#770: 2021.09.26

autumn is here! the chill has settled on framework HQ, although we begin this program with a wintery intro, proceed intro tropical rainforests, move onto the water, and take in the smell of passing time. nothing else to add really – enjoy the leaves!

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#768: 2021.09.12

well folks, we’re back! we’ve been on our annual break for the month of august, cleaning the sauna and resting our ears, but now we’re back in the studio, bathing in sounds. we’re now permanently installed in the new framework HQ, although we’re missing things some little things, like doors and a few windows, and the well keeps running dry, but at least the listening is organised. we’ve got some great new sounds to get the season started, included a cracker by an old favorite, byron westbrook, and a compilation we’ve been meaning to get to for some thing, the make noise myanmar project, in support or artists and musicians there. also another great release on flaming pines, this one by liz helman, and of course a selection of recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps. and it all began with an introduction recorded for us in the united states by stephen bradley, more of whose work can by heard in the recent uni.sol_ edition of framework:afield.

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#766: 2021.07.18

this is out last regular edition before our annual summer break – every year we take the month of august off to refresh and recharge our ears, and this year we’ll be doing that while finally (hopefully!) moving framework into it’s new permanent home and studio. we’ve been semi-nomadic for almost a year now, and we’re really looking forward to putting our bags and our monitors down for good.

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#764: 2021.07.04 [embla quickbeam]

we recently learned, through the words of jez riley french in the wire, of a great loss to our community: rowan forestier-walker, who recorded her amazing soundworks under the name embla quickbeam, has passed away. her work was a very recent discovery for us here at framework, much to our shame when we realised it’s been out there in the aether for many, many years (her first full release as embla, as far as we know, dates from 2011 and features in this edition). we encountered it by chance only earlier this year, and first played it on the show, her latest full-length solo work released by chocolate monk, in april. we’ve never had direct contact with the artist, but the sensitivity, compassion and focus that jez makes clear about her in his writing comes through with great force in her work. we regret that we will not get a chance to meet her, or hear her perform, or experience to further development of her work, but we are grateful to have made this discovery and to have the sounds that she left us, her listeners. […]

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#762: 2021.06.20

two of our favorite artists in this week’s edition, manja ristić and jim haynes both have new releases, on lp and cassette respectively, and they mingle nicely with a fine selection of sounds from the aporee soundmaps, as well as field recording-based selections from across multiple self-released albums by timo carlier, a lovely live recording by friendly.organisims (the collaboration of katharina hauke and till bovermann). and we began with a framework introduction recorded for us by dillon vessels at camp coggins in the united states.[…]

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#760: 2021.06.06

the backbone of this week’s edition is the inclusives collaborative compilation, a project by tsuku boshi and the fair_play network. sonic material was provided by zineb soulaimani, laryssa kim, carol robinson and sage pbbbt, and works were then composed by 32 artists, 6 of which feature in this program: camille lacroix, isa stragliati, katherine webster, aline clair, vendula guhova, and dong zhou. fair_play is a network dedicated to promoting the visibility/audibility of women (cis/trans/non-binary) in the fields of sound creation, experimental, alternative, electroacoustic music and related arts and techniques. check them out here: http://fairplaynetwork.fr/

we also heard a self-released reflection on jesse kaminsky’s family and home town in fayetteville, arkansas; a digital re-release of sawako’s 2014 cd for baskaru; a composition of emmanuel faivre’s wind recordings from lozère in france available through freesound.org; the latest wonderful sonic abstraction from the nula.cc platform; and a selection of recent listener chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, this week from italy, mexico, france, czech republic and germany. and we began with a framework introduction recorded for us in taiwan by vince hancock.

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#758: 2021.05.23

we’re in a hectic period of paint scraping as we renovate old floorboards to be installed in the future framework HQ, so we’re a little late getting this playlist out. but we think this show sounds good and we think you will too – it’s got the first full-length release from moltamole featured on the show; we’re pleased to hear an unfathomless release from our friend masayuki imanishi, who featured back on issue #7 of framework:seasonal; also the latest, and maybe our favorite to date, release by viv corringham; and two new names (for us), in collaboration, katharina schmidt & fahmi mursyid. also an intro by martin bainbridge, a new work inspired (we’re told) by slavek kwi’s recent edition of framework:afield, and a mix of dawn chorus recordings by karsten köhler […]

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#756: 2021.05.09

every now and then voices seem to present themselves more strongly in an edition of framework, and every now and then musical instruments do the same. this week they both rear their beautiful heads, in large part via the works of alexandra spence and yenting hsu. but they’re not alone – we haven’t heard david dunn on the program since we featured his amazing innova release back in 2004, and it’s been a while since we heard from stéphane marin as well (although not that long). a nice selection of listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps this week as well, including carlo patrao’s timely documentation of the 15 minute wait after received a COVID jab, and some more voices (french children tell jokes) by emeline maciaszek. and this all began with an introduction recorded for us in canada by william denton.

