#923: 2025.03.09 [iris garrelfs]

This edition features extracts from field recording based compositions created by Acoustic Ecology and Field Recording students at Goldsmiths, University of London. The original pieces the extracts come from are between 13min and 20min in length, and the show has been curated by Iris Garrelfs.

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#822: 2022.11.13 [iris garrelfs]

This one hour composition is the result of a workshop exploring the relationship between field recordings and the voice. It was conducted remotely by Iris Garrelfs, for the International Field Recording Meeting (EIGC) based in Mexico in summer 2022.

Coming from a range of Latin American countries, some of the participants were new to the practice, others were more experienced. Locations included large cities and smaller places as well as indoor and outdoor settings, populated by street vendors, musicians, cars, birds, dogs. You can hear markets, a university campus, sounds drifting into a basement.

After completion of the workshop participants selected or created a 1-2min long section from their source recordings which were then combined into this 1 hour long piece by Iris Garrelfs. The result superimposes spatially disjointed, but temporally corresponding experiences across the continent, from Guadalajara in Mexico over Trinidad in Bolivia to Buenos Aires in Argentina.

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#703: 2020.03.01 [iris garrelfs]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk, and features extracts from field recording based compositions created by phonography students at goldsmiths, university of london. each extract encapsulates the student’s individual approach to exploring some of issues encountered within field recording and soundscape composition practices. the original works are between 13min and 20min in length, and the show has been curated by iris garrelfs. […]

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#674: 2019.05.12 [iris garrelfs]

this edition of framework:afield has been curated by iris garrelfs, and features extracts from field recording based compositions created by her phonography students at goldsmiths, university of london. each extract encapsulates the student’s individual approach to exploring some of issues encountered within field recording and soundscape composition practices. […]

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