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118 patrons (no change)
61% towards our goal (no change)
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[listen to the voiceover-free edition (patrons only)]
well folks, we’ve made it to the end of another year – this is framework‘s last edition for 2023; we’ll be back with edition #872 in the second week of january. in the meantime there are 43 other shows from this year (perhaps you missed one?) up on the framework website, and 4 editions of framework:seasonal published this year on our bandcamp page – plenty of listening to tide you over during our winter break. and as it’s the season of giving – perhaps this is a good time to pick up a copy of one of those releases, for yourself or maybe as a present for a friend, or maybe this seems like a good time to finally become a framework patron? it would certainly be much appreciated, as we will be relying on listener contributions to get us through another year (our 23rd!) of broadcasting. go on! we know you care!
so we are closing out our year with a dense show of great sounds by new (to us) artists and old favorites: we took our first (of many, we’re sure) listen to uk artist fletina, along with a first appearance by the alien kin collective, a project curated by diane barbé. we heard a second album by christina giannone, and new(ish) releases from framework regulars ben link collins and kate carr. also self-released work by belgian artist raphael malfliet, sounds from the aporee maps, and an intro recorded near crosby, tennessee, in the great smoky mountains (and not in canada, as i mistakenly announce in the show) by james bailey.
so happy holidays to everyone, enjoy some hunkering down on dark evenings, and we’ll hear you again in january!
[time / artist / track / release / label]
00:00 – 04:22 / james bailey / framework introduction, recorded in the united states
01:56 – 05:05 / mzhou / penn station / baltimore, us / aporee soundmaps
04:25 – 08:03 / alien kin / the hunter must be active / the avian kin / first terrace
06:00 – 13:00 / fletina / #1 / larkfield sound experiment / [self-release]
09:02 – 19:25 / raphael malfliet / [excerpt 1] / carpark chronicle / [self-release]
11:11 – 18:49 / kate carr / [excerpt 1] / false dawn / flaming pines
13:53 – 16:44 / alien kin / searching for an owl / the avian kin / first terrace
15:29 – 25:27 / ben link collins / imagine being / to be human / full spectrum
17:13 – 21:45 / sonidando / park way / bogota, co / aporee soundmaps
18:23 – 26:23 / christina giannone / 1 / reality opposition / room40
21:22 – 29:02 / alien kin / the long tunnel (for morgan) / the avian kin / first terrace
26:23 – 31:53 / fletina / #2 / larkfield sound experiment / [self-release]
29:58 – 39:52 / raphael malfliet / [excerpt 2] / carpark chronicle / [self-release]
33:00 – 36:19 / flavien gillié / market ambiance / khao tao, th / aporee soundmaps
33:36 – 45:35 / christina giannone / 3 / reality opposition / room40
36:57 – 49:20 / kate carr / [excerpt 2] / false dawn / flaming pines
41:14 – 44:45 / alien kin / panting in limewash / the avian kin / first terrace
43:12 – 47:21 / flavien gillié / firecrackers to celebrate loy kratong / phananchai, th / aporee soundmaps
43:50 – 53:48 / ben link collins / a moment of infinite depth / to be human / full spectrum
47:33 – 56:06 / fletina / #3 / larkfield sound experiment / [self-release]
54:18 – 58:22 / alien kin / thin strings of silk / the avian kin / first terrace
57:52 – 59:00 / chloé despax / bidons d’eau sur une charrette / laâssilat, ma / aporee soundmaps