- jonathan coleclough & ben owen ::: two chambers ::: 09:16
- toy.bizarre ::: kdi dctb 146[i] ::: 07:12
- mark schreiber ::: car window ::: 06:23
- michael rüsenberg ::: steve welsh ::: 04:02
- jim haynes ::: virga ::: 11:24
- thomas tilly/TÔ :::for julien ::: 09:21
- john grzinich ::: sentience of spring ::: 09:48
- jean-luc guionnet ::: diptyque de la veille ::: 09:39
- emmanuel mieville ::: gnaoua song ::: 11:56
- jez riley french ::: instamatic #5 – bldg 14, zlin, cz ::: 10:02
- giancarlo toniutti ::: chooramuukk, girasrum (copper-nose, iron-hat) ::: 09:26
- rie nakajima ::: stepless ::: 07:06
- chris watson ::: ravens ::: 06:39
- joel stern & lloyd barrett ::: mount disappointment ::: 11:57
- richard garet ::: without walls ::: 09:40
- aaron ximm ::: dusk in guant·namo ::: 06:34
- michael northam ::: kashi-heatdream ::: 08:39
- simon whetham ::: eesti tree creak ::: 04:19
- phill niblock ::: bells and timps ::: 05:35
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jonathan coleclough & ben owen ::: two chambers ::: 09:13
Jonathan: I visited Patrick and worked on two pieces of music while I was there. The first was an attempt to harness a technique Steve Peters uses for his Chamber Music series (http://stevepeters.bandcamp.com/album/chamber-music ) – recording an empty space and then processing the recording to isolate and emphasise particular narrow bands of frequencies. A bit like sifting flour through a sieve with only a few unblocked holes. For this purpose I made a recording in the cellar of Patrick’s house. For the second piece of music, which was already partly finished, I wanted to add some bell sounds. Patrick had a variety of metal bowls and I discovered three that seemed to fit well with the tuning of the piece. I returned to the cellar and recorded these bells while listening to the partly finished piece on headphones. Then I had the idea of combining the two cellar recordings. With help from Patrick and Hitoshi Kojo I shifted the narrow bands of frequencies in the first piece so that they sounded more consonant with the bells I had recorded for the second piece. I liked the result and offered a section of it (entitled ‘Chamber Perruel’) to Patrick for framework250.
Ben: my recording was made on residence in upstate new york at a place called Experimental Television Center. what you hear are binaural mic’s clipped to my ankles as i walk slowly around the studio room.
Patrick: jonathan and ben submitted their two recordings separately, but in the first framework250 show i ended up mixing the two together. i actually quite like to two recordings together; both quite minimal, but with very different qualities that seem to compliment one another. i proposed to ben and jonathan that a mixed version be used for the cd release and they agreed, asking me to do the final mix. really, i did very little to it – the recordings were approximately the same length, and i left the levels of each as they were. this is the outcome.
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toy.bizarre ::: kdi dctb 146[i] ::: 07:08
Extract from the k146 project – a sound cartography project about the Taurion River.
Please check http://k146.ingeos.org for more information.
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mark schreiber ::: car window ::: 06:23
Mark Schreiber was born in 1970 in Johannesburg and currently lives and works in Offenbach near Frankfurt. His sound and visual works have been shown at 45A (London 2005), Technical Breakdown (Aux, Copenhagen 2006) and National Museum of Kosovo (Prishtina 2006); performances include Caribic Residency (Frankfurt 2009), Unyazi 2008 – Fear of the Known (Stellenbosch, South Africa 2008), Singuhr Hˆrgalerie (Berlin 2008), fa projects (London 2008), CYRK (London 2005) and South London Gallery (2005). Music commissioned for Dan Perjovschi?s My World as part of Again for Tomorrow at Royal College of Art (London 2006), and catalogue texts for Six Sites for Sound (London 2005). Radio projects include a contribution to auditory epode (Radio Papesse 2008) as part of Manifesta 7.
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michael rüsenberg ::: steve welsh ::: 03:58
“Steve Welsh†has been recorded on Jan 27th 2008 by occasion of a soundwalk, led by Chris Watson. Separated from the group by chance I heard some beautiful noise – full garbage containers being pushed from the back of Wyndham’s Theatre through the small alley of St. Martin’s Court, London WC2, to St. Martin’s Lane, discharged into a wating lorry and pushed back exhausted.
In fact this has been the very first recording with my then new R¯des NT4 mic, neither edited or filtered. The title in part stems from the worker, who introduced himself as Steve, as to be heard partly because – as I’ve been enlightened later – he spoke with a heavy Welsh accent.
“Steve Welsh†is part of the upcoming series “London Callingâ€.
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jim haynes ::: virga ::: 11:20
recorded at the beach and next to a furnace
[photo: r.yau / 23five]
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thomas tilly/TÔ ::: for julien ::: 09:42
Sounds recorded at Cébron lake, natural reserve of Pinaille and la Barre, France.
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john grzinich ::: sentience of spring ::: 09:48
A mix of field recordings and site-specific sound actions made in the Spring of 2009 in Southeast Estonia and Riga Latvia, some of which include my ongoing fascination with found long wire installations. This is a slightly remixed version of a piece composed for the Active Crossover installation by Simon Whetham that was exhibited in Bristol in October 2009.
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jean-luc guionnet ::: diptyque de la veille ::: 09:35
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emmanuel mieville ::: gnaoua song ::: 11:56
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jez riley french ::: instamatic #5 – building 14, zlin ::: 10:00
This piece was recorded in Bata’s shoe producing city in the Czech Republic. What we hear are the sounds of one of the last remaining shoe workshops filtered through the old heating system, using my own JrF contact mics & also the stairwell recorded with a conventional condenser microphone. A lot of my work explores space & all of it is influenced not by ‘interesting’ sounds but by the recording of moments & an intuitive emotional response to that time.
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giancarlo toniutti ::: chooramuuk, girasrum (copper-nose, iron-hat) ::: 09:29
vine rows field-recorded in Orsaria (Friuli), 7.5.08
wood-scraped cast irons recorded in Udine, 1.9.09
environmental whistlings recorded in Udine, 1. & 10.9.09
Studio work (analogic treatment and filtering) and digital mix down, black room studio september 2009
Digital mastering: giorgio tomasini
title is in Malayalam, Dravidian langauge spoken in Kerala, southern India
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rie nakajima ::: stepless ::: 07:06
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chris watson ::: ravens :: 06:39
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joel stern (w/ lloyd barrett) ::: mount disappointment ::: 11:53
Recorded at Governors Husband, Brisbane circa 2005 using a binaural feedback loop created inside an experimental metallophone designed by Lloyd Barrett.
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richard garet ::: without walls ::: 09:37
[photo: shimpei takeda]
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aaron ximm ::: dusk in guantánamo ::: 06:34
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michael northam ::: kashi-heatdream ::: 08:44
based on and inspired from several weeks spent in varanasi india autumn 2006 & spring 2008
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simon whetham ::: eesti tree creak ::: 04:15
recorded in a remote north estonian woodland whilst recording with john grzinich and taavi tulev, may 2009. i don’t often get the opportunity to present such a raw, unprocessed recording (or maybe don’t allow myself the opportunity…?), but still marvel at the stillness and movement occurring simultaneously in this piece.
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phill niblock ::: bells and timps ::: 05:30
Bells & Timps (2006, 5:30), by Phill Niblock, is made from the sounds of church bells recorded in Gent Belgium by Godfried Willem Raes of Logos Foundation. Recorded on analog tape, in 1986. All of the sounds are vastly stretched in time, and layered in Protools.