjaristic.blogspot.com/.

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#789: 2022.02.20

a series of on-air errors (perhaps) this week: we think we possibly worked out last time we played her work that moltamole should be pronounced like mole-the-animal, but having grown up in a boston neighborhood with a strong latin american influence, we consistently pronounce it, without a second thought, like mole-the-glorious-mexican-sauce. so if we’re wrong we’re sorry. we also brazenly announced that capture’s recordings, delivered to us via their locations on the aporee maps, were made in toulouse, whereas, while we think that is where the artist is based, these recordings are very clearly from the mériadeck district of bordeaux. is that all? i’m sure we got something else wrong, but maybe no one noticed. we also heard the first of a few recent submissions from the ever-impressive unfathomless imprint (where we almost made the biggest mistake of all, accusing stéphane marin’s recordings of howler monkeys in the amazon of being south african hippos – luckily we caught that one and fired ourselves before it went to air), two new works from the flaming pines label (a series of realisations of a score by salomé voegelin, and an upcoming release by label boss kate carr), an unreleased work by james bailey, with which the only mistake we made was losing it the first time he sent it to us, a work by a.f. jones which is only being released for radio airplay and remix projects, the latest batch of listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and an intro by our most prolific contributor, keith de mendonca, making it inexplicable why we suddenly couldn’t remember (again!) if his name is pronounced men-don-TSA or men-don-KA. i guess it was just one of those weeks.

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#788: 2022.02.13 [CENSE]

this is the first edition of an ongoing collaboration between framework radio and CENSE – the central european network for sonic ecologies (https://cense.earth/). the series is titled symptoms of evidence; each new episode is produced for CENSE by polina khatsenka and petra kapš, and premieres on radio punctum in prague, before being repeated a few months later here on framework. our thanks go to radio punctum for their permission to rebroadcast these shows.

Symptoms of Evidence mixtape series is focused on bringing the field of acoustic ecology closer to the local listeners and interested individuals, introducing field-recordings as a sonic tool for examining our sound environment and enabling us to gain a deeper knowledge on the consequences of environmental processes, together with possible solutions retrieval. further info on the network can be found on the webpage https://cense.earth/.

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