#761: 2021.06.13 [sebastiane hegarty]

three horizons
Sebastiane Hegarty

In 1901, Marconi sent a wireless signal from Knowles Farm on the Isle of Wight to the newly built Lizard Wireless Telegraphy Station, in Cornwall. Not only was this the furthest a wireless signal had travelled at that time, it was also the first ‘over-the horizon’ transmission. Prior to this, it was believed that ‘the operating range of wireless would be restricted to the [optical] horizon.’ But on the 23rd of January 1901, in what became known as ‘Marconi’s first great miracle’ the arrival of a brief dit-dit-dit at The Lizard Wireless Station, signalled not only the letter ‘s’, but also an escape from the visible and concrete, a flight from the material into the airy immaterial and unknown. […]

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#760: 2021.06.06

the backbone of this week’s edition is the inclusives collaborative compilation, a project by tsuku boshi and the fair_play network. sonic material was provided by zineb soulaimani, laryssa kim, carol robinson and sage pbbbt, and works were then composed by 32 artists, 6 of which feature in this program: camille lacroix, isa stragliati, katherine webster, aline clair, vendula guhova, and dong zhou. fair_play is a network dedicated to promoting the visibility/audibility of women (cis/trans/non-binary) in the fields of sound creation, experimental, alternative, electroacoustic music and related arts and techniques. check them out here: http://fairplaynetwork.fr/

we also heard a self-released reflection on jesse kaminsky’s family and home town in fayetteville, arkansas; a digital re-release of sawako’s 2014 cd for baskaru; a composition of emmanuel faivre’s wind recordings from lozère in france available through freesound.org; the latest wonderful sonic abstraction from the nula.cc platform; and a selection of recent listener chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, this week from italy, mexico, france, czech republic and germany. and we began with a framework introduction recorded for us in taiwan by vince hancock.

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#759: 2021.05.30 [mark vernon]

this edition has been produced by regular contributor mark vernon. producer’s notes:

Mark Vernon – Ribbons of Rust
Audio Archaeology Series Volume 2: Laem Thian

Ribbons of Rust continues a series of works exploring concepts around audio archaeology and found sound that began with the ‘Lend an ear, leave a word’ LP – Volume 1 in the Audio Archaeology series – released on Kye records in 2016. It is an irreverent, non-purist approach to field recording that puts found sound recordings of voices and music from the past on an equal footing with contemporary field recordings of a particular location. […]

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#758: 2021.05.23

we’re in a hectic period of paint scraping as we renovate old floorboards to be installed in the future framework HQ, so we’re a little late getting this playlist out. but we think this show sounds good and we think you will too – it’s got the first full-length release from moltamole featured on the show; we’re pleased to hear an unfathomless release from our friend masayuki imanishi, who featured back on issue #7 of framework:seasonal; also the latest, and maybe our favorite to date, release by viv corringham; and two new names (for us), in collaboration, katharina schmidt & fahmi mursyid. also an intro by martin bainbridge, a new work inspired (we’re told) by slavek kwi’s recent edition of framework:afield, and a mix of dawn chorus recordings by karsten köhler […]

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#757: 2021.05.16 [slavek kwi]

this week’s edition of framework:afield has been produced in ireland by slavek kwi, aka artificial memory trace. producer’s notes:

author: alfa00_2404_1
title: dUsk consEnsus III. (segment 1)

Abstract Audio Article in “kwatarese”** recorded “live” 24th April 202(1) during dusk starting at 7 PM, time-zone Ireland, eastern Clare by Slavek Kwi, correspondent for alfa_AAzine.

** abstract multi-dimensional meta-language resemblant to human concept of “music” using the surrounding audio-environment as interface (WSi = weather sensitive installation) of connection in between transmitting and intercepting parties simultaneously “Kwatarese” is more focused on sharing the experience rather than information, looking for creating irrational sense of balance and resonance in between participating elements.

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#756: 2021.05.09

every now and then voices seem to present themselves more strongly in an edition of framework, and every now and then musical instruments do the same. this week they both rear their beautiful heads, in large part via the works of alexandra spence and yenting hsu. but they’re not alone – we haven’t heard david dunn on the program since we featured his amazing innova release back in 2004, and it’s been a while since we heard from stéphane marin as well (although not that long). a nice selection of listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps this week as well, including carlo patrao’s timely documentation of the 15 minute wait after received a COVID jab, and some more voices (french children tell jokes) by emeline maciaszek. and this all began with an introduction recorded for us in canada by william denton.

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#755: 2021.05.02 [keith de mendonca]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled london punch, has been produced in the uk by regular contribution keith de mendonca. producer’s notes:

“Punch & Judy” is a traditional English puppet show that celebrates its birth date on May 9 1662, when Samuel Pepys noted in his diary watching puppets perform in Covent garden.

