#631: 2018.03.04 [kassia flux]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk, using recordings she made in italy in 2017, by ami wilson, aka kassia flux. for more information see http://kassiaflux.wordpress.com. producer’s notes:

recordings by ami wilson aka kassia flux|from Il Paretaio|stables in tuscany|run by Cristina and Gianni Libardi|
special horse-centric philosophy|super-smiley horses|zero aggression|zero coercion|patience|persistence| […]

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#630: 2018.02.25

it’s been far too long since anything from the great zeromoon label graced our airwaves, and we took steps to remedy that situation this week by sampling 3 of their recent (as in, from the past 2 or 3 years) releases, with still a few more to come sometime in the less-distant future. these works from julie rousse, martyna poznańska, and marta zapparoli provided a very nice framework (natch) on which the rest of the show was built, featuring sounds from one playback of spyros polychronopoulos’ live electronic music, a software-driven soundwork housed in a polycarbonate box that never manifests itself in the same way twice, an unreleased mix by monika pich (available for further listening on her mixcloud page) of location sounds from installations and videos, and our usual selection of listener favorites from the aporee soundmaps. and it all began, from here in the depth of estonian winter (-26C coming this week!), with a very springtime framework introduction, recorded for recently in australia by regular contributor jeremy hegge. […]

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#629: 2018.02.18 [iris garrelfs]

this edition of framework:afield has been curated by iris garrelfs. it features extracts from field recording based compositions created by her phonography students at goldsmiths, university of london. each extract encapsulates the student’s individual approach to exploring some of issues encountered within field recording and soundscape composition practices. the students are, in order of appearance: jack haining, gaspar narby, hee ju Im, marta nowaczynska, lila tristram, federico villella, nicolas robillard, kyuri kim, lewis murray, gabriel manzi, tancrede rouff, alexander berry, samir bouchouat, isaac kniveton, emma clark, eleonora gaspari and samuel hostettler.

for more information see http://irisgarrelfs.com.

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#628: 2018.02.11

i’m two days late getting this show online as it is, so i’ll keep it brief. a long playlist this week, and a dense show, the nervous system of which is made up of selections from a fund-raising release on the störung label, in support of the l’alt empordà  region of catalonia, which was hit by a tornado in january of this year. all proceeds from the release will go towards reconstruction, so go and show your support here: http://shop.storung.com/album/rebuilding-lalt-empord.

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#627: 2018.02.04 [martin eccles]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by martin eccles. for more of his work, see his soundcloud page at https://soundcloud.com/mpeccles. producer’s notes:

Orford Replication

Orford Ness
to river to sea
to landing to lighthouse

SW to the huts
NW along the road to the dyke
turn west

meadow sits by saltmarsh
tidal creek fringes
Orford’s long shingle finger […]

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#626: 2018.01.28

our second regular edition of 2018, and now we’re getting into the swing of things. great new works on helen scarsdale, gruenrekorder, cronica and flaming pines, an intro by dillon vessels, and a collection of recent favorites from the aporee soundmaps. we select sounds from the aporee maps by exploring listener-favorited uploads (there are too many new uploads each week for us to hear them all), so if you’re a user of the maps, do remember to click that favorites button (the little gold star next to the recording title in the pop-up info bubble) when you hear something extraordinary! […]

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#625: 2018.01.21 [stéphane marin]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in france by stéphane marin. producer’s notes:

« re_COMPOSED re_ALITY », a re_COMPOSITION »  by Stéphane Marin

« re_COMPOSED re_ALITY » offers a group of walking listeners the chance to explore a synthesis between a ‘pure’ form of listening to the environment and an enhanced listening experience (using different kind of headphones). At the intersection of field-recording, electro-acoustic, and soundwalk, this performance re-composes live the soundscape. During this walk, a re_CORDIST, and a re_COMPOSER will accompany the listeners, subtly suggesting through their performance ways and directions of listening. They bring us into more direct and more intimate contact with sonic objects, and, step by step, they evolve a soundscape from sonic patterns to be shared with the listeners. […]

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#624: 2018.01.14

happy new year! we are back with our first show of the year, but i am actually on the road myself right now, so i’ll keep this brief and just say enjoy the show! don’t forget that framework:seasonal issue #9 was released just before we took our winter break, with great new works from jonaś gruška, bird & renoult, and fintan o’brien, so show your support for framework by ordering one now! […]

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#623: 2017.12.17 [john f. barber]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled in progress, has been produced in the united states by john f. barber. for more information on his work see http://nouspace.net/john.

producer’s notes:

