#844: 2023.05.07

not one, but two new releases to draw your attention to this week (amongst the other great sounds in this edition) – firstly, and most importantly, the latest edition of our framework:seasonal series of fund-raising compilations has now been released!

go and check this one out, you will not be disappointed – and if you like it, and you like us, BUY IT, and show us you care. all patreon patrons at the sponsor level or higher receive this, and every new edition, for free, so if you’d prefer to do it that way, visit our patreon page and sign up there.

we’ll listen to works from the above-mentioned issue of framework:seasonal is the next regular edition, but this week tether has been mixed with textural sounds and spoken work by nichola scrutton, forgotten sounds of video home systems by andrea borghi, polish postcards from joanna szumacher, aporee map sounds from france and usa, and a framework introduction recorded in canada by regular contributor james bailey.

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#840: 2023.04.09

spring is finally springing here in southern estonia, so, frankly, we want to get this playlist written and published as quickly as possible so we can get outside. this time of year represents that wonderful spring window where it’s warm and dry, but the biting insects have not yet made their entrance. to be honest, i’d be perfectly happy if it never got warmer than 15C.

so – the sounds are great, and you should go check them out. impressive geophone recordings by patrick quinn, concusssive meditations by amma arteria, electromagnectic attacks  by joe colley, immersive collaborations by elif yalvaç, aporee map sounds from czech republic, belgium, uk, and canada, and a feedbacky pet monitor introduction recorded in the u.s. by ben link collins.

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#838: 2023.03.26

after a few weeks’ break, we continue listening to the works from our latest edition of framework:seasonal in this edition – issue #12, winter 2023 was released on the 8th of february, and features new works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. we listened to the first two projects in edition #834, and are checking out the second two in this edition. these works were contributed by the artists to support framework, so if you like what you hear, please consider visiting our bandcamp page and purchasing this new issue – or any of our past issues – to help keep the program on the air. we can’t continue making the program without listener support, so we greatly appreciate any support you can give!

we began this program with a framework introduction by regular contributor barry cullen, and we rounded if off with a larger-than-usual selection of recording from the aporee soundmaps – italian beech woods, ukranian shepherds, french church bells, portuguese fences and sheep, slovakian trains, lithuanian swans, and english wind turbines. if you’re not familiar with the aporee maps, we highly recommend you go check it out, browse the maps, maybe contribute a recording of your own!

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#836: 2023.03.12 [IWD]

this is an all-woman iwd show with an intentionally global focus. the majority of works that you are about to hear are contributions produced by members of female pressure as well as artists affiliated with framework radio. All of the pieces reflect unique perspectives of motherhood, place, home, diaspora, endangered environments, freedom, absence, and longing; exploring sonically, listening with attention and sculpting works that transmit particular, individual positioning, observances and responses to auditory experiences by these women artists.

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#834: 2023.02.26

we begin listening to the works from our latest edition of framework:seasonal in this edition – issue #12, winter 2023 was released on the 8th of february, and featured new works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. we’re listening to the first two projects in this edition, and will check out the other two in our next regular edition in two weeks’ time. these works were contributed by the artists to support framework, so if you like what you hear, please consider visiting our bandcamp page and purchasing this new issue – or any of our past issues – to help keep the program on the air. we can’t continue making the program without listener support, so we greatly appreciate any support you can give!

we rounded off the program with a larger-than-usual selection of recording from the aporee soundmaps – slovenian pine forests, german ice floes, greek sheep bells, new zealand sea caves, english birdsong, and french trees and construction. if you’re not familiar with the aporee maps, we highly recommend you go check it out, browse the maps, maybe contribute a recording of your own!

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#832: 2023.02.12

in between the last playlist and this one we have, at long last, released our most recent issue of framework:seasonal, our newly revived series of fund-raising compilations. framework:seasonal is one of the ways we keep the program going, while at the same time hopefully bringing ears to some extremely worthwhile works and artists from the field recording community. if you’d like to see the program continue, and you’d like to support the artists whose work makes it possible, go on over to our bandcamp page and check it out!

framework:seasonal issue #12, winter 2023, features 5 tracks by 6 artists (2 solo projects, and 2 duos) who have all contributed to the program over the years but who (bar one) are making their first appearance on a framework editions release. go have a listen to new, unreleased works by alëna korolëva, blanc sceol (stephen shiell & hannah white), annette krebs & peter cusack, and samuel kudjodzi. and if you like it, buy it! we’ll be airing all the tracks over the next few regular editions, so tune in to editions #834 & #836 to hear them on the air.

in this edition we’ve once again got new faces and old friends, with a first listen to works by museleon and sukitoa o namau, and the return of old friends eamon sprod (aka tarab), david prescott-steed (who hasn’t been heard in the show since 2013!) and ian wellman.

