#613: 2017.10.08 [audio-DH]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled audio-DH, has been produced in the netherlands by francisco lópez, barbara ellison and iii in collaboration with 250 creators from the city of den haag (the hague). for more information see the project website at http://audiodh.nl.

sonic manifestations by 250 creators from Den Haag / The Hague

Rejecting nostalgia and elitism, I am among those who believe that the current sound creative situation worldwide is not only particularly appealing but also has no historical precedent in terms of the magnitude of the phenomenon of creativity socialization (a term I prefer over the more equivocal of ‘democratization’). This state of affairs is not a consequence of ‘the internet’ or ‘the social networks’ –as many seem to dogmatically assume nowadays. In my opinion, the causal sequence is at least an iterative bidirectional succession, if not the outright inverse. The essential mechanisms of this process were present before and they have indeed manifested themselves in their outcomes every time the techno-cultural conditions were right (two pre-internet examples are the social history of the electric guitar and the so-called ‘cassette culture’). The current discourse is quite often focused on the evolution and accessibility of the tools (‘new technologies’, ‘computers’…). This perspective is not only deficient in light of its positivist character and its teleological fiction, but also because it obliterates what is perhaps the most significant process of transformation that has taken place over the past few decades: the ethic and aesthetic socialization of the right to create. […]

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#611: 2017.09.24 [paul ratcliff]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by paul ratcliff. producer’s notes:

Yorkshire Soundings

You are going to hear a collection of sounds from the region of Yorkshire in the North of England, UK. This collation is the culmination of four years of field recording practice and is arranged to show both the sounds of human-made constructions, what Krause would call Anthrophony, and also the natural history sounds found in the urban areas of the county. […]

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#609: 2017.07.30 [pheobe riley law & jez riley french]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by pheobe riley law and jez riley french. PLEASE NOTE: this is our last edition before our annual summer break, where we take the month of august (and a bit) off to weed the garden, read a book, and recharge our ears. we’ll be back with edition #610 on sunday, september 17th. in the meantime, we know you can’t live without out, so please take this time to explore some of the shows you might have missed in the archive, or experiment with our eternal random players. and please, as always, consider making a donation so we can come back with a strong autumn season! here are this edition’s notes, from the producers:

a quiet position – orford ness
curated by JrF & Pheobe riley Law

Jez riley French – build
Pheobe riley Law – E4/139 (extract)
Nikki Sheth – Orford Grass
Jez riley French – in […]

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#607: 2017.07.16 [aharon]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled artscapes and hospitality, has been produced in the uk by aharon, with the collaboration of hilan bensusan. notes from the producer:

About Artscapes and hospitality. The recording was made over two different times and events while focusing on similar subjects. The sound-scapes rove from foreground to background yet continually hosting, informing and interrupting an ongoing conversation. The conversation is between two friends, Hilan Bensusan – a philosopher, and Aharon – an artist. Both come from different sets of focuses, and yet are interested in similar subjects. The topics of the conversations are ideas to do with art’s informality and a philosophy of hospitality. 1st part is recorded at a gallery opening. 2nd part is recorded during a walk in “fireworks night”, Brighton, UK, 2016.

Hilan Bensusan. A philosopher and lecturer based in brasilia university. hilanbensusan.net
Aharon. A nonspecific artist. itchy.5p.lt

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#605: 2017.07.02 [amanda wilson & justin gagen]

this edition of framework:afield, a 1 hour version of their piece entitled aurosion, has been produced in the uk by amanda wilson and justin gagen.

notes from the producers:

Aurosion: Eroding Sonic Landscapes with the Internet Audio Cyclotron
by Amanda Wilson and Justin Gagen

Aurosion: Eroding Sonic Landscapes with the Internet Audio Cyclotron was originally a collaborative, long-form studio performance by the authors, broadcast on June 6th 2016 by the radio station ResonanceExtra. The piece, whose seed material consisted of field recordings from locales as diverse as the laboratory and a tropical mangrove forest, ran for six hours: this version represents an edit consisting of around an hour of the original performance. Aurosion utilised a process conceived and designed by the authors to subvert the functionality of networks and compression algorithms – The Internet Audio Cyclotron, or IAC. […]

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#603: 2017.06.18 [semi/silent]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in bucharest, romania by the participants in framework’s ephemeral listening workshop, organised by semi/silent this past january. for more information on semi/silent and their work, see http://semisilent.ro.

producers’ notes:

SEMI / SILENT Recordists in Winter

SEMI / SILENT is a platform for radio art, creative audio documentaries and field recording created in 2016 by Anamaria Pravicencu and Octav Avramescu for the promotion of sound work in Romania.

