Movimientos de una mosca sobre el cristal de una ventana desde las 8 de la mañana hasta las 7 de la tarde de un día de mayo de 1967, Walter Marchetti, 1983

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this week we begin looking back at some classic editions of framework:afield. first up is our original pilot episode for the series, produced in london, and originally broadcast on march 24th, 2006, by andrew jacques, and featuring a mix of sounds by italian composer walter marchetti. for more of andrew’s work visit

we will be revisiting some more classic episodes of framework:afield over the next few months – early shows whose original editions have not yet made into the online archives, so have not been heard since their original live broadcasts almost 20 years ago. meanwhile we are seeking proposals for new editions from new and returning artists – for guidelines see here.

[title / release / label]

per la sete dell’orecchio / per la sete dell’orecchio / vandalia, 1984

il coma regna / antibarbarus / alga marghen, 1998

coma liquido / antibarbarus / alga marghen, 1998

coma vigile / antibarbarus / alga marghen, 1998

uscita dal coma / antibarbarus / alga marghen, 1998

la caccia (1974) / suoni dentro suoni / cramps records, 1996

scenografia musicale per flüchtlingsgespräche di bertold brecht (1994) / suoni dentro suoni / cramps records, 1996

all tracks by Walter Marchetti

patrick 2024, framework:afield

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