#868: 2023.11.26 [manja ristić & mark vernon]

this edition of framework:afield is a collaboration between regular contributors manja ristić and mark vernon. for more information see their websites at https://manjaristic.blogspot.com/ and http://meagreresource.com/. producer’s notes:

The artistic practice of both Manja and Mark has been deeply immersed in the sonic strata of space and the imaginary narratives that emerge from it. A dedication to the culture of memory, the sounding of lost voices and an unorthodox approach to re-composing the soundscape, conveniently unites these two experimenters in a collaboration that arises from research into one particularly inspiring locality – the island of Korčula.

In addition to their own field recordings, the artists were given access to the audio archives of the local radio station, including sounds of local folk customs, traditional songs, festivities and music. The strong anthropological emphasis in this collection of works is intended to encourage a deeper consideration of the coexistence of people and the environment in a historically dense climate. The appropriation of the hidden narratives of a small town on the fringes of the European Union opens up new fields of reflection on identity that looks back at the “centre of the periphery”, pointing to the importance of “small” spaces in the creation of European heritage.

‘Sound postcards from the centre of the periphery’ will be stored permanently in the audio archives of Radio Korčula. Who knows, maybe someone will dig them out in 50 years and say: “…there you go!” This will make your head ring!”

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#866: 2023.11.12 [rodrigo ramos]

this edition of framework:afield is the 3rd in a series of 4 entitled amazonia revisited, airing over the second half of 2023. this episode has been produced in brazil by rodrigo ramos and is entitled the strong wind will blow our houses down – kéro, kéro, kéro. for more info see amazoniarevisited.com. producer’s notes:

These radio programs emerged as the fruit of the creative residency that brought together four sound artists – Thelmo Cristovam (BR), EdBrass (BR), Rodrigo Ramos (BR) and Dave Phillips (Switzerland), from the sound material captured in 2006 by Thelmo Cristovam and in 2011 by Dave Phillips, both in the Amazon rainforest. The sound records of 2006, digitized and restored in the first phase of this project by Thelmo Cristovam, now resurface revisited and reimagined in the creation of the pieces in this series.

Program 3: The strong wind will blow our houses down & kéro, kéro, kéro (quickly, quickly, quickly) – by Rodrigo Ramos
The radio pieces made by the sound artist Rodrigo Ramos during the artist residency of the project Amazonia Revisited, uses the field recordings of Thelmo Cristovam in 2006 in the surroundings of Lake Mamori, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, and the material of Dave Phillips, collected in Challua Cocha, Rio Napo and Yasuni National Park, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, in 2011.

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#864: 2023.10.29 [claude schryer]

this edition has been produced in ottowa, canada by claude schryer, and is a compendium of the first half of this year’s episodes of his conscient podcast (4th season). for more information see https://www.conscient.ca/. producer’s notes:

This 127th episode of the conscient podcast marks the halfway point of season 4, which, as you might recall, is called Sounding Modernity and explores what modernity might sound like, how it affects us and what we can do about it..

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#862: 2023.10.15 [meira asher]

this edition has been produced by israeli-irish artist and activist meira asher, and was originally part of her 22 hour program sonic voyage of resistance for the radio art zone project, which aired in luxembourg in september 2022.

please note: this program has been scheduled to air at this time since june of this year, long before the events of october 7th and their aftermath. producer’s notes:

From October 7 2023 onwards the entire world has seen one brutal example of life in Palestine/Israel. Let me introduce you to another example; one which is not spoken about, hardly on any media. It is, literally, an everyday occurrence. Day in, day out, quietly exploding, away from the world’s ears.

Every morning, a few of the Jordan Valley Activists arrive at the shepherds homes in the Jordan valley and accompany them for a few hours as they go out to graze. The activists’ presence provides a measure of security against the Israeli settlers harassment and the arbitrary behavior of the occupation army.

The Palestinian shepherds community of Hamra is threatened by violent Israeli settlers on a daily basis. Ethnic cleansing happens constantly at the Jordan Valley and the West Bank. The shepherd’s calls heard on this show might be the very last ones to be heard there because he had to flee to the city, to protect his family and the herd.

