this edition of framework:afield, entitled artscapes and hospitality, has been produced in the uk by aharon, with the collaboration of hilan bensusan. notes from the producer:

About Artscapes and hospitality. The recording was made over two different times and events while focusing on similar subjects. The sound-scapes rove from foreground to background yet continually hosting, informing and interrupting an ongoing conversation. The conversation is between two friends, Hilan Bensusan – a philosopher, and Aharon – an artist. Both come from different sets of focuses, and yet are interested in similar subjects. The topics of the conversations are ideas to do with art’s informality and a philosophy of hospitality. 1st part is recorded at a gallery opening. 2nd part is recorded during a walk in “fireworks night”, Brighton, UK, 2016.

Hilan Bensusan. A philosopher and lecturer based in brasilia university.
Aharon. A nonspecific artist.

patrick 2017, framework:afield

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