#838: 2023.03.26

after a few weeks’ break, we continue listening to the works from our latest edition of framework:seasonal in this edition – issue #12, winter 2023 was released on the 8th of february, and features new works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. we listened to the first two projects in edition #834, and are checking out the second two in this edition. these works were contributed by the artists to support framework, so if you like what you hear, please consider visiting our bandcamp page and purchasing this new issue – or any of our past issues – to help keep the program on the air. we can’t continue making the program without listener support, so we greatly appreciate any support you can give!

we began this program with a framework introduction by regular contributor barry cullen, and we rounded if off with a larger-than-usual selection of recording from the aporee soundmaps – italian beech woods, ukranian shepherds, french church bells, portuguese fences and sheep, slovakian trains, lithuanian swans, and english wind turbines. if you’re not familiar with the aporee maps, we highly recommend you go check it out, browse the maps, maybe contribute a recording of your own!

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#837: 2023.03.19 [paul mallatratt]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by paul mallatratt. for more of his work see https://paulmallatratt.bandcamp.com. producer’s notes:

As well as sitting still and listening to the world exist around me, I sometimes like to walk about, especially when a route might take me through differing soundscapes, like woodlands and towns, parks and busy traffic. I like the contrast between the tranquillity of a quiet, calming space and the urgency and chaos of the modern world. This soundwalk mixes all these together and features walks through towns, cities, parks, supermarkets, woodlands and beaches in England, Scotland and Germany. Take a seat, relax, and open your ears.

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#836: 2023.03.12 [IWD]

this is an all-woman iwd show with an intentionally global focus. the majority of works that you are about to hear are contributions produced by members of female pressure as well as artists affiliated with framework radio. All of the pieces reflect unique perspectives of motherhood, place, home, diaspora, endangered environments, freedom, absence, and longing; exploring sonically, listening with attention and sculpting works that transmit particular, individual positioning, observances and responses to auditory experiences by these women artists.

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#835: 2023.03.05 [jason kahn]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled soundings, has been produced in switzerland by jason kahn. for more of his work see https://jasonkahn.net/. producer’s notes:

The radio piece Soundings is an adaption of the book of the same name, which is a collection of 77 texts and field recordings, with each text being written in reaction to one of the recordings on the accompanying CD.

The idea here is to think about how sounds in our everyday lives trigger certain memories or images. And to explore this through the writing of these texts as a kind of field recording of our thoughts and sensations in relation to hearing these sounds again in their recorded form, frozen in time and disassociated from their original source.

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#834: 2023.02.26

we begin listening to the works from our latest edition of framework:seasonal in this edition – issue #12, winter 2023 was released on the 8th of february, and featured new works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. we’re listening to the first two projects in this edition, and will check out the other two in our next regular edition in two weeks’ time. these works were contributed by the artists to support framework, so if you like what you hear, please consider visiting our bandcamp page and purchasing this new issue – or any of our past issues – to help keep the program on the air. we can’t continue making the program without listener support, so we greatly appreciate any support you can give!

we rounded off the program with a larger-than-usual selection of recording from the aporee soundmaps – slovenian pine forests, german ice floes, greek sheep bells, new zealand sea caves, english birdsong, and french trees and construction. if you’re not familiar with the aporee maps, we highly recommend you go check it out, browse the maps, maybe contribute a recording of your own!

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#833: 2023.02.19 [pierre juillard]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in france by pierre juillard. for more of his work see https://pierrejuillard.bandcamp.com. producer’s notes:

Bonjour, i’m Pierre Juillard from France. I’m working in ecology and protection of biodiversity and I’m a musician and audio-naturalist as well. This programme called ‘unknown languages’ was recorded between March and September 2022, in the east of Burgundy. All these places are located around my home : large forests, dry meadows, cliffs and wetlands.

This piece summarizes hours of lonely hikes, waiting, contemplation, observation, silence, restrained breathing … and enhances the biodiversity of this area full of rich natural sites, but highly threatened by human activities as everywhere else in the world.

I collected these recordings for an educational project with the aim of raising awareness of biodiversity of sound and encouraging the listener to discover for himself. It was also a beautiful deep listening experience for me, focused on the acoustics of places and the discovery of new languages.

You will hear the songs of some of the more representative insects, birds and amphibians of this region. No processed sounds here. Have a good listen.

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#832: 2023.02.12

in between the last playlist and this one we have, at long last, released our most recent issue of framework:seasonal, our newly revived series of fund-raising compilations. framework:seasonal is one of the ways we keep the program going, while at the same time hopefully bringing ears to some extremely worthwhile works and artists from the field recording community. if you’d like to see the program continue, and you’d like to support the artists whose work makes it possible, go on over to our bandcamp page and check it out!

framework:seasonal issue #12, winter 2023, features 5 tracks by 6 artists (2 solo projects, and 2 duos) who have all contributed to the program over the years but who (bar one) are making their first appearance on a framework editions release. go have a listen to new, unreleased works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. and if you like it, buy it! we’ll be airing all the tracks over the next few regular editions, so tune in to editions #834 & #836 to hear them on the air.

in this edition we’ve once again got new faces and old friends, with a first listen to works by museleon and sukitoa o namau, and the return of old friends eamon sprod (aka tarab), david prescott-steed (who hasn’t been heard in the show since 2013!) and ian wellman.

