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61% towards our goal (up from 59%)
57 patrons (1 new)
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this week we re-released our latest (and last! at least until a new issue is ready) back-issue of framework:seasonal as a digital download on our bandcamp page, issue #1, autumn 2011, featuring amazing works by sebastiane hegarty, marc behrens, mark peter wright, lee patterson, ernst karel, mecha/orga, paulo raposo, gill arno, and our good friend, the late joe stevens. go and have a listen, and if you want to support the program, buy a copy! only 10€ to support your favorite radio show, and there’s even *1* last physical cdr copy available for a measly 20€.
only one more release to get up onto the bandcamp page, our epic framework500 release from just a few years back. we’ll be working on that over the next week or so, and when that’s done, we’ll be ready to start thinking about framework:seasonal issue #11, our first digital-only release. want to be a part of it? get in touch!
feels like a long playlist this week, as we listened back to some of the tracks from that framework:seasonal back-issue, along with great new releases from annie mahtani and jay-dea lopez, a few more tracks from the 13 soundscapes compilation we started listening to last regular edition, some recent sounds from peter wullen‘s soundcloud page, and new uploads to the aporee soundmaps.
and welcome to adam malantonia, our latest new patron, the only one since out last show. many thanks for supporting us, adam!
[time / artist / track / release / label]
00:00 – 05:38 / keith de mendonca / framework introduction, recorded in the uk
03:33 – 08:39 / kris limbach / thunder and lightning / berlin, de / aporee soundmaps
https://krislimbach.com/, https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=44362
07:16 – 12:18 / peter wullen / after the rain / – / –
http://peterwullen.blogspot.com/, https://soundcloud.com/peter-wullen-748564882
10:08 – 12:54 / jay-dea lopez / III / pulse / hemisphäreの空虚
https://soundslikenoise.org/, https://hemispharenokukyo.com/
11:56 – 18:18 / sebastiane hegarty / resistance 4 / framework:seasonal #1 [compilation] / framework editions
13:31 – 23:31 / ernesto ardita / pulsar / 13 soundscapes [compilation] / biodiversità
16:41 – 27:11 / annie mahtani / ’round midnight / racines / empreintes DIGITALes
http://www.anniemahtani.co.uk/, https://www.empreintesdigitales.com/
21:03 – 25:58 / peter wullen / after the flood / – / –
http://peterwullen.blogspot.com/, https://soundcloud.com/peter-wullen-748564882
24:44 – 34:56 / lee patterson / below flatford surface / framework:seasonal #1 [compilation] / framework editions
http://www.sebastianehegarty.com/, https://frameworkeditions.bandcamp.com/
26:49 – 31:11 / jay-dea lopez / V / pulse / hemisphäreの空虚
https://soundslikenoise.org/, https://hemispharenokukyo.com/
31:50 – 37:30 / anton pickard / peepers / tiny, on, ca / aporee soundmaps
https://www.antonpickard.com/, https://soundcloud.com/antonpickard/, https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=44345
33:57 – 48:58 / zeze wakamatsu / aomori before / 13 soundscapes [compilation] / biodiversità
https://www.wakamatsuerico.com/, https://biodiversitarecords.bandcamp.com/
37:26 – 50:23 / annie mahtani / aeolian / racines / empreintes DIGITALes
http://www.anniemahtani.co.uk/, https://www.empreintesdigitales.com/
43:41 – 52:22 / joe stevens / fireworks on carnival night / framework:seasonal #1 [compilation] / framework editions
48:06 – 55:53 / jay-dea lopez / IX / pulse / hemisphäreの空虚
https://soundslikenoise.org/, https://hemispharenokukyo.com/
52:40 – 58:40 / peter wullen / black sunday / – / –
http://peterwullen.blogspot.com/, https://soundcloud.com/peter-wullen-748564882
57:45 – 59:00 / sabri meddeb / wind and wave shield / hergla, tn / aporee soundmaps
http://www.sabri-meddeb.net/, https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=44321