#666! 2018.12.16 [mandy szostek]

this week’s special year-end, seasonal edition of framework:afield, #666, has been produced in the united states by mandy szostek, and is a spoken-word environmental meditation recorded at the graveside of william s. burroughs. you can find out more about mandy and her work […]

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#664: 2018.12.02 [james bailey]

Over the next hour, you will hear a recording of the Dawn Chorus from Taylor Creek Park in East York, a part of the city of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. The timeframe is from 5am to 6am on May 27th, 2018. The exact location, a pond separated from the creek by a paved footpath, can be found on the aporee sound map at www.aporee.org under the name Taylor Creek Frogs, as it is an extract from this recording featuring a chorus of frogs. It was recorded using a hand-held Zoom H4n digital recorder. […]

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#656: 2018.10.07 [david clarke]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by david clarke, aka iamthehow. for more information see http://iamthehow.com. producer’s notes:

A soundscape from the original programme Assessing the High-Risk Perioperative Patient. Elements of sounds, some familiar and others disconcerting, are blended with snippets of conversation to create that state of consciousnesses where we eavesdrop as a third party to our own conversation – in a world that is just at odds with ourselves. With thanks to Dr Gary Minto. […]

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#654: 2018.09.23 [thomas park]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the united states by thomas park. for more information see https://archive.org/details/TheEmissionsSeries, or https://archive.org/details/ThomasParkBenchmarkHub. […]

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#651: 2018.07.22 [france jobin]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in canada by france jobin. after a six-year hiatus, this is the latest installment in her ongoing series these are a few of my favorite things. producer’s notes:

france jobin – my favorite things (Installment #10)

Bonjour, I am France Jobin, Welcome to these are a few of my favorite things.

As mentioned in earlier installments, my interpretation of field recording based works is very broad. however, the thread I like to follow is to find artists who have mastered their unique identity through the music of sound.

In the last 4 years, I have spent a lot of time in the Abruzzo region of Italy. With this edition of my favorite things, it is my pleasure to showcase the sound artists of this region.

France Jobin
http://francejobin.com […]

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#649: 2018.07.08 [boris chassagne]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in quebec, canada by boris chassagne, and is entitled 60 secondes radio. for more information see http://www.60secondesradio.com. producer’s notes:

60 Second Radio presented its 4th edition last spring. Over the years and since 2015, more than 400 radio works were submitted to this international radio art competition by radio artist originating from more than 40 countries and in some 15 languages. 60 Second Radio is based in Montréal. It is a contest but also a broadcast platform which distributes freely the audio works collected to non-profit radios and festivals around the globe. Many radio stations, radio festivals and independent radio artists have aired many selections of the sounds produced in 2015, 16, 17, and 2018, Framework Radio being one of them. Here a 57 minute selection of exactly that, 57 works from at least 57 different artists, most with some elements of field recording. You can also listen to all audio works from present and pas editions of the contest on the 60 Second Radio soundcloud:

https://soundcloud.com/60secondesradio/sets/2018-60-s-radio […]

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#647: 2018.06.24 [slavek kwi]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in ireland by slavek kwi, aka artificial memory trace. for more information, see http://www.artificialmemorytrace.com. producer’s notes:

An Attempt to Tune_in to Everything through Manifestation of Ego Chapter Five from Soundlife of Slavek Kwi, radio-series:

This is fifth installment of another soundOrganism destined for Framework radio, and is this time dedicated to the idea of exploring extrasensory communication in an attempt to raise our sensitivity to one another and to our surrounding environment. […]

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#645: 2018.06.10 [thesoundcollective]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by thesoundcollective, aka peter rice. for more of peter’s work see http://www.peterricesounddesign.co.uk. producer’s notes:

thesoundcollective is a collection of designers and engineers making audio in many ways. it’s contributors continually evolve and change around the centre pin of one designer, peter rice. most of the pieces in this program are made up of contributions from sound designers and composers from the uk theatre scene. […]

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#643: 2018.05.27 [claude schryer]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in canada by claude schryer. for more information see http://simplesoundscapes.ca. producer’s notes:

Simplesoundscapes are a series of field recordings by Canadian soundscape composer Claude Schryer that explore mindfulness through listening. Simplesoundscapes Afield (2018) is a narrated radio composition that brings together 18 of the best of 80 episodes from the second iteration of this project. […]

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#641: 2018.05.13 [vortichez]

this week’s edition of framework:afield has been produced in tashkent, uzbekistan by vortichez. for more sounds see http://soundcloud.com/vortichez. producer’s notes:

framework:afield: Deep Listening 2018

Field recordings and field recording based sound art of recently certified teachers in the late Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening® practice, presented by sound artist Vortichez.

For more information about Deep Listening join the FaceBook Group: The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer.

Artwork by fellow new Deep Listening certificate holder Gwyneth Anderson, inspired by the sounds from the show: Internal facade of Umayyad Mosque of Aleppo drawn in violets. (http://gwynethvzanderson.com) […]

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