#862: 2023.10.15 [meira asher]

this edition has been produced by israeli-irish artist and activist meira asher, and was originally part of her 22 hour program sonic voyage of resistance for the radio art zone project, which aired in luxembourg in september 2022.

please note: this program has been scheduled to air at this time since june of this year, long before the events of october 7th and their aftermath. producer’s notes:

From October 7 2023 onwards the entire world has seen one brutal example of life in Palestine/Israel. Let me introduce you to another example; one which is not spoken about, hardly on any media. It is, literally, an everyday occurrence. Day in, day out, quietly exploding, away from the world’s ears.

Every morning, a few of the Jordan Valley Activists arrive at the shepherds homes in the Jordan valley and accompany them for a few hours as they go out to graze. The activists’ presence provides a measure of security against the Israeli settlers harassment and the arbitrary behavior of the occupation army.

The Palestinian shepherds community of Hamra is threatened by violent Israeli settlers on a daily basis. Ethnic cleansing happens constantly at the Jordan Valley and the West Bank. The shepherd’s calls heard on this show might be the very last ones to be heard there because he had to flee to the city, to protect his family and the herd.

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