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#860: 2023.10.01 [edbrass brasil]

this edition of framework:afield is the second of a series of four entitled amazonia revisited, airing over the second half of 2023. this episode has been produced in by edbrass brasil and is entitled water memory. for more information see https://amazoniarevisited.com. producer’s notes:

These radio programs emerged as the fruit of the creative residency that brought together four sound artists – Thelmo Cristovam (BR), EdBrass (BR), Rodrigo Ramos (BR) and Dave Phillips (Switzerland), from the sound material captured in 2006 by Thelmo Cristovam and in 2011 by Dave Phillips, both in the Amazon rainforest. The sound records of 2006, digitized and restored in the first phase of this project by Thelmo Cristovam, now resurface revisited and reimagined in the creation of the pieces in this series.

Program 2: Water Memory – by Edbrass Brasil
This is a fictional “memory book” constructed from the shared field recordings. The first part uses the work of purifying water sources in the Amazon of 2022. In the foreground, listen to the sounds produced by the machine during the purification process, which, is subdivided into several other steps, the understanding of which escapes us. The collaborators were then asked to submit sounds, objects or textures that reinforce the idea of an unknown technology.

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#858: 2023.09.17 [steve roden]

steve roden passed away on september 6th, 2023. we are dedicating two shows to him: this first one, a repeat of the edition of framework:afield he produced for us back in 2008, and a second one next week which is a mix of our own favorite steve roden / in be tween noise works. here are a few words i wrote last week about his passing:

a few days ago, we lost another artist who has been incredibly important to framework radio, and to my personal development as an artist, for years, or rather decades. steve roden was a gentle, open, kind, incredible composer and visual artist with a spectacular ear for detail, texture and structure. his early work as in be tween noise was one of my first discoveries in the world of experimental music as a young hopeful in the 90’s, and his subsequent development of and into the lowercase sound movement under his own name never failed to impress. i never had the pleasure of meeting him in person, despite many failed attempts on the rare occasions when we found ourselves in the same city, but our correspondence over more than 15 years was always encouraging, warming and thought-provoking. steve’s work made regular appearances in the show (the first in one of our earliest editions), he contributed a beautiful program to the first round of our framework:afield series of guest-produced programs, and he graciously contributed a new track to our very first release on framework editions, 2009’s framework250 compilation. steve passed away far too early, at the age of 59. we are heartbroken that we never got to shake his hand.

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#855: 2023.07.23 [post doom romance]

this edition has been produced in finland by post doom romance. for more of their work see www.postdoomromance.com. producer’s notes:

framework presents post doom romance “fragments/archipelago” a 60 minute collage of field recordings from the Finnish archipelago. These recordings were made at the AARK Archipelago Art Residency in Korpo Finland as part of a larger project titled “glimmers on the archipelago” to be released in early 2024 in book/audio form.

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#853: 2023.07.09 [manja ristić]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in croatia by regular contributor manja ristić. for more information on her work see https://manjaristic.blogspot.com/. producer’s notes:

I am always very inspired and happy to contribute to Framework afield. This time, I decided to offer a slightly unusual episode! The mix of conceptual, ambient, improv, and field recording works by some of the most incredible musical minds out there, a kind of alchemical soup in which I am searching for music within music.

This time I came up with a little experiment: juxtaposing a sound piece, “Kuda plovi ovaj brod? Where is this ship sailing”, with the magnificent works of others, by building an emotional palimpsest of moments and places in which all sound works were made, but most of all, by building a mutual content from the psychological material embedded in chosen works. It is a “soundtrack” for a sound piece, made around a very important topic – marine noise pollution and its effects on living systems in the South Adriatic’s littoral belt.

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#851: 2023.06.25 [thelmo cristovam]

this edition is the first of a series of four entitled ‘amazonia revisited’, airing over the second half of 2023 as part of our framework:afield programming. this episode has been produced in brazil by thelmo cristovam and is entitled ‘day-night’. for more information see https://amazoniarevisited.com. producer’s notes:

These radio programs emerged as the fruit of the creative residency that brought together four sound artists – Thelmo Cristovam (BR), EdBrass (BR), Rodrigo Ramos (BR) and Dave Phillips (Switzerland), from the sound material captured in 2006 by Thelmo Cristovam and in 2011 by Dave Phillips, both in the Amazon rainforest. The sound records of 2006, digitized and restored in the first phase of this project by Thelmo Cristovam, now resurface revisited and reimagined in the creation of the pieces in this series.

