#644: 2018.06.03 [manrico montero]

in this edition we pay tribute to the mexican field recordist and sound artist manrico montero, who sadly passed away recently only in his 40’s. we’re featuring a selection of his own solo and collaborative works as released by labels such as unfathomless, sem and impulsive habitat, as well as works by other artists – terje paulsen, james mcdougall, juan josé calarco, christopher mcfall, hiroki sasajima – released on the netlabel that manrico himself curated, mandorla. we didn’t know him personally, but from the tributes that have been made to him throughout the field recording community, it is clear that he will be greatly missed. […]

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#643: 2018.05.27 [claude schryer]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in canada by claude schryer. for more information see http://simplesoundscapes.ca. producer’s notes:

Simplesoundscapes are a series of field recordings by Canadian soundscape composer Claude Schryer that explore mindfulness through listening. Simplesoundscapes Afield (2018) is a narrated radio composition that brings together 18 of the best of 80 episodes from the second iteration of this project. […]

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#642: 2018.05.20

we had a pleasant week full of packages arriving at framework HQ – well, ok, only two, but that’s a lot these days. once upon a time we received three or four packages PER DAY with new submissions for the show, and while the submission rate hasn’t really dropped, 95% of them are online now, so we don’t get that nice it’s-christmas-everyday feeling anymore. i wouldn’t want to go back to those days, we wouldn’t have room to keep all those spinning things, but once in a while it’s still nice to hold objects in the hand, especially when they’re as attractive as these ones are. thanks philip sulidae and adrian dziewanski! […]

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#641: 2018.05.13 [vortichez]

this week’s edition of framework:afield has been produced in tashkent, uzbekistan by vortichez. for more sounds see http://soundcloud.com/vortichez. producer’s notes:

framework:afield: Deep Listening 2018

Field recordings and field recording based sound art of recently certified teachers in the late Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening® practice, presented by sound artist Vortichez.

For more information about Deep Listening join the FaceBook Group: The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer.

Artwork by fellow new Deep Listening certificate holder Gwyneth Anderson, inspired by the sounds from the show: Internal facade of Umayyad Mosque of Aleppo drawn in violets. (http://gwynethvzanderson.com) […]

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#640: 2018.05.06

a relatively short playlist this week, as we focused on fewer but longer excerpts from some recent releases we’ve really been enjoying; several physical objects, two cds and a cassette (most probably also available as downloads) and one unreleased work as well.
plus, a public apology to hagai izenberg, whose unreleased work spalax you will hear smack in the middle of the show. but i embarrassingly forgot to name him in the list of artists in the show’s audio. it happens sometimes – i’m only human. sorry hagai! […]

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#639: 2018.04.29 [matt burnett]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in germany by matt burnett, and is entitled arbeitspause (‘workpause’ or ‘work break’). for more information see http://www.mattburnettmusic.com. producer’s notes:

During my workday I like to take a break every few hours from sitting at my desk. A few years ago I had the idea to combine these work breaks with miniature sound walks around my neighborhood here in Berlin. After doing that for a while, I settled on three basic routes. What we will hear in this piece is one of those routes.

The material for this piece was recorded during the first half of March 2018, in the Prenzlauer Berg district of Berlin. During this time the weather was beginning to change from winter to spring, and I tried to record the sounds of this neighborhood as it started to wake up from winter. Sort of like a dawn chorus, but in this case more like a Spring chorus.

The piece makes repeated use of the same physical space, defined by the route of the underlying sound walk. Different sound identities of the route, which are determined by the time of day of each recording, are revealed. […]

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#638: 2018.04.22

when we learned of matt shoemaker’s passing last august we made a show in his memory, featuring our own selection of favorites from his impressive body of work. that show can be heard here:


since then many memorials have been in the planning, including an exhibition of his paintings, recordings and photographs that is up now at seattle’s jack straw new media gallery, and a memorial concert that is coming up in just a few weeks. i wish we could be there, but we are far from seattle. however, maybe you are not, and if that’s the case we highly recommend you go and honor his memory and experience the work of an amazing gathering of artists. […]

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#637: 2018.04.15 [d.l. lutz]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in germany by architect, writer, sound artist and regular contributor d. l. lutz, and is entitled Earscape „Rainforest“. producer’s notes:

Earscape „Rainforest“

Welcome to the rainforest. It’s hot. It’s humid. It’s strange. But this is no normal rainforest. It’s an installation of technical objects fed with sounds of all sorts, thus pretending to be exotic animals. More precisely, it is Matt Rogalsky’s version of David Tudor’s composition “Rainforest”, displayed in a large empty water tank in Berlin. I was excited by the organic feel of the installation, so I recorded it and looked for other compositions and sounds that also blur the boundaries between the natural and the artificial. This is the result. As you listen, you can never be sure if you hear nature, processed nature or machines; some animals sound like computers, some computers sound like animals. What a strange world to visit… […]

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#636: 2018.04.08

there’s something different about this week’s mix. not better or worse per se – that is, it’s not for me to judge, that’s your role, dear listener – just different. not sure what; it sounds more thoughtful, perhaps, than our usual clouds of frequency and texture. i know it’s me that makes these mixes, but sometimes they make themselves, and i can’t really follow how it happened. maybe one of you can work it out and let me know… […]

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#635: 2018.04.01 [david clarke]

this edition has been produced in the uk by david clarke, aka iamthehow. for more information see http://iamthehow.com. producer’s notes:

Take some time to unwind and listen to the stories from those who pluck and strum to bring you pleasurable sounds. Come on down with the Cliff Railway from Babbacombe to the secluded beach at Oddicombe where we join the Ukulele Festival – all set to the sounds of the gentle lapping of the waves and the occasional roaring jets of the Red Arrows as they fly high and turn in ukulele formation over this hidden gem on the English Riviera…”

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#634: 2018.03.25

new and old this week, as we explore a few older releases that have now been made available on bandcamp by the and/oar and no rent records labels, alongside the latest release by from gruenrekorder and our latest selection of recent uploads to the aporee soundmaps. stuart dodman’s 2004 release you fill me is a series of works composed from recordings or architectural acoustics, while five elements music (2009) take us into russian forests and howard stelzer (2016) serves up a rumble of cassette noise and neighborhood rattle. meanwhile we explore the sounds of the naturally inaudible, vlf signals, electromagnetic interference, etc, on the brand new double-cd collaborative release by christina kubisch and annea lockwood. all this began with a framework introduction recorded in front or a roaring fire somewhere in ireland. […]

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#633: 2018.03.18 [thomas park]

this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the united states by thomas park. for more information see https://archive.org/details/ThomasParkBenchmarkHub. producer’s notes:

The subject and content of this program are — machines.

I have been using field recordings of mechanical devices as source material in recent years, and I have created a radio show using works of this nature. […]

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#632: 2018.03.11

the thaw is slowly arriving here in estonia, we’re above zero for the first time in a while, and due to stay here for most of the week. so sounds for melting – we’ve got releases on just about every format: cd, cassette, vinyl and digital, but just about all of them are also available online, so do peruse the links. […]

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