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patreon campaign progress report:
77% of the way towards our initial goal (up from 73%)
3 new patrons since last edition
want to help? http://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio
great sounds this week as we began very slowly to dive into the pile of physical submissions that have arrived since our paternity break. we started with the sounds against humanity release by chelidon frame, pairing it with lovely field recording and synthesizer works by our neighbor from finland, marja ahti, and abstracted minimal drones by france jobin. we also heard a composition from emmanuel mieville constructed in part with recordings he made in a small river near my old home in normandy when he visited me there years ago (so i couldn’t not play that!), and we heard a few tracks from the eminently appropriate for our airwaves 13 soundscapes compilation on the biodiversità label (we’ll listen to more of them over the next several shows). also, as always, our aporee soundmaps segment, with recent listener-chosen favorite contributions. and we began with a framework introduction also recorded for us in canada by france jobin.
many thanks and welcome to our new patreon patrons since the last show, allanah stewart, terje paulsen, and christopher olson, and to those of you who have recently purchased one of the physical or virtual copies of our framework:seasonal series. you’re support is greatly appreciated, we couldn’t do it without you!
[time / artist / track / release / label]
00:00 – 04:10 / france jobin / framework introduction, recorded in canada
02:22 – 06:39 / chelidon frame / an introduction // in the pre-rain / NowHere Nowhere NoWhere / sounds against humanity
https://chelidonframe.bandcamp.com/, https://soundsagainsthumanity.bandcamp.com/
04:54 – 18:37 / luisa lemgruber / tudo que há, gira / 13 soundscapes [compilation] / biodiversità
https://soundcloud.com/luisalemgruber, https://biodiversitarecords.bandcamp.com/
07:34 – 20:14 / marja ahti / coastalinversion / vegetal negatives / hallow ground
https://marjaahti.com/, https://hallowground.bandcamp.com/
10:03 – 16:44 / OR poiesis / window at night / budapest, hu / aporee soundmaps
http://orpoiesis.blogspot.com/, https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=42113
14:42 – 22:07 / chelidon frame / an exploration // on surround / NowHere Nowhere NoWhere / sounds against humanity
https://chelidonframe.bandcamp.com/, https://soundsagainsthumanity.bandcamp.com/
17:29 – 27:24 / andy martin / sinlahekin valley dawn chorus / loomis, wa, us / aporee soundmaps
http://soundeziner.com/, https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=44230
21:13 – 35:33 / emmanuel mieville / lavaur / lavaur/half pipe. titan [split w/rick nance] / obs
https://emmanuelmieville.bandcamp.com/, https://obsmusic2.bandcamp.com/
25:27 – 44:35 / france jobin / solitude 1 / solitude / silent records
http://www.francejobin.com/, http://silentrecords.us/
28:27 – 38:50 / second harmonic generation / ephemeris cantus avium / 13 soundscapes [compilation] / biodiversità
https://secondharmonicgeneration.bandcamp.com/, https://biodiversitarecords.bandcamp.com/
29:29 – 34:42 / chelidon frame / coalescence // market street (re)view / NowHere Nowhere NoWhere / sounds against humanity
https://chelidonframe.bandcamp.com/, https://soundsagainsthumanity.bandcamp.com/
34:13 – 40:49 / anacarol marin / estação da sé / são paulo, br / aporee soundmaps
38:34 – 49:21 / marja ahti / chora / vegetal negatives / hallow ground
https://marjaahti.com/, https://hallowground.bandcamp.com/
41:07 – 54:37 / france jobin / solitude 2 / solitude / silent records
http://www.francejobin.com/, http://silentrecords.us/
48:01 – 58:49 / quino piñero / hayk / 13 soundscapes [compilation] / biodiversità
https://quinopinero.com/, https://biodiversitarecords.bandcamp.com/
51:52 – 54:58 / carsten stabenow / storm_log – abandoned short wave transmitter station / pampa guanaco, cl / aporee soundmaps
http://www.carstenstabenow.de/, https://aporee.org/maps/?loc=43138
55:17 – 59:00 / sarak1990 / train arrival / ptuj, slovenia / aporee soundmaps