01 ::: leslie keffer ::: amphibian ::: 19:11
02 ::: standard grey ::: souris ::: 00:00
03 ::: alexandra spence ::: a field is a song ::: 14:22
04 :::post doom romance ::: unbodied spaces ::: 20:44

01 ::: leslie keffer ::: amphibian ::: 19:11
Amphibian was written and recorded October 2023 by Leslie Keffer in Chesterhill, Ohio.
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02 ::: standard grey ::: souris ::: 17:24
Back home in Canada for the holidays.
Wind noise, steel cables and icy wooden planks on the town suspension bridge, skidoos zooming up and down the frozen river sounding like bosozoku motorbikes back in Japan, fire sounds were recorded in mom’s backyard : Spent New Year’s day in a parka burning old teen angst journals and sketchbooks that sat in storage for 20-plus years, toes frozen minus 19 celsius but determined to get ‘er done
Otherwise: long walks every day in minus 20 to clear my head and revisit golden hour with those prairie sky hues you can’t get anywhere else, ditto purple gloaming and sparkling glowing snowbanks, muscle memory never forgets how to walk on snow and ice without wiping out, keep walking til your toes tell you it’s time to call it a day, sharp burn on left ear from old frostbite age 15 ca 1986 that reminds you at the right subzero temperature
Outside on the porch rubbing snow in circles between garbage mitts, the slow crunch of footsteps on snow -asmr before it was a thing – dragging branches, geophone on the basement furnace while going through old mixtapes, shoeboxes of old photos and negatives now winnowed down to fit into two wooden cigar boxes to be shipped to Japan later, trying my best to be cold, unsparing, unsentimental about old stuff
mom and I fought a bit this time, both our stresses and my burnout coming to the fore but what can ya do, that’s family eh
this is the sound of someone making the best of a not-so-fun trip.

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03 ::: alexandra spence ::: a field is a song ::: 14:22
i. storm
ii. a field is a song
iii. birds
the wind distorted in my ears and in my microphone; something gentle, yet so full of force. an insect made a rattling sound nearby. the sun was hot on my back and the dry earth red underfoot. i rubbed dried wild basil on my arms and it made a wonderful crunching sound
a field is a song first came together during a field recording trip in Mmabolela, South Africa with Francisco Lopez & Barbara Ellison in 2016. And although it consists of some quite early field recording and editing work, it holds within it treasured somatic memories.
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04 :::post doom romance ::: unbodied spaces ::: 20:44
All audio recordings and manipulations by seah and mykel boyd
In Fall 2023 Bradley, IL
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