#644: 2018.06.03 [manrico montero]

in this edition we pay tribute to the mexican field recordist and sound artist manrico montero, who sadly passed away recently only in his 40’s. we’re featuring a selection of his own solo and collaborative works as released by labels such as unfathomless, sem and impulsive habitat, as well as works by other artists – terje paulsen, james mcdougall, juan josé calarco, christopher mcfall, hiroki sasajima – released on the netlabel that manrico himself curated, mandorla. we didn’t know him personally, but from the tributes that have been made to him throughout the field recording community, it is clear that he will be greatly missed. […]

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#642: 2018.05.20

we had a pleasant week full of packages arriving at framework HQ – well, ok, only two, but that’s a lot these days. once upon a time we received three or four packages PER DAY with new submissions for the show, and while the submission rate hasn’t really dropped, 95% of them are online now, so we don’t get that nice it’s-christmas-everyday feeling anymore. i wouldn’t want to go back to those days, we wouldn’t have room to keep all those spinning things, but once in a while it’s still nice to hold objects in the hand, especially when they’re as attractive as these ones are. thanks philip sulidae and adrian dziewanski! […]

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#640: 2018.05.06

a relatively short playlist this week, as we focused on fewer but longer excerpts from some recent releases we’ve really been enjoying; several physical objects, two cds and a cassette (most probably also available as downloads) and one unreleased work as well.
plus, a public apology to hagai izenberg, whose unreleased work spalax you will hear smack in the middle of the show. but i embarrassingly forgot to name him in the list of artists in the show’s audio. it happens sometimes – i’m only human. sorry hagai! […]

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#638: 2018.04.22

when we learned of matt shoemaker’s passing last august we made a show in his memory, featuring our own selection of favorites from his impressive body of work. that show can be heard here:


since then many memorials have been in the planning, including an exhibition of his paintings, recordings and photographs that is up now at seattle’s jack straw new media gallery, and a memorial concert that is coming up in just a few weeks. i wish we could be there, but we are far from seattle. however, maybe you are not, and if that’s the case we highly recommend you go and honor his memory and experience the work of an amazing gathering of artists. […]

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#636: 2018.04.08

there’s something different about this week’s mix. not better or worse per se – that is, it’s not for me to judge, that’s your role, dear listener – just different. not sure what; it sounds more thoughtful, perhaps, than our usual clouds of frequency and texture. i know it’s me that makes these mixes, but sometimes they make themselves, and i can’t really follow how it happened. maybe one of you can work it out and let me know… […]

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#634: 2018.03.25

new and old this week, as we explore a few older releases that have now been made available on bandcamp by the and/oar and no rent records labels, alongside the latest release by from gruenrekorder and our latest selection of recent uploads to the aporee soundmaps. stuart dodman’s 2004 release you fill me is a series of works composed from recordings or architectural acoustics, while five elements music (2009) take us into russian forests and howard stelzer (2016) serves up a rumble of cassette noise and neighborhood rattle. meanwhile we explore the sounds of the naturally inaudible, vlf signals, electromagnetic interference, etc, on the brand new double-cd collaborative release by christina kubisch and annea lockwood. all this began with a framework introduction recorded in front or a roaring fire somewhere in ireland. […]

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#630: 2018.02.25

it’s been far too long since anything from the great zeromoon label graced our airwaves, and we took steps to remedy that situation this week by sampling 3 of their recent (as in, from the past 2 or 3 years) releases, with still a few more to come sometime in the less-distant future. these works from julie rousse, martyna poznańska, and marta zapparoli provided a very nice framework (natch) on which the rest of the show was built, featuring sounds from one playback of spyros polychronopoulos’ live electronic music, a software-driven soundwork housed in a polycarbonate box that never manifests itself in the same way twice, an unreleased mix by monika pich (available for further listening on her mixcloud page) of location sounds from installations and videos, and our usual selection of listener favorites from the aporee soundmaps. and it all began, from here in the depth of estonian winter (-26C coming this week!), with a very springtime framework introduction, recorded for recently in australia by regular contributor jeremy hegge. […]

