#787: 2022.02.06

several IRL, paper and plastic, dropped off by a real live postman submissions in this show, newly arrived, although not entirely newly released; sonic rubbish (tarab’s in house imprint), rekem (a label run by old friend nicolas malevitsis), and sofa (who sent a handful of their releases last year, including that great one we played in edition #729 by vilde&inga) all released shiny discs that we made spin round really fast in this edition, alongside a few great new virtual releases for good measure (one released by the good people at flaming pines, then other self-released by our good friend manja ristić), all, genuinely all, streamable and buyable on bandcamp. also, the return of our aporee soundmaps segment (which we frankly just forgot to include last regular edition) and a framework introduction recorded for us in the united states by paul dickinson.

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#786: 2022.01.30 [nils mosh]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in germany by nils mosh. for more of his work see https://soundofessen.com/. producer’s notes:

Comissioned by the Emschergenossenschaft U was exploring the soundscape of the Emscher River and making its conversion audible – from an open wastewater channel to a renaturalized and diversely revitalized watercourse. As of the end of 2021 the Emscher is officialy free of sewage, so my recordings of the dirt water are the last audio document of 100+ year history of the dirtiest river of Germany. In my two minute collage on Youtube (https://youtu.be/QNll4Ps8sJU) you can listen to a comparison between the dirty and the clean Emscher. In this radio program you can listen to some of the sounds in detail, hear sounds from my recordings along the 80km long river, that didn’t make it into the original collage and get more information on the river, background stories from the recordings and insights on my approach to listen to the now most expensive river of Germany.

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#785: 2022.01.23

i love it when i discover that artists whose work i love know one another and are working together, as has happened with my discovery of yen-ting hsu’s collaborative recording documents with yannick dauby – 2 volumes of recordings from chiayi in southern taiwan. we’re exploring vol.1 in this edition, and we’ll come back for vol.2 some time in the coming months.

we’re also listening to some fine minimal textures on a new self-release by willem sannen, a short work on cronica electronica by miguel a. garcia, an unreleased work which can be heard on soundcloud by mathias guilbaud, a gem in the prolific output of canadian label empreintes digitals by roxanne turcotte (is anyone else reminded of totoro’s flute playing at the debut of her track les oiseaux de nias?), an audio portrait of the river in the hometown, the charles, by ana laura malmaceda, and a nice old-time mountain music intro recorded for us in athens, alabama (yes, there’s one there too) by ben link collins.

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#784: 2022.01.16 [france jobin]

Bonjour, I am France Jobin, Welcome to these are a few of my favorite things.
As mentioned in earlier installments, my interpretation of field recording based works is very broad. however, the thread I like to follow is to find artists who have mastered their unique identity through the music of sound.
With this edition of my favorite things, it is my pleasure to showcase sound artists from Medellin, Colombia.

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#783: 2022.01.09

happy new year! we’ve had a refreshing few weeks off, but we’re back now with a full schedule of new material, guest producers, and plans for 2022. we’re getting off to a running start with our first show back, which began with a healthy dose of skepticism by a perhaps unwilling listener, before moving us through sounds from the uk, france, norway, the us, greece and saudi arabia.

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#782: 2021.12.19

this is our final show for 2021, and it comes with a small gift for you, dear listener – we’re making this week’s voiceover-free version of the show, usually reserved for our patreon supporters, available to everyone, just click the link above to enjoy this final mix of the year without all my babbling. we know many of you enjoy the dulcet tones of my whisky-soaked voicebox (if i’m lucky), but some of you may prefer to hear the sounds contributed by the amazing artists listed below without having to listen to me babble on about the weather and our bandcamp page. so – listen! enjoy! and happy holidays!

for our final mix of the year we’re taking another dip in to the possible moistures compilation, exploring the new release sent to us on an actual cd in the actual post (!) by annette krebs, enjoying some crackle and scratch by s.(tandard) grey, finally remembering to air two single unreleased works (they tend to get misplaced in the submissions folder) by ceclia tyrell and timo carlier, traveling the globe from out studio with the aporee soundmaps, and ringing out the year with a framework introduction recorded in taiwan by vince hancock.