In Progress is a sound narrative with a rhythm, even melody, composed entirely of mechanical sounds. A hotel trash compactor in Bergen, Norway, dealing with the remains of a previous night’s party. Pile driving equipment in Victoria, Canada, shutting down after a day of building the new ferry boat landing pier. Wind chimes dancing in a strong east wind. Rain on a metal roof. A collage of sounds from a Maker Faire in Portland, Oregon. Electromagnetic radiation recorded by spacecraft exploring our solar system, and beyond. Air rushing through hotel front doors, and around the edges of an airplane window. A sound installation inside a traditional thatch cottage in Londonderry/Derry, Northern Ireland. An FM carrier signal after the failure of the audio transmission. Squeaking doors, thumping refrigerator compressors. Construction of a new house. Underneath London’s Millennium Bridge. A wall of corrugated paper in Copenhagen. Passengers boarding a ferry. Sound installations samples. A large scale printer finishing a poster. As John Cage told us, everywhere we listen, there is always something to be heard in progress.


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#622: 2017.12.10

this is our last regular edition for 2017; we’ve got one more :afield edition, produced by john barber, coming up next week, and then we’ll be on winter break until edition #624 premieres on january 14th.

with this edition we got right to the heart of our latest issue of framework:seasonal, #9, winter 2017. framework:seasonal is our ongoing series of fund-raising releases, featuring new and exclusive works by members of the field-recording community. […]
issue #9 features 3 long works by artists active in our community and active in contributing material to framework radio: jonáš gruška, dinahbird & jean-philippe renoult, and fintan o’brien. their contributions can be heard in full in this edition of the program, dissected slightly, extracted into movements, and mixed together with one another and with recent favorite sounds from the aporee soundmaps. we hope you enjoy this program, and when it’s over we hope you’ll want to hear jonáš, dinah, jean-philippe, and fintan’s sounds again by ordering your copy of the release and supporting another year of framework radio today. […]

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#621: 2017.12.03 [aural tectonics]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced by students of University of the Arts, The Hague, Netherlands, in conjunction with Raviv Ganchrow’s Aural Tectonics workshop at the Institute of Sonology.

Studies in Nonstandard Binaural Hearing, 00:57:19, binaural audio

! Please listen with headphones ! The following recordings have been produced with binaural methods and require headphone playback for spatial accuracy.

The following broadcast contains a series of nonstandard binaural explorations conducted over the course of the Aural Tectonics workshop, at the Institute of Sonology, in autumn of 2017. Binaural recording and playback methods underscore the hearing apparatus as an innate technology and the body itself as a form of site. Participant’s pinnae – the outer portion of the ear crucial for rendering experiences of embodied spatial sound – were cast out of their head sockets and fitted with miniature microphones. Working with these disjoined microphonic ears, dedicated strategies of site-specific recording and audio montage were then developed. The following sequence explores the embodied, yet disjunctive, auditory qualities and spatial agencies of nonstandard first-person hearing. […]

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#620: 2017.11.26

our second-to-last regular edition of the year, in which we announce the details of our upcoming fund-raising release, framework:seasonal issue #9, winter 2017. it’s been a while since our last issue, but we’re back with a new format; issue #9 will feature three long works only, rather than the usual longer list of shorter works that has been our wont in the past. the tracklist:

01 ::: jonáš gruška ::: federovo ::: 19:12
02 ::: bird & renoult ::: what you see… ::: 29:35
03 ::: fintan o’brien ::: xixuau part 1 ::: 17:04

jonáš gruška, slovakian sound artist and phonographer, has had many appearances on framework over the past few years, both his own work and the releases on his lom label. bird & renoult is the duo of longtime-favorite radio artist dinahbird (originally from the uk) and jean-philippe renoult (france), based in paris. and fintan o’brien is a northern irish nature recordist who we had the pleasure of meeting here in estonia recently, as he embarked into the alam pedja nature reserve for one of his recording trips. […]

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#619: 2017.11.19 [stefan paulus]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled the sound of work, workplaces and working machines, has been produced in switzerland by stefan paulus. for more information on his work, see http://www.NoWhere-NowHere.org. producer’s notes:

The sound of work, workplaces and working machines.

Human factors and ergonomics sciences have been dealing with noise as workload for several decades. For this purpose, a huge range of instruments and methods already exists. Labour inspectors measure noise levels and using sound pressure measurement methods. Average levels indicate a health hazard. DIN norms regulate employment conditions. But individual impressions of noise less than 85dB aren’t part of these methods or norms. Therefore, annoying quiet sounds for example aren’t listed as dangerous to health and the sensory perception as a cognitive instrument of subjective perceived workloads caused by noise are less a component of human factors and ergonomics sciences and DIN standards. […]

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