#605: 2017.07.02 [amanda wilson & justin gagen]

this edition of framework:afield, a 1 hour version of their piece entitled aurosion, has been produced in the uk by amanda wilson and justin gagen.

notes from the producers:

Aurosion: Eroding Sonic Landscapes with the Internet Audio Cyclotron
by Amanda Wilson and Justin Gagen

Aurosion: Eroding Sonic Landscapes with the Internet Audio Cyclotron was originally a collaborative, long-form studio performance by the authors, broadcast on June 6th 2016 by the radio station ResonanceExtra. The piece, whose seed material consisted of field recordings from locales as diverse as the laboratory and a tropical mangrove forest, ran for six hours: this version represents an edit consisting of around an hour of the original performance. Aurosion utilised a process conceived and designed by the authors to subvert the functionality of networks and compression algorithms – The Internet Audio Cyclotron, or IAC. […]

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#603: 2017.06.18 [semi/silent]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in bucharest, romania by the participants in framework’s ephemeral listening workshop, organised by semi/silent this past january. for more information on semi/silent and their work, see http://semisilent.ro.

producers’ notes:

SEMI / SILENT Recordists in Winter

SEMI / SILENT is a platform for radio art, creative audio documentaries and field recording created in 2016 by Anamaria Pravicencu and Octav Avramescu for the promotion of sound work in Romania.

In the frame of SEMI / SILENT, in January 2017, a group of 12 sound artists, musicians, performers, sound engineers, film makers and journalists participated in a two days workshop with Patrick Tubin McGinley and created a number of non verbal narratives with sounds from Bucharest.

www.semisilent.ro […]

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#602: 2017.06.11

it was only one regular edition back that we rattled on and on at you about our 600th (!) show, but landmarks come and go, and that one is already nearly forgotten, as we now, only two weeks later, hit the next one. this week FRAMEWORK TURNS 15. we broadcast our first show, with our then-co-host and co-founder joel stern, from the original denmark street studios of resonance fm in london, on june 14th, 2002. we featured works by alan lamb, dale lloyd, toy.bizarre, toshiya tsunoda, michael prime, the quiet american, jon tulchin, illusion of safety, aaron bergman, marcelo radulovich, josh russell, and (ahem) murmer. they all sounded great, but we’re horrified to admit that we, ourselves, sounded like squeaky schoolchildren (well, i did anyway; joel retained a somewhat greater composure). this has been online for some time now already, but we’ve more or less kept schtum about it, so you almost certainly missed it. but now, for your listening (dis)pleasure, we offer you, transferred from the original wax cylinder recording, framework #001:


meanwhile, we feel slightly confident that we appear at least mildly less rattled here in #602, featuring lots of great new and less-new sounds by artists whose work we definitely had not yet had the pleasure of hearing 15 years ago, and whose work we certainly would not have had the opportunity to hear if it weren’t for the longevity of a community project like framework; we have it to thank for so many vibrations making their way to our ears that never would have found their way there otherwise. […]

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#600! 2017.05.28

well, very quietly in the night, without much fanfare, we’ve hit another milestone. #600. we’ve been doing this so long that we’ve managed 600 shows, practically 600 hours of framework radio. that’s 25 straight days – you could lock yourself in a room for almost a month and listen to framework radio non-stop. will you? we hope not. but that’s up to you. and what’s more, #600 falls very close to our 15th birthday – edition #1 broadcast on resonance fm in london on june 14th, 2002. so in just over 2 weeks we’ll be piling the candles onto something sweet and singing quietly to ourselves.[…]
a very dense show for our 600th, featuring new physical releases by two very good friends of the program, mr. eamon sprod, aka tarab, and mr. scott sherk, aka scott sherk. also two newcomers to our airwaves, carlos casos and gavin prior, sounds from the aporee soundmaps, and a framework introduction recorded for us in australia by another long-time contributor, jeremy hegge. […]

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#599: 2017.05.21 [jason kahn]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in zürich, switzerland with recordings made in beijing, china by jason kahn. for more information see http://www.jasonkahn.net.

notes from the producer:

Jason Kahn // Capital Steel

Long walk from the subway station to Capital Steel. Progressing steadily down vast boulevards, past dilapidated worker slums decaying in the dust and smog. The street ends at a construction site, and coming out the other side traces of Capital Steel loom into view: the wall enclosing the grounds, the huge steel pipes traveling elevated through the outlying neighborhoods. I take a side street, walking past metal workers, auto repair, mom and pop groceries. An atmosphere of quiet resignation. The sun beats way overhead, somewhere above the cloak of smog. […]