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#628: 2018.02.11

i’m two days late getting this show online as it is, so i’ll keep it brief. a long playlist this week, and a dense show, the nervous system of which is made up of selections from a fund-raising release on the störung label, in support of the l’alt empordà  region of catalonia, which was hit by a tornado in january of this year. all proceeds from the release will go towards reconstruction, so go and show your support here: http://shop.storung.com/album/rebuilding-lalt-empord.

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#626: 2018.01.28

our second regular edition of 2018, and now we’re getting into the swing of things. great new works on helen scarsdale, gruenrekorder, cronica and flaming pines, an intro by dillon vessels, and a collection of recent favorites from the aporee soundmaps. we select sounds from the aporee maps by exploring listener-favorited uploads (there are too many new uploads each week for us to hear them all), so if you’re a user of the maps, do remember to click that favorites button (the little gold star next to the recording title in the pop-up info bubble) when you hear something extraordinary! […]

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#624: 2018.01.14

happy new year! we are back with our first show of the year, but i am actually on the road myself right now, so i’ll keep this brief and just say enjoy the show! don’t forget that framework:seasonal issue #9 was released just before we took our winter break, with great new works from jonaś gruška, bird & renoult, and fintan o’brien, so show your support for framework by ordering one now! […]

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#622: 2017.12.10

this is our last regular edition for 2017; we’ve got one more :afield edition, produced by john barber, coming up next week, and then we’ll be on winter break until edition #624 premieres on january 14th.

with this edition we got right to the heart of our latest issue of framework:seasonal, #9, winter 2017. framework:seasonal is our ongoing series of fund-raising releases, featuring new and exclusive works by members of the field-recording community. […]
issue #9 features 3 long works by artists active in our community and active in contributing material to framework radio: jonáš gruška, dinahbird & jean-philippe renoult, and fintan o’brien. their contributions can be heard in full in this edition of the program, dissected slightly, extracted into movements, and mixed together with one another and with recent favorite sounds from the aporee soundmaps. we hope you enjoy this program, and when it’s over we hope you’ll want to hear jonáš, dinah, jean-philippe, and fintan’s sounds again by ordering your copy of the release and supporting another year of framework radio today. […]

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#620: 2017.11.26

our second-to-last regular edition of the year, in which we announce the details of our upcoming fund-raising release, framework:seasonal issue #9, winter 2017. it’s been a while since our last issue, but we’re back with a new format; issue #9 will feature three long works only, rather than the usual longer list of shorter works that has been our wont in the past. the tracklist:

01 ::: jonáš gruška ::: federovo ::: 19:12
02 ::: bird & renoult ::: what you see… ::: 29:35
03 ::: fintan o’brien ::: xixuau part 1 ::: 17:04

jonáš gruška, slovakian sound artist and phonographer, has had many appearances on framework over the past few years, both his own work and the releases on his lom label. bird & renoult is the duo of longtime-favorite radio artist dinahbird (originally from the uk) and jean-philippe renoult (france), based in paris. and fintan o’brien is a northern irish nature recordist who we had the pleasure of meeting here in estonia recently, as he embarked into the alam pedja nature reserve for one of his recording trips. […]

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#618: 2017.11.12

well, this playlist got really long really fast. strangely, it seems to be one of our sparser shows (i know, i know, but it’s all relative), but it is made up of many tiny elements. site-specific improvisational work by una lee and chris lynn, archival collage work by c-shulz, intense textures by thomas dimuzio and anla courtis, children’s-choir drones by bass communion, many fine field recordings from the aporee maps and some other unreleased submissions, and also some of my own work, site-specific sonic interventions with found materials around the small finnish island of vartiosaari (the most recent iteration of my echo surveys series). […]

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