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#754: 2021.04.25

spring has sprung and the doors are open in the temporary sauna-studio framework HQ – ok, it’s cold and rainy right now, but it was beautiful when making this show. a new project by old friend michael northam this week, who was one of our first ever in-studio live performances on denmark street in london back in the early late 2002, his jewel ship explores virtual synthesizers and field recordings captured along his north american and asian travels. also lovely sounds we’ve been trying to get to for some time by bethan kellough, budhaditya chattopadhyay (who was recently here in estonia, although with lockdown we didn’t manage to meet him), and embla quickbeam. also recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and a framework introduction recorded by northern irish regular-contributor barry cullen, although this time recorded in west virginia in 2018.

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#752: 2021.04.11

we hope this edition sounds like spring, because it feels like spring here – the green explosion has not yet come (it usually doesn’t until may) but the windows are open, the birds are singing and the ponds have thawed. ok, i might be jumping the gun a little, it’s only 11C outside, but 11C feels like 25C when you’ve spent the -15C winter in an unheated outbuilding. anyway, sorry, were we talking about radio?

our springtime was ushered in by manja ristić, pierrot desperes, beatriz ferreyra, natasha barrett, dave phillips, an intro by cain blanchard, and listener-chosen favorite recent uploads to the aporee maps. almost every single release in this edition has been self-released on bandcamp (apart from the one split LP, which is also available for listening digitally on bandcamp), and direct links to all of them can be found below. go and listen, and if you like what you hear, please support these artists.

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#750! 2021.03.28

well folks, we’ve hit another landmark, albeit a slightly more subdued one this time around – this is our 750th show! edition #001 was way back on june 14th, 2002, and, embarrassingly, you can hear it here: https://frameworkradio.net/2002/06/001-2002-06-14/

meanwhile, 749 shows, 19 years, 3 countries, and 9 homes later, we’re still at it, for better or for worse. we would have loved to do another Big Thing to mark this occasion, as we did for both framework250 (https://frameworkeditions.bandcamp.com/album/framework250) and framework500 (https://frameworkeditions.bandcamp.com/album/framework500) but it just couldn’t happen this time around, for a whole collection of reasons (including a global pandemic) and we had to settle for a quiet glass of local moonshine and a late-night film. but we’ll plan something big for framework1000, which at this pace should happen something in early 2027, we promise!

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#748: 2021.03.14

this is a ponderous, slightly plodding show, kind of the way estonia is currently plodding towards spring, melting down, then turning white again, warming up, then icing over. enough already! this show must have been illustrating our desire to move on to the next stage of 2021, out of winter, out of lockdown, into SOMETHING (what is it?) over the horizon.

sounds from one new (to us) artist this week: french-born, new york-based artist sylvain souklaye, who mixed voice, environment, materials and performance in his creations. also sounds captured in japan by chinese artist xiang, a radiophonic work by pablo sanz, acousmatic works by annette vande gorne, another recent release from our favorite unfathomless label by philip sulidae, the sounds of an ash tree with cello and violin by georgia rodgers, and a framework introduction by regular contributor keith de mendonca (our last of yours, keith! better send more!).

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#746: 2021.02.28

a few releases from a new label for us this week, cacophonous revival, bringing us sounds by jen kutler and samuel goff. kutler’s work is one of those that questions the definition of ‘field recording’ – these are sonifications of recorded physiological data, so a representation of found material, although not location recordings. field recording? you tell us.

also new sounds by EKG, the collaboration between longtime friend of the program ernst karel and kyle bruckmann; a gorgeous (both physically and sonically) lp from last year by finnish sound wizard marja ahti, recent listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and a framework introduction featuring chickens recorded for us on the south downs in the uk by joseph young.

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