Over time, Punch & Judy incorporated many famous living characters into the plot – people who lived and died within my local area in London: Samuel Pepys, Joseph Grimaldi the clown, and Jack Ketch the executioner.

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#754: 2021.04.25

spring has sprung and the doors are open in the temporary sauna-studio framework HQ – ok, it’s cold and rainy right now, but it was beautiful when making this show. a new project by old friend michael northam this week, who was one of our first ever in-studio live performances on denmark street in london back in the early late 2002, his jewel ship explores virtual synthesizers and field recordings captured along his north american and asian travels. also lovely sounds we’ve been trying to get to for some time by bethan kellough, budhaditya chattopadhyay (who was recently here in estonia, although with lockdown we didn’t manage to meet him), and embla quickbeam. also recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and a framework introduction recorded by northern irish regular-contributor barry cullen, although this time recorded in west virginia in 2018.

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#753: 2021.04.18 [aural tectonics]

The following audio sequence by Mehrnaz, Farah, Richard, Ján, Marco, David, Ghaith and Hilde was realized during Raviv Ganchrow’s Aural Tectonics workshop at the Institute of Sonology, The Hague, in the spring of 2021. Aural Tectonics explores the site-specificity and context-dependency of in-situ sound by fostering a critical awareness of, and attitudes towards, environmental ambiance. Founded in a practice-based approach, the workshop develops situated strategies for listening, recording, sound montage and mapping as well as experimental approaches to situated sound synthesis and site-specific sound intervention. Each year, a particular site is chosen around which a sequence of intensive projects are developed, fostering diverse approaches to ‘hearing place’ and encouraging individual approaches towards hearing contextual ambiance and the spatial agency of situated sounds.

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#752: 2021.04.11

we hope this edition sounds like spring, because it feels like spring here – the green explosion has not yet come (it usually doesn’t until may) but the windows are open, the birds are singing and the ponds have thawed. ok, i might be jumping the gun a little, it’s only 11C outside, but 11C feels like 25C when you’ve spent the -15C winter in an unheated outbuilding. anyway, sorry, were we talking about radio?

our springtime was ushered in by manja ristić, pierrot desperes, beatriz ferreyra, natasha barrett, dave phillips, an intro by cain blanchard, and listener-chosen favorite recent uploads to the aporee maps. almost every single release in this edition has been self-released on bandcamp (apart from the one split LP, which is also available for listening digitally on bandcamp), and direct links to all of them can be found below. go and listen, and if you like what you hear, please support these artists.

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#751: 2021.04.04 [shawn pinchbeck]

this edition, entitled peace of home, has been produced in canada by shawn pinchbeck. for more information see http://www.spinchbeck.com/, or https://shawnpinchbeck.bandcamp.com/. producer’s notes:

At the beginning of the global pandemic in May 2020, I was living in the North Western Peace Region of Alberta, Canada in the city of Grande Prairie.

Looking for something socially distant and outdoors to do, I started driving into the countryside and recording the soundscapes I found there with a Sennheiser Ambeo VR Microphone and Zoom F4 recorder. At first, I didn’t have a project in mind. I was just enjoying exploring the different places I found and the recordings I was making. Then, an idea for a soundscape piece documenting places in the four directions away from the city took hold. […]

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#750! 2021.03.28

well folks, we’ve hit another landmark, albeit a slightly more subdued one this time around – this is our 750th show! edition #001 was way back on june 14th, 2002, and, embarrassingly, you can hear it here: https://frameworkradio.net/2002/06/001-2002-06-14/

meanwhile, 749 shows, 19 years, 3 countries, and 9 homes later, we’re still at it, for better or for worse. we would have loved to do another Big Thing to mark this occasion, as we did for both framework250 (https://frameworkeditions.bandcamp.com/album/framework250) and framework500 (https://frameworkeditions.bandcamp.com/album/framework500) but it just couldn’t happen this time around, for a whole collection of reasons (including a global pandemic) and we had to settle for a quiet glass of local moonshine and a late-night film. but we’ll plan something big for framework1000, which at this pace should happen something in early 2027, we promise!

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#749: 2021.03.21 [willem sannen]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled mixtape #1, has been produced in belgium by willem sannen. for more information see https://soundcloud.com/willemsannen. producer’s notes:

Over the years some field recordings or sound works stayed with me. I tend to replay them which I normally don’t do. I usually listen to an album or a recording once, in full concentration and don’t come back to it. I have the same thing with movies: I don’t see a movie twice. Even the ones I really adore. It has nothing to do with adoration, but everything with not spoiling that first experience. However some field recordings I do revisit and Mixtape #1 is a selection of some of those.

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