#847: 2023.05.28 [patrick mcginley]

this edition of framework:afield has been has been produced in estonia by your regular host in celebration of the 21st birthdays of framework radio and resonance fm. it features the first ever 20 minutes of framework radio, with mcginley (sounding remarkably young and unfit for radio) and his original co-host joel stern, originally broadcast on june 14, 2002, followed by a 40-minute birthday special recorded at framework HQ in 2020 and aired on resonance fm, but never aired as part of the regular program. some notes written about the birthday special in 2020:

may 1st was resonance fm’s 18th birthday. june 14th will be framework radio’s 18th birthday. coincidence? not at all – framework was born in the studios of resonance fm in london, as part of resonance’s initial wave of experimental programming on their initially temporary, but soon to become permanent new art radio endeavour. we are proud to have been there at the beginning, and even prouder to still call resonance our spiritual home, even as we now reside in another country and air on 11 other radio stations as well. we wouldn’t be here without resonance fm, and we can’t thank them enough for all the opportunities this wild ride has brought us.

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#846: 2023.05.21

this week we are finally taking a listen to the tracks from our latest edition of framework:seasonal, #13, spring 2023. we love the swirling resonance presented by doug haire, the gritty textures captured by jo montgomerie, the pounding ambiance found by ben link collins, and the rhythmic throb noticed by xiang. and if you like them too, we hope you will consider buying a copy to help support framework radio. the show has been running ad- and sponsor-free for over 20 years, and these compilations are one of our strategies for keeping afloat. we hope our fund-raising efforts don’t grate on listeners’ nerves, but we also hope you understand that it is necessary – we can’t do this without funds, and the funds only come from you. so support your favorite radio show now!

the four tracks from issue #13 where mixed with a selection of recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and we owe one apology, because we forgot to mention jean-françois cavro on the air, whose wonderful recording of a peanut vendor at the end of a hot day in kerala, india finishes off this show. meanwhile, at the other end, we begin the show with a framework introduction recorded for us on the bainbridge island ferry in seattle by paul dickinson, who was very rudely interrupted in the midst of his text by an overly-assertive bellow. he held his composure, though, and we are the beneficiaries.

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#845: 2023.05.14 [hiroko komiya & chris h. lynn]

this edition of framework:afield had been produced between japan and the united states by hiroko komiya and chris h. lynn. producer’s notes:

Title: UKIGUMO, which is Japanese for Drifting Clouds.
A seasonal (Spring) collaboration between Hiroko Komiya and Chris H. Lynn. Recordings shared between Japan and the US (mostly Maryland).
Photo: Teruko Shimura.

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#844: 2023.05.07

not one, but two new releases to draw your attention to this week (amongst the other great sounds in this edition) – firstly, and most importantly, the latest edition of our framework:seasonal series of fund-raising compilations has now been released!

go and check this one out, you will not be disappointed – and if you like it, and you like us, BUY IT, and show us you care. all patreon patrons at the sponsor level or higher receive this, and every new edition, for free, so if you’d prefer to do it that way, visit our patreon page and sign up there.

we’ll listen to works from the above-mentioned issue of framework:seasonal is the next regular edition, but this week tether has been mixed with textural sounds and spoken work by nichola scrutton, forgotten sounds of video home systems by andrea borghi, polish postcards from joanna szumacher, aporee map sounds from france and usa, and a framework introduction recorded in canada by regular contributor james bailey.

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#843: 2023.04.30 [stefan paulus]

this week’s edition of framework:afield, entitled ethnography in passing by, has been produced in switzerland, with recordings made in the united states, by stefan paulus. for more of his work see https://noWHERE-NOWhere.org. producer’s notes:

Actually, the title should be “ethnography in cycling through”, because the following field recordings and conversation snippets were created on a bicycle journey across the USA, on the way from Miami, Florida to Oakland, California. You can listen to the noises of tent cities in the heart of the strongest economy on earth, but also to the stories of people struggling to survive on these edge of civilization and trying to support their community.