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framework:seasonal ::: issue #12, now available!

after a hiatus of nearly 3 years, the framework:seasonal series of fund-raising compilation releases continues with issue #12, winter 2023, another superb collection of previously unreleased works by artists working in the field recording community. this selection features new and old favorites, all of whom (bar one) are new to framework editions‘ release series: alëna…

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#831: 2023.02.05 [yair lópez]

This episode is curated by Yair López in collaboration with the Mexican Center for Music and Sound Arts (CMMAS) with pieces generated within the International Field Recording Meeting (EIGC). We present sounds recorded in various points of Jalisco, State, Mexico: El Estero el Salado in Puerto Vallarta, the surroundings of Talpa de Allende, and the Ribera de Chapala (taking Jocotepec as epicenter). The EIGC was born in 2011 and in 2022 it celebrates five editions, four of which have been supported by the headship of Music and Sound Art of the Secretary of Culture of the state of Jalisco. This variety of places and ecosystems have been explored by a transdisciplinary work group made up of: biologists, scientists, artists with a solid track record, and artists in training through a residency program in 2019, 2020, and 2021. The variety of interests, working techniques, and technological tools of each of the participants gives an amazing richness to each of the pieces. We are very excited to be able to share the pieces generated by: Andrés Aguilar, Antonio Reyes, Daniela Olmedo, Enrique Flores Trinidad, Erik Sánchez, Juan Antonio Vargas, Kimberlyn Madariaga, Miguel Meléndez, Raymundo Macedo, Tania Rubio, Tito Rivas, and Vico Valle.

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#830: 2023.01.29

our second regular edition of 2023, and we think we’re getting into the swing of things now. we like it when we end up with a mix of new names and old favorites in a show, and this week we’ve got sounds for the first time from vicki hallett, leslie keffer and chandra shukla, along with sounds from many regulars and old favorites, some appearing here in our playlists for the first time in a long while, so we’re glad to have them back! some particularly evocative sounds from our aporee maps segment this week – go and check out the original recordings by felicity ford, sala, colin flynn and OR poiesis. you can help select the sounds for our aporee segment by favoriting other nice sounds you come across in your explorations of the maps (just click the star, and that recording will end up on our shortlist).

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#829: 2023.01.22 [john f. barber]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled southside soundwalk, has been produced in the united states, using recordings made along the river thames on london’s south bank in the uk, by john f. barber. for more information see his website at http://nouspace.net/john/. producer’s notes:

Southside Soundwalk is a 58:00 soundwalk composed of field recordings collected while walking along the South Bank of the River Thames in London, England. It provides a listening experience of the urban life in this vibrant, international city.

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#828: 2023.01.15

happy new year! we’re back and we’re excited to have a giant pile of sounds to start digging through to start off 2023, including three new names to our playlists this week alone – jenny berger myhre, david rothenberg, and marta zapparoli. we intend to experiment a bit with our format this year, starting off with the inclusion of some actual songs in this edition, because why not? we also want to continue featuring new names, ideally in every show, so if you know some sounds you think we should hear, please let us know! and on top of all that, we have ambitious plans to breath new life into the framework:seasonal series this year, with four new issues planned, beginning with one coming up in the next few weeks, so stay tuned! thanks for staying with us for another year, 2022 sounded good, let’s make 2023 sound even better!

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#827: 2022.12.18

well, this is it folks, the end of another year of framework broadcasting. we’ll be starting our annual winter break now, a few weeks off to shovel snow and clean out our ears. but fear not, we’ll be back for another year of sound starting with edition #828 on sunday, january 15th. in the meantime, you have this slightly dark and brooding edition (we didn’t do it on purpose, it just happened that way) to peruse, and then our copious archives to tide you over until we get back.

you could also go on over to our patreon page and wish us happy holidays in a more concrete way: by signing up to be a framework patron! we gave it a little push on the old social medias recently and generated a lot of hearts and thumbs, but very few actual commitments (thanks mom!) – isn’t that always the way? framework is almost, or at least could or should be, a full-time job, and we (and i think you all know that we is really just i) absolutely can not afford to do it without financial support. this project is 100% funded by listener support – no advertising, no broadcast stipends, no station payments, just listeners like you who think this radio show makes the world a better place. do you agree with them? if so, and if you can afford to do so (you can commit as little as 1€/$/£ per month) please consider helping us to continue our labor of love!

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