#694: 2019.11.10

the playlist quickly became long this week, as we explored two great compilations, both available for your perusal on bandcamp. also, yet more work from the prolific framework-favorite manja ristić, a debut release from switzerland’s roland bucher, sounds from the aporee maps, and an intro by regular contributor barry cullen. we’re already late getting this one out, so we’ll leave it there, and let you get to listening. […]

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#692: 2019.10.27

the air is getting chilly and we fill our mixes are turning towards autumn. we’ve got several unreleased works in the mix this week, many of which can be downloaded or at least heard somewhere online (see playlist links). we’re really enjoying the download-only releases we’ve got in this week’s show (from room40, flaming pines and more), so do go check them out. […]

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#690: 2019.10.13

i’m on the road, late, and distracted this week, so i’ll keep this short. i love the aural document of the sport curling in this edition, and i love how it mingles with the textures laid down by paula garcia stone, gaël segalen, and others. i hope you enjoy it too. […]

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#688: 2019.09.29

ferns recordings has re-released a cassette work from 1986 by italian sound artist massimo toniutti on cd, and it’s great – meanwhile, yannick dauby sent us two LPs from his home in taiwan, the 2nd instalment of his penghu experimental sound studio series, and the frogoroth compilation on ini.itu. these were accompanied by sounds by elsa justel, from her new release on empreintes digitales (although the two works in the show are from 2012 and 2017 respectively). and we dove in to the latest batch of listener-chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, this week from poland, germany, and the united states. […]

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#686: 2019.09.15

greetings, fair listeners, we are back! we had a great month off, resting our ears (hard to do in a house with two small children), perfecting our pizza recipe (the right flour is the key), and spending as much time in the forest mushroom-hunting as possible. but now there’s a chill in the air, the first fires of autumn have been lit, and we are back in the studio. […]

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#685: 2019.07.28

july 18th was world listening day – in this edition we listen to a few of the recordings uploaded to the aporee soundmaps WLD2019 project, and we hear an introduction recorded on that day as well. meanwhile we finally had a chance to check out david rothenberg’s 2-disc release on gruenrekorder, nightingale cities, featuring his signature improvisations with wildlife – this time, as you might have guessed, with nightingales, in berlin and helsinki. we also heard a sample from absolute value of noise’s outdoor solar powered generative radio station, which “tries to recreate the sounds of life in its immediate environment – imitating the sounds of insects, birds, frogs, magnetic phenomena, the wind moving through the trees, rain falling, and waves on the ocean.” you can listen live (during canadian daylight hours) at the link below in the playlist. also some historical concrete composition by greek composer myrielle kyrou, a live performance recording by bana haffar, and a composition commissioned by this year’s radiophrenia festival by kate carr.

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#683: 2019.07.14

i think everything in this edition is available is available as a download, and some as physical releases as well – i guess we’re nearing the point where i don’t need to say that anymore, and soon enough it will be assumed that all releases are also available in virtual form. are we there already? mark vernon’s latest work is the most format-specific here, released on cassette, and composed from the sounds of found cassettes corroded by sea and sand at an abandoned holiday resort. kayaka’s virtual-only release, constructed from field recordings, harp, synth and spoken word, makes a good companion to mark’s rusty sounds, and sala’s ‘natural’ drone from a lithuanian forest, contributed to the aporee soundmaps, provides a soothing contrast. also along for the ride are a few more of biodiversita’s soundscapes, concrete compositions from sophie delafontaine, and a framework introduction recorded for us in sweden by longtime listener and contributor anders östberg.

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#681: 2019.06.30

summer has truly begun, and i am on the road! so i am writing this playlist in a hurry, and very early. therefore the progress report info above might not be entirely up to date, and i haven’t got a lot to say other than this show sounds great! enjoy it! […]

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#679: 2019.06.16

lots of cassette releases in this show, along with one cd and one digital self-release, and i think everything here (aside from the soundmap uploads, which of course can all be found at http://aporee.org/maps) is available on bandcamp – just follow the links in the playlist. […]

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#677: 2019.06.02

feels like a long playlist this week, as we listened back to some of the tracks from that framework:seasonal back-issue, along with great new releases from annie mahtani and jay-dea lopez, a few more tracks from the 13 soundscapes compilation we started listening to last regular edition, some recent sounds from peter wullen’s soundcloud page, and new uploads to the aporee soundmaps. […]

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#675: 2019.05.19

great sounds this week as we began very slowly to dive into the pile of physical submissions that have arrived since our paternity break. we started with the sounds against humanity release by chelidon frame, pairing it with lovely field recording and synthesizer works by our neighbor from finland, marja ahti, and abstracted minimal drones by france jobin. we also heard a composition from emmanuel mieville constructed in part with recordings he made in a small river near my old home in normandy when he visited me there years ago (so i couldn’t not play that!), and we heard a few tracks from the eminently appropriate for our airwaves ’13 soundscapes’ compilation on the biodiversità label (we’ll listen to more of them over the next several shows). also, as always, our aporee soundmaps segment, with recent listener-chosen favorite contributions. and we began with a framework introduction also recorded for us in canada by france jobin. […]

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#673: 2019.05.05

greetings folks, we are back! framework has been away on paternity leave since mid-february, but we are very happy to be back in the studio producing new shows for you, and we hope your ears are happy too. we’ve got lots of catching up to do, and lots to tell you about, but first […]

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#671: 2019.02.10

we had a sort-of accidental antipodean focus in this week’s show, as we featured two physical releases that have recently arrived at frameworkHQ, namely new works by both tarab and richard francis, and also finally took a listen to kate carr’s 2018 release on jason lescalleet’s glistening examples label. also another release by geneva skeen and a first on our airwaves by the duo merzouga, although we see they’ve been active since 2003. we also heard another selection of listener chosen favorites from the aporee soundmaps, and began everything with a framework introduction recorded in the azores. […]

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