The idea behind this field research was to hear about the community life, the social and political organization, cultural expressions of the social spaces and to capture the stories of people I meet accidentally on the road. These were mainly pedestrians, people living on the streets or in the bushes, activists and people who invited me for a coffee or a beer.

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#841: 2023.04.16 [alëna korolëva]

NB: we are currently experiencing problems with the audio player embedded in the framework website. while we are fixing it you can find this and past shows on our patreon page.

this week’s edition of framework:afield, entitled marble route, has been produced in canada with sounds recorded in portugal by alëna korolëva.

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#840: 2023.04.09

spring is finally springing here in southern estonia, so, frankly, we want to get this playlist written and published as quickly as possible so we can get outside. this time of year represents that wonderful spring window where it’s warm and dry, but the biting insects have not yet made their entrance. to be honest, i’d be perfectly happy if it never got warmer than 15C.

so – the sounds are great, and you should go check them out. impressive geophone recordings by patrick quinn, concusssive meditations by amma arteria, electromagnectic attacks  by joe colley, immersive collaborations by elif yalvaç, aporee map sounds from czech republic, belgium, uk, and canada, and a feedbacky pet monitor introduction recorded in the u.s. by ben link collins.

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#839: 2023.04.02 [david parker & stefan christoff]

https://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2023.04.02FrameworkRadio/framework839-2023.04.02.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:00 — 138.0MB)Subscribe: RSSpatreon campaign progress report:114 patrons (down from 118)61% towards our goal (no change)want to help? http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio this edition, entitled ice and signal, has been produced in canada by david parker & stefan christoff. for more artist information, visit the social media links below. producer’s…

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#838: 2023.03.26

after a few weeks’ break, we continue listening to the works from our latest edition of framework:seasonal in this edition – issue #12, winter 2023 was released on the 8th of february, and features new works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. we listened to the first two projects in edition #834, and are checking out the second two in this edition. these works were contributed by the artists to support framework, so if you like what you hear, please consider visiting our bandcamp page and purchasing this new issue – or any of our past issues – to help keep the program on the air. we can’t continue making the program without listener support, so we greatly appreciate any support you can give!

we began this program with a framework introduction by regular contributor barry cullen, and we rounded if off with a larger-than-usual selection of recording from the aporee soundmaps – italian beech woods, ukranian shepherds, french church bells, portuguese fences and sheep, slovakian trains, lithuanian swans, and english wind turbines. if you’re not familiar with the aporee maps, we highly recommend you go check it out, browse the maps, maybe contribute a recording of your own!

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#837: 2023.03.19 [paul mallatratt]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by paul mallatratt. for more of his work see https://paulmallatratt.bandcamp.com. producer’s notes:

As well as sitting still and listening to the world exist around me, I sometimes like to walk about, especially when a route might take me through differing soundscapes, like woodlands and towns, parks and busy traffic. I like the contrast between the tranquillity of a quiet, calming space and the urgency and chaos of the modern world. This soundwalk mixes all these together and features walks through towns, cities, parks, supermarkets, woodlands and beaches in England, Scotland and Germany. Take a seat, relax, and open your ears.

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#836: 2023.03.12 [IWD]

this is an all-woman iwd show with an intentionally global focus. the majority of works that you are about to hear are contributions produced by members of female pressure as well as artists affiliated with framework radio. All of the pieces reflect unique perspectives of motherhood, place, home, diaspora, endangered environments, freedom, absence, and longing; exploring sonically, listening with attention and sculpting works that transmit particular, individual positioning, observances and responses to auditory experiences by these women artists.

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#835: 2023.03.05 [jason kahn]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled soundings, has been produced in switzerland by jason kahn. for more of his work see https://jasonkahn.net/. producer’s notes:

The radio piece Soundings is an adaption of the book of the same name, which is a collection of 77 texts and field recordings, with each text being written in reaction to one of the recordings on the accompanying CD.

The idea here is to think about how sounds in our everyday lives trigger certain memories or images. And to explore this through the writing of these texts as a kind of field recording of our thoughts and sensations in relation to hearing these sounds again in their recorded form, frozen in time and disassociated from their original source.

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