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#830: 2023.01.29

our second regular edition of 2023, and we think we’re getting into the swing of things now. we like it when we end up with a mix of new names and old favorites in a show, and this week we’ve got sounds for the first time from vicki hallett, leslie keffer and chandra shukla, along with sounds from many regulars and old favorites, some appearing here in our playlists for the first time in a long while, so we’re glad to have them back! some particularly evocative sounds from our aporee maps segment this week – go and check out the original recordings by felicity ford, sala, colin flynn and OR poiesis. you can help select the sounds for our aporee segment by favoriting other nice sounds you come across in your explorations of the maps (just click the star, and that recording will end up on our shortlist).

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#828: 2023.01.15

happy new year! we’re back and we’re excited to have a giant pile of sounds to start digging through to start off 2023, including three new names to our playlists this week alone – jenny berger myhre, david rothenberg, and marta zapparoli. we intend to experiment a bit with our format this year, starting off with the inclusion of some actual songs in this edition, because why not? we also want to continue featuring new names, ideally in every show, so if you know some sounds you think we should hear, please let us know! and on top of all that, we have ambitious plans to breath new life into the framework:seasonal series this year, with four new issues planned, beginning with one coming up in the next few weeks, so stay tuned! thanks for staying with us for another year, 2022 sounded good, let’s make 2023 sound even better!

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#827: 2022.12.18

well, this is it folks, the end of another year of framework broadcasting. we’ll be starting our annual winter break now, a few weeks off to shovel snow and clean out our ears. but fear not, we’ll be back for another year of sound starting with edition #828 on sunday, january 15th. in the meantime, you have this slightly dark and brooding edition (we didn’t do it on purpose, it just happened that way) to peruse, and then our copious archives to tide you over until we get back.

you could also go on over to our patreon page and wish us happy holidays in a more concrete way: by signing up to be a framework patron! we gave it a little push on the old social medias recently and generated a lot of hearts and thumbs, but very few actual commitments (thanks mom!) – isn’t that always the way? framework is almost, or at least could or should be, a full-time job, and we (and i think you all know that we is really just i) absolutely can not afford to do it without financial support. this project is 100% funded by listener support – no advertising, no broadcast stipends, no station payments, just listeners like you who think this radio show makes the world a better place. do you agree with them? if so, and if you can afford to do so (you can commit as little as 1€/$/£ per month) please consider helping us to continue our labor of love!

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#825: 2022.12.04

a sparser mix this week, at least relatively. 15 individual pieces in the show – as opposed to over 20 in our last several regular editions – coming to us from canada, the united states, the united kingdom, belgium, croatia, france and rwanda. winter is settling in here, so perhaps the mixes are becoming more wintry. we’ve got sounds of demolition, aeolian harps, water, wind, frogs and plenty more.

a few more shows coming to you before our annual winter break. one more framework:afield next week (#826), and a final regular edition in two weeks time (#827) before we hunker down for a little hibernation. we’ll come back to you with edition #828, premiering on january 15th (not january 9th, as i mistakenly said in the show), and soon after that we hope to be able to announce the first issue of framework:seasonal, our fund-raising compilation series, since #11 in the spring of 2020. stay tuned for more info about that!

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#823: 2022.11.20

i’ll tell you a secret: sometimes these shows make themselves. i feel like i’m cheating taking any credit for them – the works i somewhat randomly select to use in an edition sometimes slot themselves together so gloriously and holistically that i feel like i’m in the audience myself. this is one of those weeks – amazing antarctic sounds by cheryl e. leonard, environmental recordings and malfunctioning mixers by keith de mendonca & howard dodd, the spectacular sounds of ukrainian and argentinian steppes reworked by anla courtis & edward sol, the long-distance concrete collaborations between porya hatami in iran & monologue (marie rose) in france, the rubbish sounds of rubbish music (kate carr & iain chambers) from the uk, aporee map sounds from germany, vanuatu, ghana, and bhutan, and a framework introduction recorded for us on the beach in hong kong. hope you enjoy this whirlpool as much as i do.

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#821: 2022.11.06

it feels like it’s been a long time since we had such a long playlist – 21 individual tracks by 9 different artists in 7 different countries. several new names, as we have the pleasure of airing the work of both méryll ampe and david brown for the first time this week, along with the return of recent favorites alëna korolëva and pierrot desperes. and our aporee soundmaps segment brings us 3 new names this week (steve bates, rachid sadaoui, and alison fure) along with steadfast regular ian-john hutchinson. all this began with a framework introduction recorded for us in bergen, norway by uk sound artist paul mallatratt.

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