In the frame of SEMI / SILENT, in January 2017, a group of 12 sound artists, musicians, performers, sound engineers, film makers and journalists participated in a two days workshop with Patrick Tubin McGinley and created a number of non verbal narratives with sounds from Bucharest.

www.semisilent.ro […]

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#599: 2017.05.21 [jason kahn]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in zürich, switzerland with recordings made in beijing, china by jason kahn. for more information see http://www.jasonkahn.net.

notes from the producer:

Jason Kahn // Capital Steel

Long walk from the subway station to Capital Steel. Progressing steadily down vast boulevards, past dilapidated worker slums decaying in the dust and smog. The street ends at a construction site, and coming out the other side traces of Capital Steel loom into view: the wall enclosing the grounds, the huge steel pipes traveling elevated through the outlying neighborhoods. I take a side street, walking past metal workers, auto repair, mom and pop groceries. An atmosphere of quiet resignation. The sun beats way overhead, somewhere above the cloak of smog. […]

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#597: 2017.05.07 [julian weaver]

this is the second of two editions produced in the uk and france by julian weaver (the first, two weeks ago, produced in collaboration with jean martin). for more information on his work, see http://www.finetuned.org.

a few words from the producer:

I even felt uneasy / Je me sentais même un malaise
Julian Weaver

Narration by Jacques Sirot @Mirlitant

The falling tide reveals an acoustic space in the ecotone which is obliterated on its return. The ecotone is a border zone where ecological systems meet and mingle; a place of tension that is often a site of political conflict.

In the UK where I live, there has been, since the vote to leave the EU, a queasiness about travel across the English Channel (La Manche). Expats are unsettled by precarity over their rights to remain. Retrograde waves of xenophobia, spurred by ideological policy (‘State multiculturalism has failed’ – David Cameron, 2011), campaign rhetoric (‘Breaking Point: Britain has failed us all’, UKIP 2016), are unfettered in the press (‘Migrants setting up SECRET Calais camps’, Daily Express, 2017) and increasingly apparent in public by those intent on ‘taking our country back.’ […]

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#595: 2017.04.23 [julian weaver & jean martin]

this edition, entitled sound little island, has been produced in the uk and france by julian weaver and jean martin. for more information see their respective websites at http://www.finetuned.org and http://www.soundbasis.eu.

notes from the producers:

With the Brexit process in full flow and increasingly protectionist tendencies in the USA, Italy, Poland, Hungary and France, we are reminded of the UK’s former diplomatic policy of so-called ‘splendid isolation.’ Around the same time in France, Joris-Karl Huysmans published the classic À Rebours (1884) in which Des Esseintes ‘travels’ to England, by literary, culinary and other sensorial means, without leaving Paris’; a masterful combination of English mores and excruciating cliché strangely echoed by the rhetoric of the leave campaign. […]

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#593: 2017.04.09 [edward sanderson]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced by edward sanderson, and features the work of artists working with field recordings in china. for more information on edward and his work, see http://blog.escdotdot.com.

K1973 (Zhang Jungang) – “共乐小区 Gongle Community”, from the Harbin Sound Map, Harbin, 2009 http://www.icebreaking.org/sound/map/
“The air defence warning sound in Harbin on the 18th September, the National Humiliation Day, this recording sounds like an urban symphony consisting of the sonic ritual and sounds of daily life.” – Zhang Jungang […]

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#591: 2017.03.26 [jani purhonen & tero niskanen]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in helsinki by jani purhonen and tero niskanen. for more information on some of their other projects, see:


some words from jani:

Raaja. Creative documentation of a site work by A.J. Purhonen and Tero Niskanen. A site specific web radio station during Flow festival in August 2016 collected material along the fringes of the festival area through an exploration into the medium of sound.

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#589: 2017.03.12 [vincent duseigne]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in belgium by vincent duseigne, using recordings made in abandoned mines in 2016. for more information see his website at http://tchorski.morkitu.org.

notes from the producer:

For 20 years, we have been exploring abandoned mines. Often, it’s extremely difficult to access these places. We may stay underground for long periods, to reach faraway areas. In terms of sound, the mine offers a unique and strange landscape. The trip that is offered here begins with the words of a teammate : behind a long flooded zone, a new mine has been discovered. Following this good news, we dive into the unusual world of the mine, as austere as it is uncanny. […]

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