Program 1: Day & Night – by Thelmo Cristovam
Two parts, day and night, based on Thelmo’s field recordings without manipulation, using only minimal layers and editing. the first part, day, is composed exclusively of daytime recordings, in the second part, the same thing, with nighttime recordings. Additional daytime and nighttime recordings from Dave Phillips’ sources were selected in collaboration.

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#849: 2023.06.11 [mark vernon]

Magneto Mori: Brussels is a process-based sound work that investigates the collective memory of Brussels residents, intertwining them with the environmental sounds of the city to weave new and unexpected narratives. It is an exploration of tape recording as a form of memory storage – and the deliberate distressing, eroding and deterioration of present day sounds to disrupt their chronology; historicising the present and fast-forwarding the effects of time. Contrasting and combining these sounds with higher fidelity recordings draws attention to the different substrata of time that are an intrinsic (though largely unacknowledged) part of any non-realtime sound production.

The intention here was to create a ‘memory tape’ that acts as an audio portrait of the city and its inhabitants. This involved asking people to recall their earliest or most vivid memories and recording them direct to open reel tape. On the other side of the tape everyday sounds of the city were captured.

Through a series of processes that mirror the complexity and frailty of human memory this ‘memory tape’ was then fragmented, muddled, corroded, partially erased with magnets, buried in the ground for 10 days and finally excavated and reconstituted. During this process sounds and memories are literally erased and the remains are spliced back together in a random sequence. The end result is a cut-up collage of fragmented voices and distorted field recordings. In some instances I chose to ‘re-construct’ parts of the missing memories using copies made of the original recordings.

In counterpoint, a semi-autobiographical text by Elodie A. Roy reflecting on her parents memories of Brussels is interspersed throughout the piece appearing as a series of answerphone messages.

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#847: 2023.05.28 [patrick mcginley]

this edition of framework:afield has been has been produced in estonia by your regular host in celebration of the 21st birthdays of framework radio and resonance fm. it features the first ever 20 minutes of framework radio, with mcginley (sounding remarkably young and unfit for radio) and his original co-host joel stern, originally broadcast on june 14, 2002, followed by a 40-minute birthday special recorded at framework HQ in 2020 and aired on resonance fm, but never aired as part of the regular program. some notes written about the birthday special in 2020:

may 1st was resonance fm’s 18th birthday. june 14th will be framework radio’s 18th birthday. coincidence? not at all – framework was born in the studios of resonance fm in london, as part of resonance’s initial wave of experimental programming on their initially temporary, but soon to become permanent new art radio endeavour. we are proud to have been there at the beginning, and even prouder to still call resonance our spiritual home, even as we now reside in another country and air on 11 other radio stations as well. we wouldn’t be here without resonance fm, and we can’t thank them enough for all the opportunities this wild ride has brought us.

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#845: 2023.05.14 [hiroko komiya & chris h. lynn]

this edition of framework:afield had been produced between japan and the united states by hiroko komiya and chris h. lynn. producer’s notes:

Title: UKIGUMO, which is Japanese for Drifting Clouds.
A seasonal (Spring) collaboration between Hiroko Komiya and Chris H. Lynn. Recordings shared between Japan and the US (mostly Maryland).
Photo: Teruko Shimura.

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#843: 2023.04.30 [stefan paulus]

this week’s edition of framework:afield, entitled ethnography in passing by, has been produced in switzerland, with recordings made in the united states, by stefan paulus. for more of his work see https://noWHERE-NOWhere.org. producer’s notes:

Actually, the title should be “ethnography in cycling through”, because the following field recordings and conversation snippets were created on a bicycle journey across the USA, on the way from Miami, Florida to Oakland, California. You can listen to the noises of tent cities in the heart of the strongest economy on earth, but also to the stories of people struggling to survive on these edge of civilization and trying to support their community.

The idea behind this field research was to hear about the community life, the social and political organization, cultural expressions of the social spaces and to capture the stories of people I meet accidentally on the road. These were mainly pedestrians, people living on the streets or in the bushes, activists and people who invited me for a coffee or a beer.

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