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#781: 2021.12.12 [ben link collins]

the last edition of framework:afield for 2021 has been produced in the united states by ben link collins. for more of his work see http://www.alabamafield.com/. producer’s notes:

There’s a lot that I could tell you about Big Bend, but I think for the sake of these recordings there are only two main bits of information you need to know.
First, as I said, Big Bend is on the U.S. Mexico Boarder, where in years prior the pandemic tourists could cross the Rio Grande River into Mexico to spend a day in a small town called Boquillas.  Since the border closing between the United States and Mexico, which fortunately will be ending soon, Boquillas has been completely cut off from tourism, which makes for the vast majority of the towns income for it’s 250-300 residence.  However, everyday tourists wade through the usually shallow waters to set foot in Mexico, and residence of Boquillas cross the border to fish, move ranch animals, and to layout displays of trinkets, jewelry, and souvenirs for U.S. tourists in Big Bend to purchase by placing money in a jar or aluminum coffee can, purely relying on the honor system.
The second thing you need to know is about the geological history of how Big Bend came to be.  The mixture of flat desert and abrupt extrusions of land into mountains and canyons is the result of something called the Western Interior Seaway, which was a body of water that bisected North America from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean up until around 60 million years ago.  Since then, rising tectonic plates and volcanic eruptions have raised the land above sea level. But the established land formations from volcanic eruptions, underwater sediment and ocean current, as well as fossils of the lives lived in the Seaway, are still in abundance and make up the surreal landscape.  In short, you are always aware that you are walking on an extinct ocean floor.

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#780: 2021.12.05

well folks, we are approaching, but not quite yet arrived at, the end of our 2021 programming – we have one more edition of framework:afield next week (produced in the u.s. by ben link collins) and then one final regular edition the week after, and then we’ll be taking our much-needed holiday break, taking a few weeks to refresh our ears (and heat our studio – it’s a chilly -18C here this morning!) and coming back to you with new sounds on january 9th. as always, there are plenty of shows in the archive to keep you tided over – we’ve sure you haven’t heard all 639 of them – until we come back. but this week you can enjoy these great sounds, from a new discovery for us, the canadian sound artist dang., a new work from ian wellman, another wonderful release from the forms of minutiae label, and a glorious single-take recording at a frozen lake not too far from here in finland by till bovermann aka lfsaw. and we started it all off with a framework introduction recorded for us by regular contributor william denton. […]

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#779: 2021.11.28 [luís antero]

https://media.blubrry.com/1474243/archive.org/download/2021.11.28FrameworkRadio/framework779-2021.11.28.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:00 — 137.9MB)Subscribe: RSSpatreon campaign progress report:106 patrons (up from 104)50% towards our goal (up from 49%)want to help? http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio this edition of framework:afield has been produced in portugal by regular contributor luís antero. for more of his work, see http://luisantero.yolasite.com, or https://luisantero.bandcamp.com. producer’s notes: [PT]Para esta…

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#778: 2021.11.21

we’ve been a fan of éric la casa’s work since he was half of syllyk back in the early 90’s – it’s as if his technique and aesthetic have developed along the same trajectories as our ears, and once again he doesn’t fail to impress with his new everyday unknown series of abstract sound constructions. they blended nicely with the geographic captures of nikki sheth (south africa), jeff gburek (bulgaria) and paula schopf (chilé). we topped it all off with sounds from italy, canada, russia and czechia from the aporee soundmaps, and an introduction full of hailstones from northern ireland.

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#777: 2021.11.14 [mark vernon]

this edition, entitled magneto mori: vienna, has been produced in scotland by regular contributor mark vernon. for more information see https://meagreresource.com. producer’s notes:

Magneto Mori: Vienna is a fragmented sound portrait of the city constructed from found sounds, buried tapes and field recordings. In this de-composition sounds from Vienna’s past and present are conjoined in a stew of semi-degraded audiotape. […]

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#776: 2021.11.07

old and new(er) friends in this weeks edition – i first met both howard stelzer and jeff surak back in the early 00’s, while jilliene sellner (who put together the harbour me release) has been a regular contributor over these last few years, and anna xambó (who put me on to the dirty dialogues release) first got in touch a few weeks ago. their sounds sound like old friends, though; we hope you’ll enjoy listening to this mix as much as we enjoyed making it. […]

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#775: 2021.10.31 [jilliene sellner]

On 18 July 2021* members of Heya Collective simultaneously live streamed for 1 hour, from Turkey, UK, Lebanon and Egypt, the sounds of their immediate surroundings in response to the call out for World Listening Day 2021 (link: https://www.worldlisteningproject.org/world-listening-day-2021-the-unquiet-earth/). It emerged for us as time to come together apart, listening to the audible and contemplating the positioning of the callout and our experiences of the pandemic, as female field recordists, our relationship to one another and to the environment. The end result was not quiet, let alone ‘beyond the threshold of human hearing’, but an interpersonal and interspecies dialogue (often precisely because of the absence of each other and of other species’ audibility in those moments) of dispersed but connected ‘noisy’ realities.

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