#463: 2014.04.20

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.04.20FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.04.20.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (131.9MB)Subscribe: RSSbrames, marc & olivier namblard, ouïe/dire, 2012 a couple of errata in this week’s show: i announced that d’incise, whose new release on consumer waste is featured this week, is from belgium, whereas in fact he is (i believe) from switzerland. or at least lives there. i…

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#462: 2014.04.13 [gurkan mıhçı]

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.04.13FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.04.13.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (132.7MB)Subscribe: RSSthis edition of framework:afield has been produced in turkey by gurkan mıhçı. for more information see http://www.gurkanmihci.com. notes from the producer: I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed; Then suddenly birds fly by, Flocks of birds, high up, with a hue and cry, While the…

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#461: 2014.04.06

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.04.06FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.04.06.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:00 — 131.2MB)Subscribe: RSSthe island, jamie drouin, infrequency editions 2014 another intro-related announcement this week: work has finally properly begun on the framework introduction soundmap, inspired by and produced with the great help of the aporee soundmap’s udo noll. slowly, we have begun placing over 10 years…

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#460: 2014.03.30 [keith de mendonca]

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.03.30FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.03.30.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:00 — 131.2MB)Subscribe: RSSthis edition of framework:afield has been produced by regular contributor keith de mendonca. keith’s notes about the show: Framework:afield : festivals in India, Vietnam, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Following on from earlier editions of framework:afield in Asia #165, #188 and #340, this programme tours…

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#459: 2014.03.23

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.03.23FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.03.23.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:00 — 131.2MB)Subscribe: RSStony whitehead & jeph jerman, underwater, impulsive habitat, 2014 many thanks to those of you who took place in my first framework introduction competition – as i announced a in edition #457, the names of all producers of framework intros received between then and…

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#458: 2014.03.16 [david velez]

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.03.16FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.03.16.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (131.9MB)Subscribe: RSSthis edition of framework:afield has been produced in columbia by david velez. he describes it as a “heavily layered radio program produced with fragments from a selection of physical and digital releases that were published or [he] first heard in 2013.” for more information see http://davidvelezr.tumblr.com or…

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#457: 2014.03.09

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.03.09FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.03.09.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (131.9MB)Subscribe: RSSi really enjoyed putting this edition together – it includes my favorite recent release, by the french namblard brothers; a beautifully packaged and delicately constructed self-release by sabri meddeb, whose work is a new discovery for us; the surprisingly soothing sounds of fiebig and mockl‘s traffic; and…

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#456: 2014.03.02 [yannick dauby]

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.03.02FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.03.02.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (131.9MB)Subscribe: RSSthis edition of framework:afield, entitled earwigs, has been produced by yannick dauby and his students from the national taiwan university. for more information on yannick and his work see http://www.kalerne.net. notes on the show: EARWIGS A series of projects by the students of the class Soundscape and…

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#455: 2014.02.23

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.02.23FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.02.23.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:00 — 131.2MB)Subscribe: RSS30:13, mecha/orga, impulsive habitat, 2013 some long selections and a few vocal works made for an intriguing mix this week, while a bacterial throat infection made my own vocal input a little – well – choked. interesting mixing a radio show when you can…

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#454: 2014.02.16 [ernst karel]

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.02.16FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.02.16.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (132.7MB)Subscribe: RSSthis edition of framework:afield, the last of a three-part series, has been produced in the united states by ernst karel, in collaboration with the students from the sonic ethnography course he teaches at harvard university. for more information see his website : http://ek.klingt.org  or that of the sonic ethnography lab: http://sel.fas.harvard.edu a…

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#453: 2014.02.09

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.02.09FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.02.09.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (132.7MB)Subscribe: RSScome kingdom come, maile colbert, two acorns, 2013 this regular edition comes just at the start of the annual fundraiser for our original home and the station where we still premier each show, resonance 104.4fm in london. we began broadcasting in there first studio on denmark street…

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#452: 2014.02.02 [ernst karel]

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.02.02FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.02.02.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:00 — 131.2MB)Subscribe: RSSphoto by ernst karel this edition of framework:afield, the second of a three-part series, has been produced in the united states by ernst karel, in collaboration with the students from the sonic ethnography course he teaches at harvard university. for more information see his website : http://ek.klingt.org  or…

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#451: 2014.01.26

http://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2014.01.26FrameworkRadio/framework-2014.01.26.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (132.7MB)Subscribe: RSStattered kaylor, sombre nay sated, stasisfield 2013 some long slow tracks for a winter’s evening; several free-to-download mp3 releases, a cassette, and an honest-to-goodness cd as well. all begun with a framework introduction sent in by long-time contributor tom mansell. we’re running low on intros, folks, so…

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