#618: 2017.11.12

well, this playlist got really long really fast. strangely, it seems to be one of our sparser shows (i know, i know, but it’s all relative), but it is made up of many tiny elements. site-specific improvisational work by una lee and chris lynn, archival collage work by c-shulz, intense textures by thomas dimuzio and anla courtis, children’s-choir drones by bass communion, many fine field recordings from the aporee maps and some other unreleased submissions, and also some of my own work, site-specific sonic interventions with found materials around the small finnish island of vartiosaari (the most recent iteration of my echo surveys series). […]

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#617: 2017.11.05 [till bovermann]

this edition of framework:afield has been curated by till bovermann and features the participants and sounds from two sonic wilderness interventions: sonic wild code, which was part of the field-notes hybrid matters event that took place in kilpisjärvi in lapland, finland in the autumn of 2015, and the soccos sonic wilderness micro residency on hailuoto island, also in finland. for more information, see https://fieldnotes.hybridmatters.net.

notes from the producer:

Sonic Wilderness Interventions
a compilation edited by Till Bovermann in 2017

In 2015 and 2016, sound practitioners met in Kilpisjärvi and Hailuoto to engage in a series of sonic wilderness interventions with portable electronic instruments. We investigated notions of coexistence, communication and potential for interaction in the hybrid ecology of the sites. Immersing ourselves into vast and raw landscapes, we held and recorded musical conversations with each other and the sites. […]

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#616: 2017.10.29

a compelling collection of releases finding their way into the show this week, not least of which is the re-release of jon hassell’s 1981 collection dream theory in malaya, his second fourth world release. mostly instrumental and exploring the tones and instruments of the senoi people of malaya, it also incorporates (as heard in the tracks we’ve selected) some field recordings. along with that we heard the latest release from  new york’s contour editions, new and old cassette releases by peter coyte and dillon vessels, a wonderful document of a fisherman’s strike in venice (as the strikers sounded their fog horns up and down the canals), and our latest selection of recent uploads to the aporee soundmaps. […]

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#615: 2017.10.22 [d.l. lutz]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled industries has been produced in germany by regular contributor d. l. lutz.

Earscape „Industries“

This earscape is meant as a sound memorial to the questionable western thinking of progress that has spread worldwide despite all cultural differences. It captures industrial and technical noise, antique machinery and fully automated production lines, turbines and laboratories, active building sites and industrial ghost towns… […]

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#614: 2017.10.15

i’m late getting this out to you, and later for 100 other things as well – ah, the life of a work-at-home parent! – so i’m going to keep this blunt and get this show on the road. long, overlapped documents from astrid & ephraim wegner, a retracing of his ancestral emigration route from portugal to the states by steve peters, a single, extremely dissected field recording by mise_en_scene, and a glorious compilation of label artists from aposiopèse. all begun with an intro recorded for us (of what? we don’t know) by sam roberts. enjoy these great sounds! […]

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#613: 2017.10.08 [audio-DH]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled audio-DH, has been produced in the netherlands by francisco lópez, barbara ellison and iii in collaboration with 250 creators from the city of den haag (the hague). for more information see the project website at http://audiodh.nl.

sonic manifestations by 250 creators from Den Haag / The Hague

Rejecting nostalgia and elitism, I am among those who believe that the current sound creative situation worldwide is not only particularly appealing but also has no historical precedent in terms of the magnitude of the phenomenon of creativity socialization (a term I prefer over the more equivocal of ‘democratization’). This state of affairs is not a consequence of ‘the internet’ or ‘the social networks’ –as many seem to dogmatically assume nowadays. In my opinion, the causal sequence is at least an iterative bidirectional succession, if not the outright inverse. The essential mechanisms of this process were present before and they have indeed manifested themselves in their outcomes every time the techno-cultural conditions were right (two pre-internet examples are the social history of the electric guitar and the so-called ‘cassette culture’). The current discourse is quite often focused on the evolution and accessibility of the tools (‘new technologies’, ‘computers’…). This perspective is not only deficient in light of its positivist character and its teleological fiction, but also because it obliterates what is perhaps the most significant process of transformation that has taken place over the past few decades: the ethic and aesthetic socialization of the right to create. […]

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#612: 2017.10.01

several new names to our airwaves in this edition: we recently encountered and have been exploring the work of manja ristić, instrumentalist, improviser and sound artist from belgrade; we’ve had the pleasure of discovering the solo work of tony buck, percussionist from the legendary group the necks; and claude schryer sent us not only this wonderful example of the work he is doing with his simple soundscapes project, but a framework introduction he recorded as well. this went along well with the latest offering from bjnilsen (not new to our airwaves at all), some unreleased works by sebastiane hegarty and thesoundcollective, and some recent sounds from the aporee soundmaps. […]

