#902: 2024.09.22 [joseph young]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced by joseph young in the united kingdom using recordings made in the west of ireland. producer’s notes:

listening to the wind conjures a landscape in sound inspired by the work of Tim Robinson (1935-2020). Robinson was an artist, writer and cartographer, originally from […]

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#901: 2024.09.15

estelle schorpp, makhun, svetlana maraš, illusion of safety, sounds from the aporee maps by felicity ford, udo noll, thirdsilence, jacopo casasola, and taavi suisalu, and an intro recorded in estonia by your host, patrick tubin mcginley. image: illusion of safety, ‘float’, full spectrum, 2024.

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#900! 2024.07.28

well folks, with the last show of the season we hit another landmark: 900 editions of framework radio! edition #001 aired on the 14th of june, 2002, live from resonancefm’s original denmark street studios in london, with my young and inexperienced self and my slightly more capable co-host joel stern […]

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#899: 2024.07.21 [jeph jerman]

this week we conclude our look back at some early classic editions of framework:afield with one produced in cottonwood, arizona in the u.s. by jeph jerman (also sometimes known as handsto). it was first broadcast on the 30th of june, 2006. all the recordings featured were, at the time, unreleased material.

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#898: 2024.07.14

featuring kevin miller, the solo work of melissa pons, renata roman, gaël segalen, and francisco meirino, while we finally got a first submission into the program from mark gorney, and began the program with a framework intro recorded for us by steve barsotti.

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#897: 2024.07.07 [cedric peyronnet]

this week we continue our look back at some early classic editions of framework:afield with an edition produced in france by cedric peyronnet, aka toy.bizarre, and first broadcast on the 16th of june, 2006. for more of cedric’s current work, see ingeos.org.

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#896: 2024.06.30

we’ve been wanting to get to this sholto dobie release for a while, nice sounds from our (relative) neighbor in lithuania. also an album we missed last year from blanc sceol, new sounds from the mexican duo bosque vacio, as well as sounds from brazil, china, the united states, iceland and france.

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#895: 2024.06.23 [bill thompson]

this week we continue our look back at some early classic editions of framework:afield with an edition produced in scotland by american sound artist bill thompson, and first broadcast on the 2nd of june, 2006. bill’s program was constructed exclusively from field recordings taken from old phonograph records.

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#894: 2024.06.16

this edition is full of personal favorites – gruenrekorder, jim haynes, bird & renoult, KMRU, the aporee maps…
from the intensity of shattering glass and cicadas to the vibrations of super high frequency radio waves, lambs’ tails and 13.8 billion years… these sounds come from and go to lots of places.

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#893: 2024.06.09 [felicity ford]

this week we continue our look back at some early framework:afield classics, as we revisit our second edition of the series, produced in the uk by artist, author, podcaster, knitter, and longtime friend of the program, felicity ford, aka felix, first aired on the 19th of may 2006

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#892: 2024.06.02

the hectic summer months have begun at framework HQ – local projects, travels, gardening work, and the endless attempt to construct proper window screens, all culminating in the need for some soothing sounds. we think this collection of artists have provided the elixir – insects, frogs and quiet tones from pablo diserens […]

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#891: 2024.05.26 [ben owen]

this week we continue our look back at some early framework:afield classics, as we revisit our first ever “official” bimonthly edition of the series, produced in new york city by artist, publisher and printer ben owen, and first broadcast on the 5th of may, 2006. it is comprised of recordings […]

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#890: 2024.05.19

m larsen-bakk splices together reports from single days of his life in his cut journal series; andrea ermke live-edits her recordings from minidisc to 1/4″ tape; david vélez composed with the sounds of cooking and growing plants; bill vine composes and performs works for clarinet quintet in response to […]

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