#657: 2018.10.14

this is the second of 3 regular editions featuring our new framework:seasonal release, issue #10, autumn 2018. this week we take a listen to julie rousse‘s contribution, nag mapu (esperando la lluvia suite).
along with this long work we listened to recent releases by kajsa lindgren (lp and dl), chris whitehead & mark browne (dl), nigel baldacchino (unreleased), sounds from the aporee maps, and a framework introduction by dillon vessels. […]

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#656: 2018.10.07 [david clarke]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by david clarke, aka iamthehow. for more information see http://iamthehow.com. producer’s notes:

A soundscape from the original programme Assessing the High-Risk Perioperative Patient. Elements of sounds, some familiar and others disconcerting, are blended with snippets of conversation to create that state of consciousnesses where we eavesdrop as a third party to our own conversation – in a world that is just at odds with ourselves. With thanks to Dr Gary Minto. […]

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#655: 2018.10.02

with this edition we begin our exploration of our latest edition of framework:seasonal issue #10: winter 2018. this is the second issue of our new format, featuring longer works from fewer artists, and this time around we’ve given around 20 minutes each to manja ristič, julie rousse, and alan courtis. we’ll listen to one of the tracks in each show over the next few regular edition slots, and this week we began with manja ristič‘s crni otok / the black isle. […]

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#654: 2018.09.23 [thomas park]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the united states by thomas park. for more information see https://archive.org/details/TheEmissionsSeries, or https://archive.org/details/ThomasParkBenchmarkHub. […]

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#653: 2018.09.16 [dmitry vasilyev]

our first show back after our annual summer break is a sad return to the airwaves, as while we were away we learned of the passing of our friend and colleague, dmitry vasilyev. dmitry was an organiser, podcaster, music and mushroom enthusiast, expert, curator of the monochrome vision record label, and author of the massive treatise on italian experimental music, viva italia. in this edition we pay tribute to dmitry with a mix of his monochrome vision releases, as well as a few tracks from the field-recording based the sound ecology: range compilation released some years back on his other label project, nitkie. dmitry has been steadily sending us the releases featured in this edition since our first meeting back in 2009, and to be honest, the massive, growing pile of amazing sounds to explore was so intimidating that we never managed to get most of them on the air. we’re devastated that this is what it took, but we’re very happy to finally be able to present this great label’s body of work. […]

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#652: 2018.07.29

this is it, folks, our last edition before our annual summer break! we’ll be back with edition #653 on september 16th, after a good long pause to recharge and refresh our ears (and spend some time in the lake – in the midst of an unusually hot estonian summer!). in the meantime, we think this show brings the season to a nice close, a more inward-looking mix or mostly untreated recordings. […]

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#651: 2018.07.22 [france jobin]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in canada by france jobin. after a six-year hiatus, this is the latest installment in her ongoing series these are a few of my favorite things. producer’s notes:

france jobin – my favorite things (Installment #10)

Bonjour, I am France Jobin, Welcome to these are a few of my favorite things.

As mentioned in earlier installments, my interpretation of field recording based works is very broad. however, the thread I like to follow is to find artists who have mastered their unique identity through the music of sound.

In the last 4 years, I have spent a lot of time in the Abruzzo region of Italy. With this edition of my favorite things, it is my pleasure to showcase the sound artists of this region.

France Jobin
http://francejobin.com […]

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#650! 2018.07.15

another landmark under the belt – they’re coming so hard and fast now we don’t know how to celebrate them anymore! i guess we’ll wait until #750 to do something proper.

very exciting to present the latest offering by longtime framework favorite jeph jerman this week, along with another recent release from the unfathomless label. also a new cassette by yiorgis sakellariou (i saw someone recently expressing surprise to learn that the shorthand K7 for cassette derives from the french, in which the letter ‘k’ is pronounced ‘ka’ and the number 7 is ‘sept’, pronounced ‘set’, hence ‘ka-set’. so if you also didn’t realise that: you’re welcome!). also an unreleased work by rafal fletjer, aka aRF, and a framework introduction recorded for us by sam roberts. […]

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#649: 2018.07.08 [boris chassagne]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in quebec, canada by boris chassagne, and is entitled 60 secondes radio. for more information see http://www.60secondesradio.com. producer’s notes:

60 Second Radio presented its 4th edition last spring. Over the years and since 2015, more than 400 radio works were submitted to this international radio art competition by radio artist originating from more than 40 countries and in some 15 languages. 60 Second Radio is based in Montréal. It is a contest but also a broadcast platform which distributes freely the audio works collected to non-profit radios and festivals around the globe. Many radio stations, radio festivals and independent radio artists have aired many selections of the sounds produced in 2015, 16, 17, and 2018, Framework Radio being one of them. Here a 57 minute selection of exactly that, 57 works from at least 57 different artists, most with some elements of field recording. You can also listen to all audio works from present and pas editions of the contest on the 60 Second Radio soundcloud:

https://soundcloud.com/60secondesradio/sets/2018-60-s-radio […]

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#648: 2018.07.01

two physical releases this week: the beautiful (both sounds and object) double-lp on fragment factory by jean-luc guionnet and thomas tilly (we’d like to hear how it relates to the cd release from a few years ago that partly shares its title), and a cassette release by a new artist to our airwaves, matthew atkins (this one is also available as a name-your-price download). andy graydon‘s release is a free download from the contour editions website, and yui onodera‘s work is a paid download from the dragon’s eye bandcamp page. and all the aporee sounds, of course, can be heard at https://aporee.org/maps. […]

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#647: 2018.06.24 [slavek kwi]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in ireland by slavek kwi, aka artificial memory trace. for more information, see http://www.artificialmemorytrace.com. producer’s notes:

An Attempt to Tune_in to Everything through Manifestation of Ego Chapter Five from Soundlife of Slavek Kwi, radio-series:

This is fifth installment of another soundOrganism destined for Framework radio, and is this time dedicated to the idea of exploring extrasensory communication in an attempt to raise our sensitivity to one another and to our surrounding environment. […]

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#646: 2018.06.17

we’ve had a little stint of receiving physical releases in the post  again lately, which has been lovely, and we’re getting to two more of  them this edition: the re-release of the 1998 work by the great small cruel party, islands of sleep, and the not-quite-latest vinyl release  by pali meursault, stridulations. also some bandcamp releases that you  can go and explore further via the links below: the various artists  collaborative work sound: lost and found symphony, led by marcus  leadley, james bulley, david rogers and adrian newton, with the  participation of ivon oates, mandy rathbone, sarah west, eva  fahle-clouts, jemima talbot-rogers, yoshiki ichihara, han joon sung,  duncan silvey and guy fleisher, and russian artist rem koral’s 2016  release, rain, waves and stream. also another unreleased work  (available on soundcloud) send to us by peter wullen – a beautiful,  dreamy, looping ambiance constructed from the sounds of a belgian subway  station, more sounds from the aporee maps, and a framework introduction  recorded for us in the uk by last week’s framework:afield contributor,  peter rice, aka thesoundcollective.

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#645: 2018.06.10 [thesoundcollective]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by thesoundcollective, aka peter rice. for more of peter’s work see http://www.peterricesounddesign.co.uk. producer’s notes:

thesoundcollective is a collection of designers and engineers making audio in many ways. it’s contributors continually evolve and change around the centre pin of one designer, peter rice. most of the pieces in this program are made up of contributions from sound designers and composers from the uk theatre scene. […]

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