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#611: 2017.09.24 [paul ratcliff]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by paul ratcliff. producer’s notes:

Yorkshire Soundings

You are going to hear a collection of sounds from the region of Yorkshire in the North of England, UK. This collation is the culmination of four years of field recording practice and is arranged to show both the sounds of human-made constructions, what Krause would call Anthrophony, and also the natural history sounds found in the urban areas of the county. […]

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#610: 2017.09.17 [matt shoemaker]

we’re back from our summer break, but sadly we’re back with another memorial edition, as we learned during our time away of the death of matt shoemaker, an artist whose work we have admired for a very long time. i first encountered matt’s work in the early 2000’s, through his releases on bernhard günter’s essential trente oiseaux label, and the textures he created and the sensibility in the structuring of his sounds were a great influence on my  own compositional endeavours. we first featured his work on the program back in 2006, and he has graced our airwaves several times since. his work, as has been pointed out, is greatly under-appreciated, whereas his name really deserves to be amongst the greats of our ‘genre’. i never had the pleasure of meeting the man myself, but from the tributes i’ve seen by those close to him personally, it seems this is also something i might regret. but in memory of matt i can at least hope to spread the knowledge of his great work a little, for those of you who may not be familiar with him, and provide a brief space on our airwaves for remembrance, for those of you who are. […]

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#609: 2017.07.30 [pheobe riley law & jez riley french]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk by pheobe riley law and jez riley french. PLEASE NOTE: this is our last edition before our annual summer break, where we take the month of august (and a bit) off to weed the garden, read a book, and recharge our ears. we’ll be back with edition #610 on sunday, september 17th. in the meantime, we know you can’t live without out, so please take this time to explore some of the shows you might have missed in the archive, or experiment with our eternal random players. and please, as always, consider making a donation so we can come back with a strong autumn season! here are this edition’s notes, from the producers:

a quiet position – orford ness
curated by JrF & Pheobe riley Law

Jez riley French – build
Pheobe riley Law – E4/139 (extract)
Nikki Sheth – Orford Grass
Jez riley French – in […]

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#608: 2017.07.23

coming to you a little late this week, due to our recent travels in narva, where we were recording empty factories that sound like this:

so we’re going to keep this short and sweet – this is our last regular edition before our summer break (one more framework:afield to come next week), and we actually put this show together a few weeks ago, before learning of the death of pierre henry and decided to drop everything to make our special memorial edition. but our special sneak peak at jonáš gruska’s upcoming lp is still special, even though it’s now two weeks less sneaky, and we’re still just as impressed by the latest batch of tiny portaits from kate carr’s flaming pines label. plenty of other great sounds in here too, from gruenrekorder, impulsive habitat, the aporee soundmaps, and a new (well, new to us, not to him – he recorded it in 2015) framework intro from martin clarke. […]

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#607: 2017.07.16 [aharon]

this edition of framework:afield, entitled artscapes and hospitality, has been produced in the uk by aharon, with the collaboration of hilan bensusan. notes from the producer:

About Artscapes and hospitality. The recording was made over two different times and events while focusing on similar subjects. The sound-scapes rove from foreground to background yet continually hosting, informing and interrupting an ongoing conversation. The conversation is between two friends, Hilan Bensusan – a philosopher, and Aharon – an artist. Both come from different sets of focuses, and yet are interested in similar subjects. The topics of the conversations are ideas to do with art’s informality and a philosophy of hospitality. 1st part is recorded at a gallery opening. 2nd part is recorded during a walk in “fireworks night”, Brighton, UK, 2016.

Hilan Bensusan. A philosopher and lecturer based in brasilia university. hilanbensusan.net
Aharon. A nonspecific artist. itchy.5p.lt

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#606: 2017.07.09 [pierre henry]

it was with great sadness that we learned this past week of the passing of pierre henry, pioneer of musique concrète, found sound, and experimental composition, at the age of 89. henry has of course played a huge role in the history and development of all electronic, experimental, and acousmatic music, and we in the field recording community owe him a special debt. we wouldn’t be here without him. he has had a huge influence personally on my work and my ears, and i count myself very lucky to have arrived in france during my formative years and to have had the chance to discover and explore his work, and count myself even luckier to have been able to witness his live performances on more than one occasion. i was even able to meet him once, very briefly, a very memorable moment for me, and undoubtedly instantly forgettable for him. the 20 years for which i have been listening to his music feels shamefully short against the almost 70 years for which he was making it. we here at framework felt we had no alternative but to make the tiniest of possible gestures in dedicating an edition of our show to him and his immense body of immense work, a tip of the ‘phones, if you will, to a great artist. rest in peace, pierre, and thanks. […]

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