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#598: 2017.05.14

last sunday, may 7th, was international dawn chorus day, so we thought it appropriate to begin this show (after our introduction recorded in mexico city by new contributor dillon vessels) with a dawn chorus recording from that day made right here in south estonia by visiting irish nature recordist fintan o’brien. i had the pleasure of meeting up with fintan last week, and you can expect to hear more from him, including an edition of framework:afield, sometime in the not too distant future. plenty of recordings from estonia (and elsewhere) on his soundcloud page – this is his 5th or 6th recording visit here over the last 6 or 7 years.

meanwhile, another handful of actual physical releases this week, including the latest offering from long, long-time favorite of the program, eric la casa, as well as new sounds from dave phillips, luca forcucci, and novi_sad. […]

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#597: 2017.05.07 [julian weaver]

this is the second of two editions produced in the uk and france by julian weaver (the first, two weeks ago, produced in collaboration with jean martin). for more information on his work, see http://www.finetuned.org.

a few words from the producer:

I even felt uneasy / Je me sentais même un malaise
Julian Weaver

Narration by Jacques Sirot @Mirlitant

The falling tide reveals an acoustic space in the ecotone which is obliterated on its return. The ecotone is a border zone where ecological systems meet and mingle; a place of tension that is often a site of political conflict.

In the UK where I live, there has been, since the vote to leave the EU, a queasiness about travel across the English Channel (La Manche). Expats are unsettled by precarity over their rights to remain. Retrograde waves of xenophobia, spurred by ideological policy (‘State multiculturalism has failed’ – David Cameron, 2011), campaign rhetoric (‘Breaking Point: Britain has failed us all’, UKIP 2016), are unfettered in the press (‘Migrants setting up SECRET Calais camps’, Daily Express, 2017) and increasingly apparent in public by those intent on ‘taking our country back.’ […]

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#596: 2017.04.30

we’ve been doing a bit of traveling lately – our last regular edition was sent to you from narva, in northern estonia, and this one is sent to you from perruel-sur-andelle, in northern france. the movement has been making us slightly forgetful though, and as we forgot to mention one of the artists in our last regular edition, so we forgot to mention the producer(s) of this week’s beautiful framework introduction, regular contributor to our framework:afield series with his earscape programs, d.l. lutz, with his colleague solara shiha. he had this to say about their recording:

For [this intro], I engaged a friend of mine, being a female artist and architect from Syria living and working in Berlin. We are standing on a building site in Berlin – concrete walls and ceilings dripping from a nightly rainfall. The drops also fall on scaffolding, making this metallic „cling cling“. […]

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#595: 2017.04.23 [julian weaver & jean martin]

this edition, entitled sound little island, has been produced in the uk and france by julian weaver and jean martin. for more information see their respective websites at http://www.finetuned.org and http://www.soundbasis.eu.

notes from the producers:

With the Brexit process in full flow and increasingly protectionist tendencies in the USA, Italy, Poland, Hungary and France, we are reminded of the UK’s former diplomatic policy of so-called ‘splendid isolation.’ Around the same time in France, Joris-Karl Huysmans published the classic À Rebours (1884) in which Des Esseintes ‘travels’ to England, by literary, culinary and other sensorial means, without leaving Paris’; a masterful combination of English mores and excruciating cliché strangely echoed by the rhetoric of the leave campaign. […]

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#594: 2017.04.16

coming to you from the northern estonian city of narva this week, as i begin a new project in what remains of the old krenholm factory complex on the russian border. i’ll be sharing some sounds and images from that soon. but in the meantime, the playlist ended up rather long and complex this week, so much so that i embarrassingly forgot to mention one of the artists in the actual show, so a big apology to chris lynn and impulsive habitat for leaving them out, as the qixia release provided an essential backbone for this program, and comes highly recommended. you can find it for download at the links below in the playlist. many other (all?) of this week’s releases are also available as downloads, so this is a good time to show your support and check them out. […]

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#593: 2017.04.09 [edward sanderson]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced by edward sanderson, and features the work of artists working with field recordings in china. for more information on edward and his work, see http://blog.escdotdot.com.

K1973 (Zhang Jungang) – “共乐小区 Gongle Community”, from the Harbin Sound Map, Harbin, 2009 http://www.icebreaking.org/sound/map/
“The air defence warning sound in Harbin on the 18th September, the National Humiliation Day, this recording sounds like an urban symphony consisting of the sonic ritual and sounds of daily life.” – Zhang Jungang […]

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